My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1873: Void Abyss

In the eyes of the Yuanshi female realm master and Su Jin, Emperor Wu Heng did not do much—

The mountain breeze here and the clouds on the top came to a halt in an instant, and the yellow and blue ‘Emperor Wheel’ behind Emperor Wu Heng began to manifest.

That kind of imperial wheel is like a ribbon, which contains the profound meaning of the imperial realm that has been cultivated for countless years of hard work, which is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

In her mind, Xiao Umbrella sighed again and again, and asked, "What else do you want to say?"

"Leave a last word?" Su Jin communicated.

"I am the Emperor Umbrella, maybe I can help you spread the word in the future..." The nirvana Dragon Umbrella felt desperate for Su Shao. In the face of the emperor, even the Heaven-defying Ancestral Realm would not work. He is now the first ancestor, unless he transforms into Only when the ancestral realm is complete, there is half hope.

"I have an idea, but ten deaths and no life." After a brief silence, Su Jin seemed to have made a decision.

"What do you think? In the face of Emperor Wu Heng, hundreds of millions of deaths would have no life. At the beginning, Emperor Huangquan could not compare his sharpness--" Xiao Umbrella said eagerly.

"Fight! It can only catch him off guard, but I don't know if he can live..." Su Jin gritted his teeth. The other party is a great emperor who has practiced for countless years. He hates that he has just become an ancestor, so he can only take a risk.

"You don't mean..." The tone of the Dragon Umbrella was a little scared, and some guessed Su Jin's intentions.

Su Jin interrupted the communication with a straight face, and looked at the sneer Yuanshi female realm master and Emperor Wuheng with contempt!

"The emperor is a fart! I want to go, you can't stop me!" Su Jinfa said harshly.

When is it, still want to leave? In front of the emperor, he still wants to leave sadly? It's ridiculous!

"You can't go."

The Yuanshi female realm master bit her silver teeth. She was fed up. Su Jin did have the ability, but he would insult the emperor before he died, which really made her intolerable.

As soon as the voice fell, the ancestral world opened by Su Jin before, thousands of imaginary phases began to shine--

What does he want to do!

The female leader was stunned, and immediately guessed Su Jin's intentions!

not good!

But it was too fast. It was not as fast as one could imagine. In the time of the Holy King, Su Jin practiced the'Great Ascension Technique', and a thousand imaginary phases lifted the sky to rise, which could take him away for five hundred miles, but don’t forget ! At this moment, he is the Heaven-defying Ancestral Realm that has opened up the Ancestral Realm!

What's the scene of thousands of imaginary things, together to lift the sky?

Correct! Unstoppable!

this is too scary--

In the beautiful heaven and blessed land, thousands of ancestor realm virtual appearances have already drawn endless power.

In a blink of an eye, all the imaginary phases left the ground, and the handsome posture was like a flying fairy. With just a single thought, thousands of imaginary phases turned into countless points of light, and the Buddha lotus platform and Su Jin directly lifted the sky and disappeared in place. !

Reasonable, it is impossible to leave safely in front of the emperor, but now there is a possibility, that is, the abyss of void!

The emperor Wu Heng, who is not easy to get angry, is now a bit embarrassed~~~

Emperor Wen can completely imprison mountain peaks and blue clouds, but this ‘Great Ascension Technique’, with the support of the Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth, reveals its terrifying power. Even the emperor's prohibition can't stop Emperor Su!

The Great Emperor Wu Heng disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the edge of southern Xinjiang. Wherever he had just detonated millions of miles of territory, the void fire was still surging and raging. The speed of his imperial realm, but one breath, he arrived. Here.

He could only perceive that Su Jin was already in the abyss of the void, but soon there was no sound.

Standing in place, the Great Emperor Wu Heng stretched out his fingers and kept pinching, and soon a void channel was opened, and the Yuanshi female realm master followed.

"The emperor, he exiled himself in the abyss of void, what do you think~~~" Yuanshi female realm master was very nervous, for fear of getting bad news.

"This son has fallen."

The Great Emperor Wu Heng coldly glanced at the Yuanshi female realm master, and said: "Southern Xinjiang is completely destroyed. You have no shirk, and I can't protect you. Now let me go back together—"

"The disciple is willing to bear everything." The Yuanshi female realm master bowed down in the void. Although it has become a fact, she must be very responsible, but she can finally settle down in exchange for the demise of Su Tianzi.

So did Su Jin really fall?

This result was calculated by the emperor, and the female realm master did not think about the direction in which he could survive, but the emperor really thought he could count everything?

In the abyss of the void, a purple-gold gourd gradually drifted away...

Su Jin’s purple gold gourd, also known as the “fate gourd”, the Great Emperor Wu Heng didn’t know that he was carrying this treasure. Now that Su Shao is in the gourd, how can the emperor succeed in considering Su Tianzi’s fate?

In Fate Gourd, it is equivalent to separating self-fate, not to mention the Great Emperor, the existence of the world realm and the three steps of heaven, it is impossible to count that Su Jin is dead or alive.

It turned out that when he first saw Emperor Wu Heng, Su Jin had calculated the only way to retreat, and he had even calculated the most extreme way to survive!

Even in order to survive, he has prepared for the worst. For example, if the physical body is destroyed in the "Void Abyss", he will personally let the coffin lantern drift and wind his true spirit on it. This is extremely extreme!

Fortunately, Zijin Gourd helped him a lot——

"Where are we floating?" Su Jin's voice appeared in the purple gold gourd.

"I don't know, you banished yourself, you may never return to Huaxia." Xiao Umbrella's bitter voice manifested, which is no different from self-burial.

For an emperor treasure like Jixilong Umbrella, the most feared thing is not the death of the host. After all, ‘treasure has human knowledge’, it’s most afraid of being buried, not long ago in the ice cemetery, in the Tengu bone coffin.

But it's worse now.

Exiled in the abyss of void, the emperor did not dare to chase in, it was difficult to have a chance to leave.

Su Jin was in the fateful gourd, and the ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’ could not see through the situation outside the gourd, but felt that the gourd body was trembling crazily, and pieces of void storm wanted to tear the gourd into pieces——

Maybe it's one day, maybe it's two days, the purple golden gourd drifts in the depths of the misty void like a piece of duckweed.

"There has been no tremor for a long time, and it may be safe outside." Su Jin opened his eyes in the purple gourd.

"It should be far away from the flames that detonated the void." Xiao Umbrella said in a relaxed tone.

"Wait, safety first." Su Jin must be careful.


Two more hours passed.


There was a muffled noise on the outer wall of the Zijin Gourd, and then it stopped moving! In the depths of the void, why does this happen?

Su Jin knew that at the moment, he couldn't even think about going out, so he didn't think much and walked out directly in the gourd.

The scene in front of him stunned Su Jinfa. He couldn't imagine how such a terrifying scene would appear. At the same time, he knew in his heart that it is no wonder that Zijin Gourd would stop moving...

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