My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1834: Mogu Hell

Thought preparation?

Su Jin looked at the old guy coming eagerly and inexplicably depressed. He has many things to figure out.

At first, Xia Honghai let him choose his daughter and said that "Second Brother Su" saved his life. Then, who is Second Brother Su, it seemed that he was not his biological father.

Another example is Gu Shuzhai's ex-boyfriend of'Sister Qin'. Was it the old guy who killed him? Why did Sister Qin once said that she saw the old guy screaming outside the door, and later, the ex-boyfriend was exactly the same as the "spiritual" Bai Rong who had no emotion?

Of course, the most important thing is his mother. She is still alive out of all likelihood, but where is she now?

"I have been mentally prepared for a long time, but before that, I had a lot of doubts about the master--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Me? Do you have any questions about me." The old guy, dressed in a plain gray dress, with watery eyes, looked at Su Jin curiously at the moment.

"Look at the punch!" Su Jin twitched at the corner of his mouth, suddenly raised his hand unexpectedly, and slammed his punch towards the old guy!


With a punch in the air, Su Jin's eyes suddenly narrowed. As expected, the old guy is really an old shade. Even though his punch of the Heaven-defying Saint King, he was relaxed by the old guy even though he only used his half strength. Flashed, not touched the slightest!

Who is the identity of the old guy!

Many Huaxia Powers call him ‘Palace Master Zichen’. This title is not without a target. In Su Jin’s view, the strength of the old guy is probably at least in the Ancestral Realm——

"You can see it." The old guy's expression was a bit complicated. He knew that sooner or later he would be unable to hide it, but he didn't expect it would come so soon.

"Explain all my questions clearly, I will ask one question, and the master will answer one truthfully. Okay?" Su Jin stepped aside and let the old guy walk in.

The two immediately came to the sofa and sat opposite each other.

"Tui'er played for the title of Su Tianzi outside the territory, so that I, as a master, also has a bright face--" Palace Master Zi Chen laughed.

Su Jin was stunned~~~

Master knows about me outside the domain?

Didn’t Fairy Ziyun say last time that almost no one knows the way to the outside world? Sure enough, the identity of the old guy is not simple!

"Is my father related to Xia Honghai my real father?" Su Jin asked.

"No, that's just the identity arranged by the person under my hand, but I do have kindness to Xia Honghai." Palace Master Zi Chen shook his head.

"Second question, is Bai Rong the spooky sister Qin's ex-boyfriend? If it is... why does it become like that?"

"His motives were not pure, and I knew the details a long time ago. After clearing the door, I used the method of corpse refinement to arrange him inside the sprites——" Palace Master Zi Chen said truthfully.

Su Jin nodded and said, "Are you from Huaxia on earth?"

"You think too much, of course I am from Huaxia, but I still have an identity in the far world—"

The old guy nodded and said, "Palace Master of Zichen Tianfu."

It turned out that the name of Palace Master Zichen came from this! Su Jin suddenly understood that such doubts were almost completely solved. There was only one last thing left. He asked: "My mother is still alive?"


"How is the situation?"

"very bad!"

"How bad is it?"

"About your life experience, it's a long story."

Palace Master Zichen looked solemn, and then said: "A long time ago, as one of the few talented monks in China, I was very interested in the ancient ruins of my country. The glorious civilization of ancient China was also full of monks long ago. In fact, many sites still have ancient teleportation arrays."

"Continue—" Of course Su Jin knew this, not surprising. But he can listen in, after all, this is about his own life experience.

"Twenty years ago, when I was exploring an ancient ruins, I accidentally opened a star road array. The starry sky was deep and I don’t know how far away. But shortly after opening the array, a black ghost ship came over. ——" Palace Master Zi Chen seemed to have returned to the past.

"The ghost ship!" Su Jin exclaimed. He was once entangled by the ghost ship, and there was an ancient dragon head coffin on it. He clearly wanted to take him to the place where the 80 dragon head ancient coffins were housed, but the old guy said that, too much. He was surprised, is it related to himself?

"Yes, after the ghost ship appeared, I ventured up and found a woman who was sometimes crazy and sometimes sober, and she was holding a baby in your arms." The old guy nodded and said, "I thought she was your mother. But in fact she is your aunt."

"Then what?" Su Jin was even more puzzled.

"I boarded the ghost ship, but at the cost of being enslaved, and being imprinted by an inexplicable existence -" The old man suddenly appeared on the center of his eyebrows with the word'slave', confirming that what he said was true.

"Later?" Su Jin forcibly resisted the horror in his heart, "Since that aunt and I came by the ghost ship, why do you know my mother's condition?"

"Your aunt practiced magical skills and became mad, sometimes sober, sometimes crazy, and then she asked to lock her pipa bone, and when she was sober, she told me that your mother's condition—"

"Where is she?"

"In the Mogu God Prison! I heard your aunt said that it was a place of the'Prison God'. Once the ancestral realm is gone, you will die without life. If you have the strength to reach the ancestral realm in the future, you can venture there. I can tell you that The location of the constellation star road will tell you how to open it."

The old guy looked solemn, "That ghost ship is still cruising there. The **** ship is alive, it must still know you, and can take you to the location of the'Mogu God Prison'."

Su Jin’s eyes were confused~~~

He is no longer that wayward man. He has learned to consider others. There are countless people in the world who are stronger than him. Today, the soul body is in the "Tai Xu Divine Realm". After removing the **** eye, his strength is not strong enough.

Su Jin is not afraid of death. If he has nothing to worry about, he can naturally go to the ghost ship to save his mother, but the old guy’s words made him hesitate. If he goes, he is not sure to come back alive——

"I am the Saint King! Master tell me the location." Su Jin made a ruthless decision.

"It's okay to tell you the location, but you have to think clearly, you still have the two sisters of the Xia family to take care of, and you can't be arrogant, promise me...break through the ancestral realm and go again." The old guy sighed.

"Hmm!" Su Jin nodded.

Immediately the old guy turned his hand and took out a pair of yellowed parchment. Although the lines on it were dim, it was marked very clearly. The remnants of the star road with ghost ships on it were actually in a sand castle in the Gobi Desert of the Great Northwest. the following--

The old guy smiled bitterly, and said: "Your mother has suffered unimaginable suffering, but after so many years, it is not bad for the day you became an ancestor. Remember, think twice before acting~~~"

"Understood. Recently, I always feel that my China World is going to have a catastrophe——" Su Jin remembered the news on TV.

Now that his mother's location has accurate eyebrows, Su Jin must finish things as soon as possible before he can go forward with confidence. For example, he is going to the depths of the high seas to figure out what is going on with more than nine thousand blood corpses!

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