My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1835: You sit here


The old guy was slightly stunned, shook his head and said: "Perhaps, the world is unsatisfactory, nine out of ten. Sometimes when you see it, you will treat it as if you didn't see it. Don't cause trouble to your upper body."


Su Jin knew that the old guy was doing it for his own good, and he couldn't help dissipating the images of more than nine thousand blood corpses in his mind, but he was really curious about it, and planned to spare some free time to take a look.

"The master leads the door, and the practice is personal. I may be able to help you in the past, but the road you will follow will be the road against the sky. No one can finish that road. If you can become an ancestor, you will It is my new palace master in the world of "Zichen Tianfu"!"

As the old guy said, the slave mark on his eyebrows gradually disappeared, but the long-term fatigue was hard to conceal.

"My aunt who has never met, what else did you say?" Su Jin hesitated and asked.

"Yes! When it seemed to take you away, your mother confessed to her that she hoped that you would be an ordinary life. If you really set foot on the path of spiritual practice, you will not be allowed to go to the "Mogu God Prison" as a last resort."


Immediately the two exchanged a lot of things, but the chat time was less than half an hour, the old guy left, leaving Su Jin alone on the sofa, and began to think carefully——

Su Jin is very curious about his true identity~~~

Why is it regarded as the most unknown'ghost ship' by the world? It will take him to the'Huaxia World'? I remember that he was in the'Zhongmiaoshan' at the beginning. Where to take it?

wrong! There is an ancient coffin with a dragon head on that ghost ship, and it is definitely not the way to the Mogu God Prison! Su Jin felt that he was right!


Su Jin saw Xia Yunxi's room door slightly open a gap and saw her appear at the door.

"That old grandfather is gone?" Xia Yunxi looked left and right, and found that the old grandfather was gone, so he walked to the sofa and sat down boldly.


Su Jin squeezed his fists secretly. He wanted to know the current situation of his mother, what she looked like, maybe he was her only hope, he knew she was suffering great suffering, but now he was unable to go and save her——

"Who is he?" Xia Yunxi lowered his voice and asked very curiously.

"My master."

"Wow, brother-in-law, you still have a master..."

"Yeah! If your sister comes back from get off work, tell her that I have gone out of the field and it will take about four or five days to come back." Su Jin stood up and looked at Xia Yunxi and said.

"Outside? Where is it outside? Isn't it fun?"

Xia Yunxi hurriedly got up and took Su Jin's hand, but shook it vigorously, "Take me, okay? You see, I have fired myself. You took my sister out to play before, and you didn't take anyone out. Once, I want to go too."

Su Jin smiled and patted her on the head, "You can't go to that place. I'll leave for four or five days to do things, and come back as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Xia Yunxi had a very rich expression, pouting a small mouth. A state of apparently unwillingness.

Having said that, Su Jin and Xia Yunxi bid farewell, and in the eyes of the sister-in-law, left home——

There are two places to go outside the region this time.

The first is to go to Jiujiang Shuifu, give Zubao'Qinse' to Li Bicheng, and then go to Jiutian Sacred Palace to see how the orcs in the depths of the'Jiuyou Jedi' are submissive, and by the way send the Lord of Zhenluo to Jiutian Sage Take away the two'Emperor Lanterns' from the palace.

Finally, return to Jiujiang Water House and take Nie Qianfei back to the domain. This is only a preliminary plan, and the period is not yet considered as the time for the Primordial Spirit to go to the'Tai Xu Divine Realm'.

Soon, the huge shadow of the Nine Elephant Flying Boat appeared above the sky!

Su Jin sat on the stone table on the deck, took out two jars of old wine, and watched the clouds rolling in the sky, the sunset disappearing, and the stars were dense--

After drinking two jars of old wine, Su Jin forgot it was time, took out the stone tablet and began to communicate with the "Tai Xu Divine Realm". Long Yingru and Xu Fengxiao were still in the restaurant of the "Agrada City" in the Holy Realm. If a person's soul is embodied in it, he is not at ease.

In addition, it would take several hours for him to rush to the teleportation formation in the western desert. Before rushing to the outside world, he should be able to take the two women away.

Slowly, Su Jin closed his eyes, leaving a trace of mental power behind him, and the primordial spirit began to manifest in the'Taixu Divine Realm'. A little while ago, he was not far from the city of Agrada. The disappearing and appearing place is also the same place.

His face squirmed, and Su Jin soon changed his appearance and turned into a strong young man. He entered the city without stopping, and went all the way to the restaurant.

In Agrada at night, there is no hustle and bustle, but there are a lot of people and bright lights——

Su Jin did not receive any obstruction, and pushed open the door of the restaurant guest room that was reserved yesterday.

"Master." Xu Fengxiao has been there for a while, waiting in the room.

"Has Yingru come to the Supreme Void God Realm yet?" Su Jin's appearance returned to normal, looking at Xu Fengxiao and asked.

"not yet--"

Xu Fengxiao hurried forward to close the door and said mysteriously: "Master, the owner and clerk of this store are very strange. I feel very abnormal when they keep sending me food and drink."

"When Long Yingru comes up, I will make this shop owner cry." Su Jin said calmly.

I have been known by others to be here, it must have been spread by the owner of this shop, now I want to dissolve it when I send something to eat and drink? Where is such a good thing in the world!

Xu Feng is not clear. So, she just came here not long ago, and God knows why, immediately she seemed to think something, her face flushed, her eyes kept aiming at Su Tianzi, and hesitated: "Did the master forget something--"


Master Mingfeng was panicked now, like a little girl who did something wrong.

"What's the matter?" Su Jin snorted.

"Ghost King Curse!" Xu Feng's face was like chicken blood, feeling that Su Jin was so smart, how could she not guess what she meant, obviously she wanted her to tell it by herself.

"I can't solve it after I've said it--" Su Jin opened his hands, and it was really strange, why did he still ask this question.

"The slave servant didn't say to explain!" Xu Fengxiao was about to jump, and if Su Jin was in the state of a ghost king, she dared not use such a tone.

"Then what do you want?" Su Jin asked strangely.

Xu Feng's small fan squeezed and squeezed, a little mad, and said, "The Ghost King Curse has to be relieved once a month, have you forgotten? You deliberately pretended not to know!"

When she was nervous, she wanted to eat something. She instinctively found a little sugar man, put it in Ying's mouth, and kept sucking.

Su Jin's body is hot~~~

It seems that as the one-month deadline approaches, Xu Fengxiao is already very anxious about this matter. I am afraid that when the time comes, I will not be by her side--

The atmosphere of the room becomes more subtle.

After a brief silence, Su Jin kept looking at Xu Feng's petite body, nodded, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, and said:

"You... sit here."

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