My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1839: Just like a monkey!

Ye Wenya has the confidence that the strong should have.

He said he was going to kill Su Jin, and immediately his whole body began to mobilize reckless power!

A series of ancestral imaginary phases burst out from Ye Wenya, and the two extremely fast-rotating blue-brown moon ring knives seemed to be infused with vitality by him, like two wheels, spinning faster and faster——

"Kill me to death? If you can hit half of Lao Tzu's hair in this blow, Lao Tzu will lose!" Su Jin was irritated. He was not a nameless person anyway. The other party looked down on him like this, and was not afraid that the wind would flash his tongue. !

The cultivator of the Huaxia City camp immediately became energetic after hearing this. Although Ye Wenya was terrifying, Su Jin also fought the ancestor's existence, who won and lost is still unknown!

However, Su Jin's confidence caused a burst of laughter in the eyes of the monks in Shenwu City.

Ye Wenya's strongest skill, I don't know how many people have been killed, no one below the same level can escape, otherwise, how could he be sent to guard the "Shenwu City"?

But what is the result now?

In the heart of the cultivator of Shenwu City, Su Jin was obviously overconfident, and it didn't matter whether he could be cut to death, but he couldn't cut half of his hair. This was simply a big issue.

"Hahaha, I'm so ridiculous, did he give up the treatment, or is he already scared by Ye Wenya? The super young genius of the Ye family has already begun to do it, the saint king of this small domain is still standing still!" A monk in Shenwu City was almost laughing to death, his face was a little cramped, he covered his stomach with one hand, and pointed at Su Jin with the other.

"Maybe I know I'm going to die, so I want to take advantage of it before I die!"

"I have Ye Wenya in Shenwu City. It will be a joke for anyone in the Five Regions to grab the city!"

"Ye Wenya has been an ancestor for thousands of years. It is extremely rare in my Heavenly Dragon Realm. He is extremely talented. He has created many techniques. In the future, the Ye Family may establish a sect because of him, so that monks in our realm can learn the true ancestral technique."

"Yeah, where does the little domain Su Tianzi have confidence?"


With the family happy and the family sad, Ye Wenya opened up the'Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth' and unfolded hundreds of thousands of'Ancestral Realm Void Phases'. In each Void Phase, there is a blue-brown moon ring knife. With Ye Wenya as the center in all directions, every imaginary expression raised his head indifferently.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Sparks appeared on the moon ring knife between Ye Wenya's arms. Ye Wenya knew that the time had come, and when Su Jin didn't move, he couldn't help crying out coldly, "Cut!"

As soon as the word was cut, Ye Wenya shook his arms fiercely at Su Jin, and the blue-brown moon ring knife rolled forward like a ‘wheel’!

The same is true of other Ye Wenya's ancestor realm illusions. For a time, the phantom of a million moon ring swords dragged like traces of a car, and cut in all directions in the blink of an eye—

The cultivator of Huaxia City was already in a dull state.

No wonder Ye Wenya has such confidence that he can kill Su Jin with a single blow. This kind of three hundred and sixty degree slash without dead ends, let alone the Saint King, even the Saint Ancestor has to be under this attack. Worrying about the risk of falling, countless tracks converge.

The void seems to be cut out a blue-brown horizontal line~~~

It's too late, but it's actually fast!

The wheel-like moon ring knife in all directions arrived in front of Su Jin in the blink of an eye. The situation was extremely urgent!

The monks in Shenwu City were also watching with all their attention. In their eyes, they seemed to see the scene where the Saint King of Xiaoyu was cut to pieces——

But the next moment!

At the moment of the moment, Su Jin made a humming sound in the thousands of acupuncture points all over his body. In an instant, thousands of white-clothed Su Jin's virtual phases were neatly condensed around them, and each of them was the same as the neatly measured, not far apart. Arranged in a square!


A total of millions of monks on both sides were stunned.


The blue-brown moon ring knife cut through the tower, cutting that area into a chaotic space storm state, but someone clearly saw that Su Jin was faster than countless moon ring knife phantoms! Like a rush, disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"At high altitude!"

It’s not just who, the first to react, look up and watch the thousands of white-clothed phantoms return to Su Jin’s body. That scene is always unforgettable. If the magic is played like art, it’s probably only Su Jin. Up!

Because of this trick, Ye Wenya fulfilled Ye Wenya's promise that he would not touch half of his hair! Moreover, this technique does not know any way, it is so strong that it can make the deity ascend, and those attacks without dead ends can't hurt him!

Big Ascension!

Su Jin feels that this technique is more important to him, and with the blessing of the Great Ascension technique, his combat power will soar by several percent!

Su Jin immediately grabbed the ‘Giant Soldier’, and after soaring to the sky, he took advantage of Ye Wenya’s astonishment, and slammed down--


A hollow trench was cut out, and the sword light of thousands of meters, like an enlarged version of a giant sage soldier, instantly slashed to the top of Ye Wenya's head!

"So strong!" Ye Wenya took a breath of air, and he flashed to the left hurriedly, recalling the wheel-like "moon ring knife", but the sword light of thousands of meters in the next second was cut again!

Ye Wenya couldn't help but hide again!

Hide again!

Hide again!

Thousands of meters of broad swords are radiant, like a high **** king, slashing at will, revealing the world's fierce power——

In this scene, the cultivators of the Five Regions of China City were excited!

"That Ye Wenya was actually cut up and down by our emperor Su, just like a monkey!" A cultivator from the Five Regions trembling with excitement, roared.

"It's a great blow, and he threatened to kill Su Tianzi with a single blow, but now he fled like a dog in embarrassment!"

"Tianzi Su has cultivated so much, and now it is said that Sword Eleven is the number one genius in the Five Realms. It is ridiculous! Sword Eleven catches the ancestor corpse. If he is replaced by him, can he beat the ancestral realm of the Heavenly Dragon Realm into this? "Someone finally sulked in his heart and started talking boldly.

"Unexpectedly, the Saint King could push the ancestral realm to this point--"

"Ah ah ah, Su Tianzi! Su Tianzi!" There were also the little fans of the'Su Family Detachment Army' who kept shouting, a gust of incense blowing on their faces, causing many male monks to show envy.


Ye Wenya was very aggrieved.

The strong fight, where do you not know the situation? Just now his strongest blow was perfectly resolved by Su Jin. Since it was a perfect blow, it consumed a lot of natural energy, which consumed 80% of his strength. Now that his strength is in deficiencies, he can only dodge in embarrassment!

Hide again! Ye Wenya was calculating the time, the Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth was drawing strength and blessing on him, as long as there is another half a quarter of an hour, he can recover 60% of his strength.


Ye Wenya was suddenly slashed by Su Jin's tricky sword light, and was directly lifted by the sword light, Yang Tian spouted blood...

At this moment, not far from the west gate of Huaxia City, a beautiful body in white clothes was watching the battle, and the monks around him completely ignored her existence.

Su Jin is concentrating on slashing, if she sees this woman, she will definitely be shocked!

It was the tortoise-shell strong man who drove the red-crowned cranes and pecked down the white giant tortoise in the extreme cold wind before! In addition, this woman walked away from the four-legged sheep gods tripod with a red crowned crane today in the ancient temple of "Wang Gu Hai".

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