My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1841: That day, not far

On the red-crowned crane, the celestial shadow seems to be integrated into the avenue, and the surrounding sea of ​​clouds and fairy forests seem to be sublimated because of her, and the clean clouds are slowly changing shapes, lingering around the red-crowned crane, making the back above more attractive people.

If you call out your name.

Don't deny yourself?

The fairy shadow in white felt that Su Jin couldn't call it out, so naturally let him talk about it--

Su Jin put his hand behind his back and smiled confidently: "You are Fu Qianmo."

Fairy Shadow in White:...

Immediately she asked, "Who is Fu Qianmo?"

"Is this a denial?" Su Jin heard the unwavering tone of the voice, and then said: "I will tell you the reason. First, although I can't see all of you, but you give me the feeling Not wrong. Second, Fu Qianmo is riding a black elephant and holding sunflowers in his hand. And you are riding a crane, probably because of the same source."

"This is just your guess." Baiyi Xianying said.

"I haven't finished talking." Su Jin smiled and said: "The last time Fu Qianmo appeared, she was looking for the divine residence in the "Ancient Continent" wandering in the void, and she quickly became famous because of the gain. The inheritance of a female fairy king."

"So what, don't you think it's ridiculous that two people have become one by you?" Baiyi Xianying said.

"I don’t know how many female cultivators are more qualified than Fu Qianmo, but she is the only one who has obtained the inheritance of the female fairy king! Is there such a coincidence in the world? Besides, she just left with you, but you said no. Know her?"

"Perhaps, it's just the same way." Baiyi Xianying's voice was calm.

"That's also possible, you are the real Fu Qianmo deity, and she is just your incarnation, maybe you yourself are sleeping in the ancient continent, you are looking for yourself--" Su Jin smiled confidently.

After passing through the princess Gusu Lingyu of the Kingdom of Yan, he knew that he could not look at the monk with ordinary eyes. Gusu Lingyu found the deity he once went and went to the ancient continent, and this white fairy shadow no matter how he behaved , Are very similar to Fu Qianmo!

The white fairy shadow was completely silent.

From Su Jin's point of view, silence seems to be indefensible? And there is ample evidence that this person is the deity of Fu Qianmo!

Su Jin looked at her back, she didn't speak, and didn't even move her body!

Long time~~~

The fairy shadow in white rose up from the crane and slowly turned around. Facing the young master Su, the blur on his face disappeared. She was completely showing her true appearance. She whispered: "You are very smart, I am thinking. Do you want to kill someone?"

When he saw her face, Su Jin smiled, his guess was completely correct! That face was Fu Qianmo's face, and his face was immortal, clean and flawless.

"You won't, if you want to kill me, you might have done it in the'Eye of Extreme Cold Wind'." Su Jin said.

"You are really confident, but it's me. If someone else dares to follow this way, this palace would have killed it long ago--" Fu Qianmo's cold temperament radiated slightly.

"I'm very surprised, why are there two Fu Qianmo?" Su Jin was curious about this.

"This is the special place of my "Ten Thousand Beast Dao". In the great world of the heavens, I still have nine thousand Dao bodies. The Black Elephant Dao body is only one of me." Fu Qianmo explained.

Su Jin:...


Fu Qianmo in front of him was definitely the strongest existence among people Su Jin had ever seen. The secret she accidentally revealed, surprised Su Jin.

You must know that the ancestral realm can support the'ancestral world', and to reach the emperor realm, you need to reach the peak of the ancestral realm. For example, when he took a black dragon corpse boat in the ancient continent, he walked into the forest of Buddha. There are only less than a thousand Buddha bodies.

Shi Monk is not far from the Emperor Realm, it is only a matter of time before becoming Emperor.

However, this woman in front of her has a nine-thousand Taoist body, so what realm is she? Absolutely far surpassing the emperor! World? Or the existence of the Three Steps of Heaven?

No, Su Jin doesn't feel like the "Three Steps of the Way of Heaven", but it's not easy to cover the sky with one hand.

"From then on, I might be called Senior Fu——" Su Jin smiled bitterly, with nine thousand Dao styles. He knew only one of her Dao styles, and the real superpower was in front of him.

"Don't, little brother, you are so smart, I will be very optimistic about you in the future~~~" Fu Qianmo smiled, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his right eye blinked while he was squinted.

"I'm just a holy king now." Su Jin stretched out his hands and said that he was helpless.

"The sky is endless, three thousand big worlds, how huge the territory is, my'black elephant Taoist body' has just stepped into the Holy King? I can't see the secret of your body, maybe after I merge the nine thousand Taoists Only by breaking through can you see through your secrets." Fu Qianmo said profoundly.

"Where do I have a secret--" Su Jin smiled and shook his head.

"Your'previous life' may not even be daring to imagine me. The Five Realms will be a troubled time. You need to protect yourself, or you may fall into the disaster." Fu Qianmo sighed.

"When is the troubled times?" Su Jin frowned slightly.

At the beginning, Monk Shi said that, and now Fu Qianmo is saying the same, is it true that China World is going to suffer?

"That day, it's not far."

Fu Qianmo said: "I need to prepare for the'Rong Dao'. In the future, many ancient powers will have to be forced out of the world. The huge China World is far from the strong in the face. People like us will have The possibility of fall."

Even this kind of power with nine thousand dao bodies could fall?

Su Jin was startled, "It seems that the Great Calamity is real."

"Compared to some existences, China is a wasteland. The wasteland is to be cleared, that is, the existence that needs to be delisted. Many big worlds are very clear, so Taixu Divine Realm is divided into nine thousand miles. People can help the great world of China, and only ourselves can resist."

Fu Qianmo sighed lightly: "The Black Elephant Dao Body is me, the Crane Dao Body is me, nine thousand clones, feelings, and many things are common, but you recognize me, I can no longer pretend Go down. Let’s go and practice quietly. When the catastrophe comes, it's okay to have more means to save your life."

"So, I'll leave." Su Jin was silent, quietly arched his hand towards Fu Qianmo, and then turned and left.

White clouds are lingering, a crane is on top, the fairy shadow watched Su Jin turn into a streamer, and the corner of her mouth moved slightly. Her ten onion fingers flicked again and again, and traces of regular road marks in front of her wandered, constantly evolving That streamer not far away--

She is evolving Su Jin's future!

With the extremely skillful evolutionary technique, Fu Qianmo Binghan's face is very solemn, and she has evolved three times in a blink of an eye...

After a few breaths, Fu Qianmo's body trembles slightly, his face is slightly ugly...

In Fu Qianmo's eyes, he saw the ultimate fate of Su Tianzi.

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