My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1850: Sobu Buddhism

This is a big show--

The Furong sect master was stunned, but when she looked at the jade statue of Grand Master Furong, she was dazed and sad.

It was broken, but it was broken. For countless years, this jade statue has not known how many generations of sect masters have been harmed. It makes people cut off love, and even the sect masters are not allowed to have anything to do with male cultivators. I don't know how many teenage disciples there are in private I am dissatisfied with this, so I just take this to re-order the rules.

Soon, the Sect Master Furong pulled out the clothes from the kit, but he was still a little uncomfortable with Su Jin's eyes. With the help of the dim scene, after changing his clothes, he walked out of the cave with Su Jin.

It was dawn outside.

The Furong sect master looked at Su Jin from time to time and looked at his man, feeling a little complicated. She has just changed into a light green dress, and Xi Liu has a green silk belt around her waist. Su Jin, who has a thin waist, knows very well that it is almost like a waist that can be pinched with both hands!

The susha mole is in the center of the eyebrows of the Furong Gate, and it makes people feel the taste of everything in the beautiful valley.

"Go--" Su Jin stepped into the void, his figure was already like a streamer, and he swept toward the Mo Family Institution City.

Furong Town is not far from the Mo Family Institution City, and the Furong Gate's major cultivation base has greatly increased. Although it is possible to step into the ancestral realm, now a kind of Holy King Consummation breath emanates from her, and the speed is not slow, following Su Jin's body beside.

Soon, Mohist Institution City!

Mo Zu was very confident. He spoke to the Wuyu monks as early as last night. He wanted to suppress the two coffin lamps placed by Su Tianzi this morning and protested against Su Tianzi’s actions. Therefore, when Su and Jin arrived, the entire Mo family The monks were all surrounded by the organ city.

Among them, most of the cultivators in the middle domain!

"The two coffin lamps contain the spirit of killing and killing. In the long run, under its influence, let alone the development of the Mo Family, I am afraid that every disciple will have a devil in his heart. If it is not stopped, the Mo Family may not be destroyed. Certainly." Someone was talking.

"Destroyed? The Mo Family actually surpassed the Xuanyuan Family long ago. It is hard to imagine that it has long been the top of the "Hundred Scholars". The big deal is moving the city—"

"Can it be solved by moving the city? What if Su Tianzi is in a good mood, and he passes by, and then puts the coffin lamp outside the hard-working, newly built'Mojia Institution City'?"

"That's right, and the Mo family's entire heritage is in this organ city, it is impossible to move the city."

"It's so happy, our five domains are only divided into nine thousand miles in the'Tai Xu Divine Realm'. Mozu is one of the instigators. Now it is blocked by Su Tianzi with a coffin lamp. It deserves it!"

"It can't be said that the Mozu relationship is very strong. What he asked was the decree of the Buddha. In my opinion, the two coffin lamps will definitely be suppressed. Then the Su Tianzi will be ugly--"

"Say a thousand words and ten thousand, it's already morning, when will Mo Zu start suppressing?" Someone was impatient.


Some people cheered on the shore, and some felt that Su Jin did a little too much, but most of the monks came here with the mood to watch the show.

Su Jin is in a good mood now, and on the way here, he has changed his appearance and is watching with the Furong Sect Master not far away.

Because of the placement of the coffin lamp, the disciples of the Mo family’s organ city were evacuated in the past two days, and the city gates were closed. It is now when the sunrise is rising, and the righteousness will last forever. Let the watching monks wait too long.

Giggle giggle--

The gate of the organ city began to slowly rise, and the gate opened wide!

Su Jin touched his chin and watched Mo Zu walk out with a solemn face, holding an orange Buddha bag in his hand, and glanced at everyone.

Mo Zu sank and said in a deep voice: "Tianzi Su! I know you are in it. Whether you show up or not, I will let you see with your own eyes. If you want to destroy my Mo Family's conspiracy, you will not succeed!"

His words came out.

Many cultivators looked around, listening to Mo Zu’s words, Su Tianzi might be around him. This is a great figure. If he can be by his side, it is definitely a great honor. If you take it out, you can brag to your relatives and friends. Up!

"Yes, Su Motou is a public enemy of several circles. The monks of Yuanshi Realm, Heavenly Dragon Realm, Holy Realm, and other realms have formed an alliance and are ready to pursue and kill the ghost king Su Jin, and he will eventually be destroyed!"

Just behind Mo Zu, two ancestors walked out. One middle-aged man in the blue shirt came from the Heavenly Dragon Realm, and the other was a gray-haired female ancestor, with an old face, holding a dragon stick in her hand, and speaking from the old Dragon Realm. Ancestor.

"I don't know if it will be destroyed, I only know that you are bullshitting." Su Jin recovered his appearance, and his voice spread indifferently to the ears of the surrounding monks.



There were more than a dozen female cultivators who screamed not far from Su Jin's side. Five of them suddenly turned white and fainted with excitement.

Furong Sect Master:...

I have to admit that Su Jin's popularity is really high!

With anger on his face, Old Mo Zu said loudly: "Don't be arrogant! My ancestor will suppress this lamp immediately!"

When the words were over, Mo Zu opened the Buddha bag in his hand, and the golden Buddha intent appeared overwhelmingly, and the magnificent Buddha light shone all over the world! A peaceful and quiet atmosphere suddenly appeared all around!

This is Buddhism derived from the decree of the Patriarch, Patriarch! It is unbelievable, once appeared, all the monks were bathed in the light of Buddha.

Su Jin resonated with his heart, and he let out a cold snort, and a circle of Buddha light spread out from behind him. The Buddha's light is even comparable to the light that Buddhism brings!

Many people immediately became uncomfortable with Mo Zu and the two other ancestors in other worlds. Tianzi Su was a saint king in the Buddha, that is, the existence of the Buddha king. Although he has the body of the ghost king, he has never done anything bad! On the contrary, the other worlds did everything possible to make Su Tianzi fall! They are afraid!

Afraid that Su Tianzi will grow into invincible power!

"The Buddha's light decree, the two coffin lamps are probably about to be suppressed -" Some people have regrets, but at the same time they admire Su Jin, and dare to appear in front of the three ancestors.

"After the suppression, how can Su Tianzi's face remain? Should I take the coffin lamp or not?"

"The two decree merged into the coffin lamp, and the two coffin lamps were dispelled from the murderous spirit, and they would never have any effect."

"Three brothers step back, in case Su Tianzi fights with others, I will ride you so we can run faster--" Among the densely packed monks, the blonde Ayao stepped forward and caught the black and white dalmatian dog's tail. Go back.

"You trash, why do we need someone to protect this emperor? Let's stay here today, not going anywhere."

The black-and-white dalmatian dog uttered words, and when he saw Mo Zu put out two dazzling runes, he immediately arrogantly said: "Oh, the dog will definitely be more beautiful than the old boy Mo Zu in the future."

"Shhh, keep it quiet."

All the monks were watching Mo Zu with all their attention, and watching Mo Zu shaking his hands and striking the two ancestral decree against the two coffin lamps!

Suddenly, the black-and-white dalmatian dog seemed to be aware of it, his hair standing upside down, and people screamed, "No! Run!"

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