My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1879: A man falling from the sky

"Don't throw it?"

"Yes, do you know what this is?"

Liu Changjia's angrily voice came, she was almost to death-

"What treasure?" Su Jin was exiled in the void. It was still the first time. Where did he know the situation.

"This object is called'Lu Jingsui', and the big nails are worth a lot of money. You are going to throw it away, and I am angry." Liu Changjia was very depressed.

"What is the use?"

"Jingsui Lu is a treasure that even the'Great Emperor' is eager for. Have you walked through some small man-made worlds? If you have the ability to remove landmass in the future and have a'Jingsui Lu' with the big nails, you can Create a small world of fairyland."

"Awesome little sister, you can know this." Su Jin suddenly, he has certainly seen a small man-made world. The'Infinite Sword Mountain' that he once destroyed was created artificially. Every time he thought of him here There can be such a fine discovery in a piece of waste soil.

Close! Put away——

It was stored in the corner of the ‘Bone Ring’ and Su Jin hurried towards the mainland where the female body was frozen.

Void and misty.

Su Jin was full of hope and soared for four hours. During this time, he discovered dozens of incomplete land masses, discovered the existence of human races and monster races, and saw the prosperity of human civilization.

"This continent seems to be different."

Su Jin stood on a road block three hundred miles wide.

"There is a brown-black altar that is twenty li in front--" The Dragon Umbrella exclaimed.

"Look at the bottom of the altar again, there are densely packed stone people." Su Jin calmly said.

The nirvana dragon umbrella was shocked and said: "In ancient times, there was a sacrifice ceremony to pray to the sky and drop Fuze. This altar is very not simple. Why are all the saints kneeling and praying for blessings in the sacrifice ceremony? This is incredible! "

"I have a hunch that I am getting closer and closer to the world of human civilization." Su Jin has a hunch that the direction of the empty rush is right.

After all, there are so many land masses floating in the void, and they are in the same direction.

"I hope so." The Dragon Umbrella of Jieming seemed hopeful, and it didn't want to be buried in the depths of the void, otherwise it would simply bury its talents.

Su Jin took a deep breath, the light was shining, and he kept changing positions, trying to open the void passage that had been opened by the human monks. In this way, he tried again and again without being discouraged. Although he hadn't found anything yet, he still rushed forward. .

Time passed like a white horse, and three days passed in such a flash.

In the evening of this day, Su Jin finally made a big discovery.

In the past three days, he not only encountered more fragmented continents, but also discovered some living creatures on the continent, such as ants and insects, such as flying flies. The largest jumping mouse was as big as a Chinese elephant. When he found it, There is still breath.

The direction is correct, there is human civilization there--

Su Jin almost yelled out excitedly, and when the curtain ended in the evening, there was a bigger surprise waiting for him. When he left from the jerbo, a'stone grave', a stone grave place, was drifting quietly in the void not far away. The land fragments occupied are no more than ten feet.

The stone tomb is open. On the edge of the tombstone, there is a withered old man sitting quietly. The whole body is petrified. There is this stone tomb in the void. Before the petrified old man sits on the head of the tomb, unimaginable feelings appear in Su Jin's heart. .

The old man is still alive!

When this situation was seen in his eyes, Su Jin almost bit his tongue and immediately appeared in front of the wandering stone grave.

In the dim and dim void, the stone-body old man raised his head slightly, angrily, his turbid eyes glanced at Su Jin...

"Dare to ask Senior, where did you come from." Although excited, Su Jin asked cautiously on his face as usual.

"Get out of the tomb." The stone old man was speechless, using a weak mental power like a candle.

Su Jin was shocked. It turned out that the old man buried himself in a stone grave, and within the time of his life, he was far away from his hometown and let himself disappear in the void.

"I lost my way in the void, and asked Senior to point out a way back to the great world--" Su Jin arched his hands and said modestly.

"The direction I'm coming from is 30,000 miles away. The passage can be opened." The old man Shi's weak mental power uttered a voice, and then his stone body shook, as if he had finished enjoying the beauty of the void, he slowly supported the ground with his hands and feet, and climbed. Into the tomb door.

Su Jin was extremely excited.

This stone old man is the ancestor, and the ancestor also has a day when his lifespan is exhausted. Sure enough, Su Jin will not doubt the authenticity of the old man’s words. After all, people are about to die, and their words are good. If not for its guidance, the boundless void is deep. Where, who can find the direction of human civilization?

Thirty thousand miles!

Very close to Su Jin!

Then Su Jin immediately left, and soon he swept away in the direction of survival, while the lone stone tomb was still floating away quietly.

It's easier said than done. How can 30,000 li in the void be exactly the same and find the right direction?

With the situation of the old man in the stone tomb, Su Jin kept turning back against the illusion, and then scouring the direction of the direction where the stone tomb had just floated.

Five thousand miles!

Ten thousand miles!

Twenty thousand miles!

Thirty thousand miles!

Although Su Jin has become an ancestor, he is definitely tired when he arrives at his destination in a short and urgent time.

Just now the stone tomb was exiled from here, Su Jin repeatedly confirmed, and the surrounding avenues are full, it is definitely not like the dead silence state that he blindly looked for before!


Su Jin opened the ancestral realm world, thousands of imaginary phases dispersed, and troops lined up in a flash, appearing neatly in all directions, and the surrounding power was madly drawn, and then his deity raised his hand, and did the same movement at the same time.

Tap it lightly--


The surrounding emptiness was slapped one after another, banging banging, more than a dozen void passage portals opened, Su Jin laughed wildly in the void with joy.

Yuanshi Realm Master! Emperor Wu Heng! Empress Yaoyi! The three of you know that I can finally get out of the abyss of void!

"Not easy!"

The voice of the Jixi Dragon Umbrella was crying, and the past few days made it doubtful of life, for fear that its infinite power would be buried in the void and become a wandering void garbage.

"Calm down, you are like this, where is the dignity of Emperor Bao?" Su Jin said cheerfully.

"Hurry up, after disappearing for several days, your wife probably also knows about your fall." The Dragon Umbrella urged.

Yuyan wife~~~

Su Jin smiled, um, missed her--

Without being sentimental, Su Jin's face glowed, and he strode into one of the void passages. He knew that as long as the existence of human civilization, he would be able to return to China and return to the home that belonged to him and his wife Yuyan!

In the glazed colored void passage, Su Jin was leaving the void quickly. He felt that no matter where he appeared, it was better than wandering in the void.

But soon, he knew that this idea was wrong!

"Sisters, a man fell from the sky! He...he must be peeking at us to take a bath!"

"Um~~~ Damn it, I fell in—"

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