My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1840: I will give you a dragon seed!

"Ye Wenya, the most outstanding genius of the Ye family! My "Sky Dragon Realm" has spent the shortest time as a young strong man...Is it going to be defeated?"

The cultivator of Shenwu City is still in a state of ignorance——

"How could the Saint King of Xiaoyu defeat him! This must not be true!"

"Oh my god, it's no wonder that one person dared to grab the city. Last time it was rumored that Tianzi Su fought the Five Saint Kings alone. Someone in the world said that he used despicable means and succeeded in a sneak attack, but now~~~"

"If you can beat Ye Wenya like this, he is just a holy king! I have never heard of Ye Wenya suffering such a disadvantage!"

"In fact, Ye Wenya's strength should be higher than that of Xiaoyu Su Tianzi, but his first blow consumed most of his strength, so he was too careless!"

"The winner or the loser is not careless. The monks in our realm are too impetuous. Tianzi Su grabbed the'Shenwu City'. Aren't you all telling others that he is just a sage king of Xiaoyu? Talking about it, you are educated now, right?"

There are still cultivators in Shenwu City that feel wrong. The faces that looked down on people before are now too ridiculous to a small group of people.

And at this moment in the battlefield, after Su Jin slashed Ye Wenya, he rushed toward this ancestor like a streamer!

"Fight!" Ye Wenya's current situation is very bad. Seeing Su Jin rushing, he couldn't help gritting his teeth cruelly, holding the'Moon Ring Knife' with both hands, and instead of retreating.

Qiang Qiang--

Sparks splash!

What kind of weapon! Ye Wenya was horrified. His Moon Ring Knife was an ancestor soldier, cutting iron like mud. The ordinary magic weapon was cut into pieces with this spelling method, but the "Holy Soldier" in the opponent's hand was somewhat extraordinary.

Naturally, Ye Wenya didn’t know that the "Giant Que Sage Soldiers" made of Black Profound Dragon Iron, no matter the material or the sword spirits they formed, were not comparable to his Moon Ring Swords. Moreover, the Giant Que Sage Soldiers were still growth-type Saint Soldiers. After the level, the potential is unlimited.

"Qiang~~~" Ye Wenya struggled in close combat, but was unable to catch it with this blow. He was shocked tens of meters away and his injuries worsened again.

Su Jin was not forgiving, and the sky "Bridge to the Sky" severely suppressed and suppressed towards Ye Wenya. At the same time, he dragged the'Juque', stepping across the distance between Ye Wenya and himself. The posture is very handsome.

High spirits!

Quickly came to Ye Wenya's side, and the giant sage soldier dragged by him was lifted up by him, and directly smashed!

Don't give the slightest chance!


Almost all the monks who watched the battle exclaimed, watching a head being thrown away heavily--

After the exclamation, there was silence, and the ancestral realm fell?


After Ye Wenya's head was thrown away, his body was covered with dark blue dense lines, and when I looked closely, it turned out to be wisps of dark blue flames! I saw his headless body stood up, disappeared in place, hugged his head with both hands, and shook his hands to make a jade mark under his feet, and a series of pictures appeared from under his feet——

Disappeared instantly!

Su Jin secretly cried out that it was a pity that Ye Wenya actually burned Yuan Ling. His speed of fleeing was so fast that it was unexpected that he could not stop him from holding his head and leaving, but this battle was undoubtedly his victory!

West of Huaxia City is now like a boiling ocean of joy, and so many people are cheering!

"Won! Su Tianzi won! What if I look down on my little domain, we have Su Tianzi!" There was a Chinese monk who cried wildly.

"The ship capsized in the gutter of the Tianlong Great World. We defended Shenwu City twice, but we were defeated by Emperor Su!"

"Welcome to the Great World of Heavenly Dragon, and come to provoke Emperor Su again, but then, I am afraid I won't have such good luck to escape!"

"Tianzi Su is worthy of being a dragon among people, and the blessing of my five domains! Even the ancestral realm can be defeated. My sister has a good vision, and I will be his fan in the future!" A female cultivator saw this scene with her own eyes. Obviously worshipped.

"Tianzi Su, I love you, I want to give you a dragon seed—"

In the noisy crowd, the slogan of the'Su Family Women's Army' caused a sensation all around, Su Jin's scalp was numb, looking at the banners, he wanted to give me a dragon!

Su Jin Khan ~~~

But he soon saw several familiar figures among the monks.

Ge Xue Yanzai, Lian Kou Niang and other women were among them, there was also a barbarian emperor Shao Manhuang in a dragon robe, and a girl riding a black elephant and holding sunflowers, Fu Qianmo...



Su Jin was shocked and saw a white fairy shadow! She was also watching the battle! She was a few steps away from Fu Qianmo, but it was obvious that people around her could not see her. She was in it, like a fairy in the dust, with a fairy aura that no one can blaspheme, even with eyes It doesn't work.

Although the fairy shadow in white clothes seems to be hidden by magic, it is impossible to see it. But in Su Jin's heart, a strong familiar feeling reappeared, and he was immediately stunned.

Faintly, the fairy in white seems to be smiling at him?

Su Jin is not sure, but his intuition is correct. He has guessed at odds and ends, only one is certain. If it weren't for her, why did he behave like this?

The scene was too messy, Su Jin looked at Xu Fengxiao and other women again, and disappeared in the sky above Shenwu City.

Soon at the west gate of Huaxia City, the monks left...

Not long after, Su Jin opened the "Prison Eye of Maha Town" on a mountain not far away, and looked at China City!

There was a black and white figure, leaving China City one after another, heading north of China City.

"is her!"

After Su Jin saw this scene, he was 100% sure.

Immediately, there was a trace of doubt in Su Jin's eyes, and he still had a little confusion that had not been solved. The origin of the white fairy shadow and who it was were completely clear in his heart. It is not difficult to guess.

Observe on the mountain for a long time!

Finally, the white celestial shadow called a red-crowned crane and sat on it. Su Jin took a deep breath and stepped on the top of the mountain, turning his whole person into a streamer, chasing after the crane——


The Wizard of Oz.

At the bottom of the void, there are many mountains and forests, and countless large and small lakes and rivers. A few dozen miles ahead, a red-crowned crane slowly flashes its wings, clouds flicking over its wings, and the white fairy shadow sitting above, with its pen straight. , It is very temperamental.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not. According to the strength of the fairy shadow and the speed of the crane, the speed of the Saint King Realm in Sujin District could not catch up.

However, the other side seems to be slowing down while driving the crane?

Su Jin speeded up, and after a rush, the crane stopped where it was. The white fairy shadow above him turned his back to him, which made people very excited.

"Senior." Su Jin hesitated a little, seeing that she was waiting, he still landed on the back of the giant crane.

"Why are you following?" The white fairy did not look back, her tone calm.

"Senior is very familiar with me. I want to make sure if I know it--" Su Jin looked at her back and said straightforwardly.

"No." Baiyi Xianying shook his head.

"Really? If I can really call your name, don't you deny it?" Su Jin asked.

The white fairy's tone seemed to fluctuate, and he whispered softly: "Okay, you can talk about it--"

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