My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1849: Hold a ray of heaven

The situation is tense!

Su Jin felt unexpectedly calm in his heart when his head was big. After all, Grandmaster Furong didn't know how many years ago he existed, plus it was a false appearance, his combat power might not be so strong, if he relied on the Master Furong himself, he might not be able to defeat him.

"Sister, don't make trouble~~~" Su Jin was wary, he was ready to do it, he couldn't be careless, if he didn't pay attention, he might stay here forever.

"In the way you do, return to the other body." Furong Sect Master's murderous face, with a sneer, her body was shocked, and in the misty cave, clothing scraps flew——

Second Olympics!

Su Jin naturally knew the meaning of this sentence, and immediately he made a strong move first, and directly shook his hand to play a set of scrolls, and the scrolls opened automatically, which was exactly the "Acacia Picture"!


The Raksha-like Furong sect master, amidst the flying clothes and scraps, was extremely fast, and pounced on Young Master Su——

Su Jin's scalp was numb, but the plain-faced Furong sect master entangled, and the skin touched for a while, and the soul seemed to collide!

The situation is not good. At this time, Su Jin has any thoughts of wind and snow, but after a while, Yuanyang is fading like a flood that vented the gate, and his longevity that he has already made up is using the calculation method of years. disappear.

"I'm fighting with you!" Su Jinfa said ruthlessly, "Fu Ding double repair Dafa!"

Furong Gate mainly wins its own Yuanyang, but the so-called Yin-Yang Kaitai and Yin-Yang Tongji are the road to perfection!

At the same time, Sect Master Furong with a murderous face bit Su Jin's shoulder with her silver teeth. Not only did she want to pester Su Tianzi, but also put him in pain all the time. In that bite, the skin was bitten, and the meat was almost bitten off, and the blood spread out——


Dao Heart Seed Demon!

The blood rushed up and directly out of this cave. A cloud-like yin and yang fish pattern gradually formed in the sky. The yin and yang fish, a black and blood-like scarlet, slowly rotated and chased, and gradually gathered——

The entire yin and yang fish was in the sky, covering an area of ​​five thousand miles, almost covering most of the middle area, rumbling, shocking countless monks~~

"What happened?" All the female disciples in Furong Town, including the female elder, rushed out of the room, looking at the yin and yang fish slowly spinning above their heads, a little dumbfounded.

"I don't know, Zhongyu rarely has such a vision--"

"Could someone break through and become an ancestor? Otherwise, it would be hard to imagine such a big scene."

"It's good for the sect master to be here, she has a wide range of knowledge and must know what happened."

"This yin and yang picture seems to be centered on our Furong Town."


No one knows what kind of fascination exists in the cave mansion of Furong Town. The situation is like the sea roaring, the mountain shaking, the tide hitting the shore, and the mountain **** is angry!

Like hot magma, it is surging and surging, as if it is about to erupt after the geological movement reaches its peak. It is mysterious and inexplicable. And the vast yin-yang picture lasted for a stick of incense, before it slowly faded, and finally disappeared from the starry sky——


There was a crashing sound in the underground palace. Su Jin didn’t care about it. He was closing his eyes. A misty heavenly path seemed to be captured by him. It was a ray of dazzling aquamarine path marks, wandering around. It exists anywhere and breeds entirely by insight.

And his Dao Heart Seed Demon in this incense stick broke through the eighth level!

After all, the yin and yang fish had just passed, thousands of miles of yin and yang fish pulled out the power from the depths of the void, and when they poured into the sea of ​​qi, his unshakable realm for a long time actually took a big step!

The Holy King Realm is close to its peak!

Su Jin was inexplicably overjoyed. He didn't expect this to be an opportunity for him. Fortunately, he was quick to adapt. The "Hehuan Picture" is worthy of the existence of beautiful women who talk about the color of the picture. He must die.

Su Jin ignored other situations. The ancient vision of the "Three Cities Uplifting" the second city "Gu Tian Ting" unfolded, and a fairy pond appeared on the side. He sat cross-legged under the "Enlightenment Tree", and Xiao Yan'er was instantly caught. Suddenly awakened, her "Nine Tribes" of the Phoenix clan, the more difficult it became as she reached the back.

But at this moment, Xiao Yan'er covered her eyes and looked at the state of Su Jin and a big sister. She had just seen all of her eyes, and she was unforgettable in her heart.

But where did Su Jin manage these? With his current strength, he could not capture that wisp of ‘Heaven’s Dao’, so he could only rely on the ‘Tree of Enlightenment’ and began to deduce it continuously--

One moment, two moments pass.

Finally, Su Jin opened his vertical eyes fiercely, and a red beam of light hit the ray of Heavenly Dao. When he retracted it, the ray of Heavenly Dao pattern had already been caught by him in the Eye of Mohe Town Prison. For a while, he was in a daze. The whole body seemed to be caught in the natural temperament of Taoism.

That ray of heaven, it turned out to be natural--

Su Jin silently realized the vision, put away the'Gu Tianting' vision, silently glanced at the Furong Sect Master who had fallen asleep, and took out the robe from the bone ring to cover her.

In the gray cave, the jade statue of Grand Master Furong was broken! Broken!

However, there is a faint flow of colorful brilliance!

Su Jin was inexplicably surprised, stepped forward and pushed aside the other broken jade, and took out the seven dazzling spars!

The spar was held in his hand, and its texture was almost the same as the spar used when the Yuanshi female realm master fled from the'Ten Halls of Ghost Kings'!

"Shenjing!" Xiao Umbrella was startled, and the voice appeared in his mind.


There was a faint smile at the corner of Su Jin's mouth. Not long ago, he heard Xiao Umbrella say that he only needs five crystals to help it recover.

"Although these seven divine crystals have a long time, they are enough to restore me!" Jixi Long Umbrella sighed, excited.

"Well, take it away." Su Jin flipped his hand to collect the seven crystals into the bone ring, looked around, and then continued to sit down cross-legged, waiting for the Furong master to wake up.

Time slowly passed, a few hours to the monk, it was just a white horse passing by.

The master of Furong Gate moved his eyelashes slightly, as if feeling something, suddenly opened his beautiful eyes, and when he saw that he was covered by a man's clothes, he could not help but sit up, his face flushed, and he looked at the young Master Su who was sitting indifferently. .

"The sect master's long-cherished wish is about to be fulfilled, and the road to becoming an emperor in the future may not be impossible." Su Jin received a wisp of natural Daoist scars and kept in a natural state of Dao Fa and said to the Furong sect master.

Long-cherished wish?

Chengzu's long-cherished wish?

The Furong Sect Master felt it carefully, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that she had already achieved Saint King's Great Perfection! The peak of the pinnacle can break through all the time. This is something she never expected. She saw the process before and was very clear, but she couldn't remember it later.

Could this be the benefit of double repair——

The Furong sect master was somewhat happy, looked at Su Jin, and said, "You have also benefited."

"That's natural." Su Jin nodded.

"What are you going to do next? Go out?" Sect Master Furong felt a little embarrassed about how he faced the disciples.

"It's already dawn, you follow me to the Mojia Institution City."

Su Jin got up, he knew that Mo Zu would use the two ancestral decree he invited this morning to suppress the two coffin lamps he placed——

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