My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1847: Fluorescent Shadow

She actually untied her belt~~~

Since a few women entered the door, Su Jin only noticed this woman, she was very special, very different from the others, there was a hint of lotus fragrance in the room.

"Sister He was born with Tianxiang, and her aptitude is also superior among the teachers and sisters. The master also values ​​her very much." Qingyu explained.

"Go back to your own room." Su Jin fanned his folding fan. For some reason, there was some heat on his body, and the heat seemed to come out of his pores.

"No return!"

A girl smiled and said: "There are rules in the door. When you enter Furong Town, the love and love in the world have nothing to do with us. If one day has something to do with other men, you will be regarded as a traitor. Those who have been punished, now have such a good opportunity, how come back to the room?"

"Then you wash first, I'll be outside. After washing it, call me—" Su Jin felt like a wolf, being stared at by a group of sheep. This feeling is very bad, and it means to enter the country of her daughter by mistake. .

"Don't, one piece~~"

"What do you know? Su Tianzi calls courteous to others, so let's call him after we're done--"

"Hmm, don't run away!"


Su Jin calmly shook the folding fan and walked out of the room. By the way, he closed the door and faced the cold wind at the railing. It took a while to wake up a bit, while Yingying and Yanyan's laughter in the room was constant, which made people feel like Live in a dream.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, Furong Town in the dark night, there are not many lights, the night is like a huge beast with a big mouth, all the lights are contained in it.

Standing in front of the railing for a while, Su Jin wanted to turn around and go back to the house several times, but he still held it back. It was a good thing to be sent to the door to be reasonable, but he always felt weird and couldn’t tell. A weird feeling.


A soft whimper came along the limelight, Su Jin's ear automatically blocked the communication sound in the room, and he turned and disappeared——

Beisanli, Furong Town.

In a low canyon, green trees were lush, and the long whimper came from here, Su Jin quietly approached, the scene he saw in front of him made him curious.

The terrain in the valley is not gentle, but there is a fluorescent figure holding a scroll, standing under a cliff, whispering something, that is not a real person!

But Su Jin could see her lips moving, and she didn’t know what she was talking about. From a distance, ten meters away from the fluorescent figure, the Sect Master of Furong was alone and worshipped on the ground, obviously listening carefully——

Furong Town is really not easy! After all, the ability to build faction is not far from the Mohist Institution City, and it is also a fertile place in the Middle Territory. It is strange that there is no secret behind it!

Su Jin was secretly shocked, that graceful fluorescent figure was actually preaching. He knew that all the existence that could preach was super power, and a saint king in the main hall of the Furong Gate was actually five-body cast to the ground and worshipped fluorescent light. Phantom!

After hearing about half of Zhuxiang's time, Su Jin became a little impatient, and was about to leave and return, but before taking a few steps, the Furong Sect Master’s voice came: "Tianzi Su, please stay."


To be reasonable, although the Furong sect master is a female stream and is at the same level as himself, he shouldn't find himself right. There must be something strange here.

"It's rude! I just heard the strange noise, so I took the liberty to take a look and didn't have other thoughts--" Su Jin's tone was calm.

"It's okay, there's nothing to avoid." The Sect Master Furong smiled, and turned around to see Su Jin had already left.

Sect Master Furong obviously had just taken a shower, and it was still a petal bath. At close range, Su Jin smelled a very special fragrance of flowers from her body. She changed into a thin skirt, plain white color, and the fluorescent figure. It was quite close, the hair was simply pulled a few times and a wooden hairpin was inserted.

"The night is cold, the master should go to rest early--" Su Jin looked a little bit stunned. Compared with those young girls, the master of Furong in a very natural state has more temperament that other girls never have. , Su Yan is also very responsible!

"Tianzi Su treats me Furong Town very well, and he has the grace to donate the law. How can I hide it. Since I have arrived, why not listen to my ancestors." The Furong master sighed.

"I wish to listen." Su Jin moved away from her face and looked at the fluorescent figure, seeming to have a guess in his heart.

"Farong before the time of the Great Emperor, the first generation of Furong Patriarch who built the town was a powerhouse of the Three Steps of Heaven. There were millions of disciples in Furong Town. It was not as depressed as it is now, but when Patriarch wanted to make a breakthrough that day, In the night scene, the ancestor sat down." said the Furong master.

"One night?"

Su Jin was shocked, how did he feel a bit similar to Sanqing Miaozun's experience?

"Yes, Patriarch Furong’s Tao fruit was taken away. I heard that no one has taken that step. Otherwise, no matter how amazing and brilliant the existence, it will be difficult to end well. Patriarch Furong was at the peak of his life, and he was outstanding. , She is unwilling." The Furong master nodded.

"What happened later?" Su Jin frowned and asked.

"Grandmaster Furong sat overnight without making a sound. She was unwilling and had a lot to say. Only the jade body was left. On the full moon day of each month, the imaginary phase would be projected from the jade statue, but many generations of Furong The doormaster could not hear what she said—"

The Furong sect master sighed quietly: "It has been speculated by the sect masters of the past that the ancestor of Furong has been punished by heaven and it is difficult for the Furong line to develop.

"It's no wonder that the ‘Furong Sword’ of your town’s practice is forgotten by anyone who reads it. Even the disciples who practice the sword have to review it every day." Su Jin was surprised.

"Yes, no one can learn the Furong sword. If I don't practice for three days, the Furong sword style will disappear in my mind. You must review the sword spectrum. The Furong sword is a method that can see the heavens, but because of the Furong Master Something happened, the situation will no longer be the same." The Furong sect master nodded.

Su Jin looked at the illusion of the power of the ‘Three Steps of Heaven’, always feeling that she wanted to tell people, but it was impossible to say it again, which made him quite curious.

"Even so, persistence is useless, and striving for change is the kingly way." Su Jin also felt very sorry.

"Yes, so the law given by the son is a good opportunity for Furong Town to rise. This is a great favor." The Furong sect master said, hesitating a little, and said: "Do you want to look at the jade body of Furong Patriarch? Only the masters of the past can see them."

"Can I?" Su Jin wanted to figure out what Grandmaster Furong wanted to say back then, maybe seeing the puzzle can be solved.

"The deceased is dead, and the rules are set by people. The son also said that he wants to change--" The Furong sect master walked to the left side of the mountain wall and played a few spiritual techniques.

I saw a magnificent formation on the mountain wall!

Kaka Kaka, the ten-meter-wide Shimen, rustling dust, pulled up!

With strong expectations in his heart, Su Jin will soon be able to see the jade body of the first generation of Furong Patriarch! Somewhat worried!

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