My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1874: Mysterious face (5/5)

It is clear.

Su Jin is still in the void without a doubt. And he has been far away from the great world of Yuanshi. He doesn't know where he is or how far away he is from his hometown.

I just hit something in the Zijin Gourd, but the truth is so absurd, it turned out to be a warship that the Zijin Gourd hit!

The warship is as big as a mountain, and the hull is rusty. I don’t know how many years it has existed. There are many iron rings on both sides of the hull, all of which are one-meter-thick special iron rings. Looking up, the mast is broken. The entire hull stood quietly in the void.


Su Jin found that the hull was drifting very slowly, but it was not static, but just an illusion.

"Having a warship means the existence of human civilization -" Su Jin's heart raised a glimmer of hope, no matter how far away from home, he will go back alive!

Must go back!

"Maybe it's just empty rubbish, can you be sure that the root of this warship is nearby?" Xiao Umbrella said.

"Not sure." Su Jin shook his head, put the Zijin gourd away, and jumped onto the boat.

The dark and misty scene made people feel scared, but Su Jin didn't have the slightest sense of fear. He had experienced many things, and this kind of thing left in the void couldn't scare the slightest ripple in his heart.

With the mountain-like hull, it is not too hard to walk on it, and Su Jin feels that this ship definitely had a major incident that year. Because after he got on the ship, he found that all the furnishings were unconventional and there was no trace of battle.

On the edge of the deck of the bow, a few arm-thick steel ropes firmly tied dozens of ‘Stone Iron Buckets’, and there are traces of human figures beside the ‘Stone Iron Buckets’——

"There used to be a stone man who lay and leaned here when a crisis came. Or a deceased stone man was killed here."

Su Jin looked at the appearance of a human figure on the stone iron barrel and the deck floor, and then guessed: "Over time, the Void Storm disintegrated the stone man, and this trace appeared."

"What's in the iron bucket?" Xiao Umbrella became curious.

"Just open it." Su Jin raised his fist and blasted one of the stone iron buckets.


A column of black mist rushed into the sky, accompanied by a disgusting smell.

"Corpse oil!" exclaimed the Jiji Dragon Umbrella: "Deteriorated corpse oil—"

The corpse oil that is more reasonable than the holy realm will not deteriorate for thousands of years. Now the black mist is soaring into the sky, and the stench is unpleasant. I am afraid that this warship is not clear for years.

Su Jin was silent, and walked from the bow deck to the mast. The broken mast was not cut off artificially, as if it had been broken by a storm.

In the lower corner of the mast, there are a few human bones, all of which are stone-colored.

"My Mohe Town Prison Eye can't reflect all the things that were here back then. This warship may have existed before the Era."

While Su Jin was talking, he took a breath. He wanted to see the appearance of a few stone bones, but he couldn't see it. You must know that he is now the cultivation base of the ancestral realm, and he cannot restore the scene of the year.

"Do you know what era it was before Era?" Xiao Umbrella thought of this question, and perhaps it could be involved with this warship.

"What era?"

"Era of the Great Crash!"

Xiao Umbrella thought for a while and continued: "It is rumored that space was not stable in that era, but there are already thousands of races in the world, and there has been a fairly high level of civilization development. If this ship is a product of the'great collapse era', you It is very common to encounter the disaster of the void when walking in the void."

Su Jin suddenly.

"Unfortunately, I don't know where this piece of void is. When I got here, the people in the Great World of Yuanshi might think that they are dead." Su Jin saw the warship and felt helpless. He didn't know if he would be like this warship. Like a ship, drifting in the void forever?

All are unknown.

"I can leave safely when the emperor takes action. I have never heard of a second person in the entire China World."

Xiao Umbrella heard Su Jin's tone and continued to encourage him: "The Great World of Yuanshi must have said that you were beheaded by the emperor. If you go back, hehe--"

"Slap them in the face!" Su Jin twitched and sneered.

The great emperor of Yuanshi Great World failed to kill him. If he returned, he would surely set off a terrifying wave. If the great emperor's face was supposed to be released by himself, it would be swollen and swollen, and the whole Yuanshi realm would be dull.

The emperor can't kill even an ancestral realm. How wasteful of you, the emperor? Can it be glorious?

Thinking of this, Su Jin immediately became confident, and strode into the half-open hatch. Since he is here, he doesn't care about the lost time. It doesn't hurt to go down and take a look at the cabin. Maybe there are unexpected gains.

It's dark outside--

When he got off the cabin, he felt cold and bitter. Su Jin walked silently through the huge passage and opened a room.

There is not much special among them, the decoration is relatively strange, and some rough features. Among them are stone vases. When Su Jin’s finger touches it, it turns into a plume of smoke and becomes a dusty powder, because the years are so long that other things cannot be touched at all.

"These are small rooms. It is estimated that the crew lives. Go to those larger houses." Xiao Umbrella said with strong curiosity.

"Yeah." Su Jin looked at this cabin, but felt that the house was small and ugly, plus the fact that people with status would not live in this room without relying on the ship window.

As he walked away, there were traces of rusty corrosion everywhere, and Su Jin began to walk the passage to the edge of the cabin, and he realized that the passage was too spacious.

And every room here has hundreds of square meters!

Su Jin did not rush to open this row of large rooms, he walked straight along the passage——

The whole ancient ship as big as a mountain, it feels very strange to be walking alone by yourself, Su Jin chose a door in the middle, pushed it away and approached!

"There seems to be a stone corpse in the quilt." Xiao Umbrella reminded him nervously.

"I know."

Of course, Su Jin noticed at first glance that the quilt has an extraordinary material that can not disappear in the years, and it is obviously wrapped in the outline of a ‘human shape’.


A peculiar sound instantly tightened a string in Su Jin's heart. He turned his head and saw that the next door was unusual!

In the next room, there are faint curtains, screens and other luxurious decorations. This was rare in Wanjia back then. Obviously the owner of the room was very simple, at least different than the one Su Jin was in.

"On the curtain, there seemed to be a face just now, but it quickly disappeared..." Xiao Umbrella's tone trembled, with some unknown expectation and excitement.

Su Jin became vigilant. He didn't turn over the bed in this room, but quickly rushed out, smashing the door of the next room...

No matter how possible it is, Su Jin has to figure out——

After all, a human face appeared on the window just now!

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