My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1875: Good fortune longevity

After blasting the door open, Su Jin walked in.

The furnishings in the room are very different from other rooms. There are not only screens, murals on the walls, desks, four treasures of the study and so on.

The curtains are more beautiful than expected, and the material is inexplicable. The curtains are painted with a picture of a goddess holding a lotus. The distant years have passed. This picture is still like a new thing. The goddess and the fairy are rising, vivid, seeming to stare at Su Jin--


Su Jin sighed. Just now, he really thought that people from the era of ‘Great Crash’ would survive, otherwise he would not be so eager to find him. After all, if he meets a living person, he might be able to point out which realm is nearby so that he can return to his hometown.

The sigh is because the picture of the goddess on the curtain, the face that just manifested, is caused by this picture——

"This curtain is very extraordinary." Said the dragon umbrella.

"I know." Su Jin walked around for a few steps, and found that the goddess above would look at him, but it seemed that there was no malicious appearance, which would only make people feel strange.

Based on previous experience, Su Jin did not touch this curtain first, but walked to the place where the owner of the side room slept.

There are stone tables and chairs, and there is an exquisite smoker on the table, but it is rusty, and the surrounding decoration reveals a smell of red powder.

A woman's boudoir?

The room is so big, it feels like there is an identity, and behind the screen is the bed, Su Jin walked cautiously.

"The bed curtains are closed, it should be late at night when the warship was in trouble--" Xiao Umbrella's voice analyzed in his mind.

"Just as I thought, there are people on the bed next door. This room is dressed up in pink. There should be a female corpse if you want to come to the bed." Su Jin guessed.

Guessing to guessing, Su Jin immediately took a step forward, opened the curtain in front of the bed, and looked in.

Sure enough, Su Jin directly saw the opponent's face.

The girl was about eighteen years old. At the moment when the crisis appeared, the stone body diffused out, struggling when she died, and the quilt half faded, basically retaining the most complete scene of the year. Su Jin stretched out her finger and pressed it on her arm. on--

Su Jin’s face was slightly shocked, and said, “I wanted to see her realm geometry back then, but I never thought of her ice muscles, jade bones, white bones like ceramics, indestructible, could it be that in the distant epoch, there was already a **** bone cast The law?"

Regarding the **** bones, Su Jin himself had cast a few stone bones, which was quite difficult, but the girl seemed to be very young and had already cast all the **** bones. The realm was shockingly reaching the realm of the first ancestor, and his current level.

"It's normal. Many cultivation methods and paths were developed by people before the era. Compared to now, people back then were easier to practice." Xiaosan said.

"It turned out to be so." Su Jin suddenly.

Immediately Su Jin looked around, secretly screaming that it’s a pity, if you can see a living, get some of the techniques of the'Great Destruction Era,' that way to make up for yourself, there will be infinite possibilities in the future, but it is a pity that the entire warship has no vitality. This idea can only fail.

Su Jin turned and left before the bed. He didn't want to delay time here, he wanted to find the existence of human civilization as soon as possible, so that he could return to his hometown as soon as possible.

Instinctively looked at the curtain with the goddess, Su Jin suddenly said to himself: "Look at me again, I will tear you off——"

How could Su Jin not know the treasure? In any case, he wanted to take this curtain away, just casually.

"Take me away~~" The face on the goddess picture, actually struggling, looked at Su Jin with a rich expression, and opened his mouth.

"Damn--" Su Jin was ecstatic in his heart and couldn't help but blurt out: "Who are you?"

"I'm just ‘Bao Ling’." Goddess Tu seemed to cover up.

Su Jin looked at it and looked around, moving slightly in his heart, and asked: "The **** the bed, but you? Before you died, in a hurry, you integrated your true spirit into this treasure map?"

"How do you know!" Goddess Tu was taken aback.

"The blind can see it too, because they look basically the same."

Su Jin was a little excited, but his face didn't show up, and asked, "Isn't it impossible to take you away, but you have to make it clear to me--"

"I feel the breath of the Immortal King of Good Fortune in you. Back then, the world of the heavens belonged to the command of the Immortal King of Good Fortune. I am even a direct family of the Immortal King of Good Fortune. For the sake of the same origin, please take me away. "The goddess on the picture said with a begging voice.

The breath of good luck fairy king?

After a brief surprise, Su Jin suddenly understood that it might be because of Sakura's "Good Fortune Immortal Eyes". Of course, the identity of the other party is still in doubt. If he can't say anything, he believes it. Then he asked: "You said you belonged to the Immortal King Good Fortune. What can prove the direct family?"

"Of course I can prove it! What I practiced is the Immortal King Good Fortune Longevity Kungfu. Who are you and why do you have the breath of the Immortal King Good Fortune?" The goddess on the picture became a little wary.

"It's very simple. My daughter gave birth to a "good luck fairy pupil"." Su Jin's heart moved. Although Xiao Sakura was not his own, he was cut out of a natural stone fetus, but that relationship did not have to run, and she had already taken her as himself. Daughter to look at.

"Good luck immortal pupil! Did the ancestor'good luck immortal king" die in that battle?"

The goddess on the picture was frowning, and then she looked suspiciously, and said, "Can you let your daughter come out, let me see."

"I'll take you down, I can see you outside." Su Jin nodded and said, he took off the curtains and disappeared into the cabin.

When he arrived on the deck, Su Jin directly exhibited the vision of the Second City's "Ancient Heavenly Court". A fairy dragon suddenly appeared above the fairy pond in the Nantian Gate, with a little girl in the mouth of the dragon.

"It's really good fortune fairy pupil——" The goddess on the picture was extremely excited, but she also wore sadness on her face, which meant that the fairy king had already fallen.

"Miss sister, I have proven myself, and you just said casually, I can't believe that you are my line of good luck immortal kings." Su Jin said seriously.

"Listen well."

The goddess on the picture seemed to accept this fact, without thinking about it, and said: "The "Good Fortune and Longevity Kung fu" I told is wrong."

"Well, go ahead, if you make a mistake, there is no place for you in the cabin, so I will throw it directly into the void for you to drift." Su Jin couldn't restrain his excitement and said sternly.

On the picture, the goddess nodded and read: "The way of heaven is more than damage but makes up for the shortcomings. With the saint holding one, it is the world style, only the **** is to guard, keep but not lose, and be one with the god. The form is the Lord and die, The spirit is the main beggar. To stay in harmony is good, and to go is fierce. To stay in harmony is one, and it can last forever..."

Su Jin wrote down one sentence, and there were more than four hundred words in the back, which were written down one by one by the goddess on the picture, neither he nor this picture expected.

After reciting the entire method, Sakura's eyes suddenly opened, and the void above the top of the boat was filled with an incomparable huge white eyeball, and the fairy was bright!

The goddess on the picture immediately screamed again and again--

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