My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1848: Curiosity kills

The deep hole is like a dragon drilled through. The diameter of the hole is more than ten meters wide, the wall is mottled, and there is a stone step at the foot, which stretches inwards inwardly--

After entering, the stone gate behind was closed.

Among them, the darkness is overwhelming. Unless there is a sweet girl next to him, this kind of negative test atmosphere is quite uncomfortable. Su Jin's night vision is very good, even if he does not open the "Mahe Prison Eye", he can still see Several ferns grow occasionally on the cave wall.

The more I look, the more I have the illusion of entering the Immortal Cave Mansion!

The refreshing fragrance radiates from the Furong sect master, Su Jin feels that after a woman takes a bath, does it smell like this?

The originally imagined damp feeling did not appear. Every step was very dry. Fortunately, the darkness did not last long. A trace of fluorescence seemed to appear in the distance, emitting a misty light.

The scene of tea~~~

After passing through a few stone rooms, the fluorescent stones on the walls are always shining at night. Each of these stone rooms has stone stools and tables, and two of them have grass futons, but after a bend, the front of them suddenly opens!

Su Jin is stunned!

The jade body of Grand Master Furong is really a jade body. It is carved from **** jade. This jade statue stands in the center of the stone hall. It is graceful and graceful. Although it is a jade sculpture, it looks like a fairy in the eyes of Su Jin. Go down to earth, lifelike!

With the white jade quality and the slender figure, Su Jin seemed to admire a stunning beauty, so it was hard for him to imagine the prosperous and beautiful appearance of the great Furong Master from a long time ago.

"Heavenly God body, born of condensed jade, the **** bone of the sitting master Furong has long since disappeared, only this jade body is left--" said the Furong master.

"I have a divine pupil, but it can reflect all kinds of things back then. If the Sect Master of Furong doesn't mind, I can give it a try." Su Jin felt solemn.

After all, Su Jin wanted to see what happened to Grand Master Furong that night, and what exactly happened that caused the peak powerhouse to fall and sit down, and even the slightest message was not allowed to be sent.

Hear what Su Jin said.

The Furong Gate master hesitated--

What hesitates is that this will blaspheme the Patriarch, which is disrespectful!

Seeing the Furong Sect Master, Su Jin immediately smiled and said, "If you are in trouble, you don't need to try."

"No problem, that's what Su Tianzi casts." The Furong sect master made up his mind. Solving this mystery is what the sect masters of the past have dreamed of, but on the night of the full moon every month, I don’t know how many sect masters listen to the ancestor. Tell, but no one can hear what was said.

Now that Tianzi Su has this ability, it is also an opportunity for the Furong Sect Master.

Su Jin's expression was a little dignified, his eyebrows squirmed, and the eyes of Mohe Zhen Prison opened indifferently——

The Furong sect master trembled, her delicate body swayed a few times, and she took a few steps backwards. She knew that Su Jin was great, but she didn't expect that just opening the'Maha Prison Eye', the aura was so full of scary, that blood red Sure enough, his eyes are extraordinary!

"Anti-Vulture!" Su Jin shouted in a low voice, looking at the humanoid jade carving.

A misty sight suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Su Jin was horrified, he couldn't really see it! As if being imprisoned by the heavens, everything about this woman was vague at the time, but only a few scenes were vaguely seen~~~

The scene is vaguely on a river. Inside the boat painting, a jade arm is faintly protruding from the quilt, with blue lines on it.

One scene is at night, in a house, being rolled over by the waves, it seems that it is not a person sleeping, no one can be seen.

In the last scene, Su Jin felt his scalp numb. In the blurry scene, there seemed to be a woman moving on the road, making a breakthrough. That night, when the heavy rain drifted, when the grandmaster Furong was about to break through, the blue lines spread out all over his body. Blue mist, and then there was a heart-piercing cry--

The tragic call and the killing intent to the sky made Su Jin's eyes and shocked!

The fine sweat beads were born on Su Li's head, and the Furong sect master was uneasy. Although she did not see it, there seemed to be screams echoing in the cave, her pretty face turned pale.

"You shouldn't do this to me!"

"I hate—"

Su Jin finally heard two sentences clearly, which came from those two blue mists. On the night of wandering heavy rain, Grandmaster Furong... died!


Su Jinhu's body shook, he closed his pupil technique, and was shaken back a few steps by the scene far away.

In the cave, the atmosphere was quite strange. The Furong sect master's face was pale, and she looked at Young Master Su hurriedly. She also heard two words clearly, but did not see the scene, and she didn't know what happened.

"How's it going?" Sect Master Furong asked hurriedly.

"I think you should issue a ban. In the future, anyone who is the master of the door should stop paying homage to this jade person. As for the illusion under the night of the full moon, don’t let anyone kneel down and listen, otherwise they will bury hatred. The bane." Su Jin finally figured it out.

If it were not for the son of Su, who had a great reputation and a gift to Furong Town, otherwise the Furong sect master would never see him. Furong Town would not allow men to set foot in Furong Town because the sect master did not like men. Within ten miles, I thought it would be like this for a long time.

"Before you became the Furong Sect Master, did you hate men?" Su Jin asked.

The Furong sect master shook his head ignorantly, "There was not yet—"

"That's it, the first generation of Furong Town’s sect master hates men, and subtly changes the remaining jade body. Let you sect masters visit, just to tell you that men don’t have a good thing, and even make you murderous. Such patriarchs, It's not worth waiting for you to bow down."

Su Jin said bluntly.

Furong Sect Master:...

She was speechless. From the side, it seemed that what Su Jin was talking about was the truth, but this was the ancestor who opened the sect. He did not kneel down in any manner and violated the established rules.

The Furong sect master lowered her head and sighed. This request was really difficult to accomplish. She tilted her head, but Yu Guangzhong found something wrong, and she quickly looked at the eyes of Furong Grand Master Yu.

"Not good!" Sect Master Furong exclaimed.

The eyes of Grand Master Furong Yuzun were full of murderous intent and hatred, and they stared at Master Su fiercely at this moment!

After the Furong sect master reminded this situation, Su Jin also saw it!

Su Jin suddenly changed his face, "Hurry up--"

The words had just fallen, but it was too late. In the jade body of Grand Master Furong, a fluorescent phantom was condensed, exactly the same as when the Lord Furong Sect visited the valley before!

At this moment, the ‘fluorescent virtual phase’ was instantly attached to the Sect Master Furong, only to see her body trembled, her face was full of murderous intent!

It! Curiosity kills people!

Su Jin knows it's bad. You must know that the first generation of Furong Patriarch is the existence of the Three Steps of Heaven. At this moment, Void possesses the Furong Sect Master, what should I do now!

dying! Su Jin secretly cried out.

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