My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1880: Imperial concubine

With a puff--

Free fall into the water!

Su Jin didn't react at all, and when he knew someone was there for the first time, he changed his appearance, and immediately felt the fragrant smell all around him. The water seems to have a fascinating and refreshing fragrance.

Be good~~~

On the three-hundred-square-square-meter pool, there was a mist of immortality. A total of thirty-six flowers and jade-like girls showed their faces in the mist, all of them icy muscles and bones, beautiful and alluring.

Su Jinwan couldn't guess that the passage opened from the abyss of the void turned out to be this beautiful scenery. There were a few girls on the water, barely showing their jade arms and shoulders. The white ones were just like green onions. Foremost color.

"Damn stinky man, who gives you the courage to come and watch us shower!" a girl asked angrily.

"Hurry up, who are you! Do you know what this place is? Just come and take a look!"

"It doesn't matter who you are anymore. There is only a dead end waiting for you. I will cut your eyes off later, practice it into a meat pill, and feed me the immortal grasshopper lying on the stove."

"It's not enough to become a meat pill. Kill him, strip him off, and take the shaved human bones to feed the dog!"

"Tie him and kill him, hit his true spirit into Linghua Pig——"


Thirty-six unidentified girls came and talked about each other, Su Jin was silent for a while. The passage that someone opened from the Void Abyss turned out to be directly above the pool, but he didn't notice it just now and rushed into the water.

what a pity.

"Shut up all of you!" Su Jin was still wronged. Who was so insidious to set the space channel above the pool? Doesn't this cheat me?

However, Su Jin was not a monk who likes to be very busy, and the 36 girls shouted in surprise, as noisy as they were.

Su Jin's words directly silenced the scene.

After a short silence, a girl reacted first and shouted: "Sisters, tie him up!"

So thirty-six girls, almost without much effort, were **** by Su Tianzi~~~

"Your attention is really good."

Su Jin had a smile on his face. Just when the girl finally said that he was going to tie him, he directly stretched out his fingers, wisps of fairy power trickled out, and directly tied the thirty-six girls firmly. Although it is very regrettable to stray into it, he really didn't see it——

Moreover, knowing that the man fell into the water, the thirty-six women turned out their robes at the same time, but the clothes were soaked in the water.

Su Jin stretched out his hand, and the thirty-six girls shot directly out of the pool.

"Smelly man! If the emperor comes back, he will definitely crush you!" A girl was tied up, and she did not forget to threaten her.

"That's right, even if the emperor doesn't return, you can't escape with Lord Huo Xiao guarding here!"

"You dare to report a famous taboo!"

"You can't live anyway."


It was really too noisy. The noisy wanted to cover his ears. Su Jin took out his ears and glanced at the girls in the audience and said, "Which emperor's residence is here?"

"I'm afraid to scare you to death." There was an angry girl struggling, but she still couldn't get rid of the **** of Xianli Trickle.

"We are the imperial concubines of the'Emperor Zhenyuan'. We are blinded by you, so we dare to peek and catch us."

"Dare the thief let us go! Believe it or not, you can't find North!"

There was another hustle and bustle.

Su Jin was unmoved, he went ashore, dried his clothes and steamed, and found a stone pier on the shore. He raised Erlang's legs arrogantly and said nothing.

Thirty-six girls yelled for more than half an hour, their lips were almost bald and the scene calmed down.

"Have you said enough?" Su Jin stared at him, "I didn't say enough to continue--"

Besides, it can be exhausted.

Thirty-six imperial concubines suddenly gritted their teeth, but were surrendered by Su Jin's move.

For a long time, Su Jin saw that no one was speaking again, so he spoke again: "Introduce myself, my name is Mu Ziye, Shi Cai opened the void passage and plunged into the pile of you unpreparedly. Are you a little surprised?"

"A ghost believes you!" There was a weak girl.

"Believe it or not, but is your emperor okay? With this kind of wine pond meat forest, how do I feel that you are all Yunying's body?" Su Jin pondered it, feeling quite strange. Thirty-six women, all of them have very strong Yuan Yin Qi.

"Emperor Zhenyuan has been away for 536 years. We were only selected by Master Huo Xiao later."

"If you call Li Ye, say Li Ye, what Mu Ziye is dragging him? Although our great emperor has been away for a long time, he will come back. You better let us go." There is a girl who is afraid that a concubine will tell the truth before and affect it. The next situation brought a little threat.

"Oh~~~ It turns out that it's just your emperor who is good for this, but I went out to do some errands, and I didn't have any luck with you. Can you tell me, what is this world?..." Su Jin had to figure out the exact location first.

"Zhenyuan Great World!" said an emperor.

"Very well, you are free."

Su Jin nodded slightly and raised his hand to point. This well-behaved imperial concubine, with the immortal power trickled from his body, gained freedom of movement, and then he asked: "Zhenyuan Great World, in the Supreme Void God Realm, gained How much territory?"

"Twenty-eight million miles." Another imperial concubine rushed to answer and was released by Su Jin.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and asked Zhenyuan Great World about the territory acquired in the "Taixu Divine Realm". The purpose is not other. It is precisely because if it is allocated, he believes that no matter how far away it is, it will not be a peerless. Divine communication.

"Then more than ninety jade sculptures, can you explain it?" Su Jin pointed to the garden tens of meters away. Among them, the jade sculptures with the same proportions as the real people stood in it, pleated and brilliant.

"Each jade sculpture represents a concubine of the great emperor, and we are among them." Seeing that there was a concubine who had been released, there was a concubine trying to confuse Su Jin, she did not dare to conceal it, let alone conceal nothing.

"You only have thirty-six, where are the other concubines?" Su Jin asked.

"do not know."

"Master Huo Xiao said that the former emperor concubine sisters have been given a divine residence and placed in other places, so that wherever the emperor will go in the future, the concubine can serve." Another girl said.

Su Jin got up from the stone pier, walked more than ten meters towards the jade carving place, turned his back to the thirty-six imperial concubines, quietly opened the'Mahe Town Prison Eye', and began to vindict the situation of other disappeared imperial concubines, but the reaction was The sight under his eyes made him sneer.

There was a little silence.

Su Jin has already figured out the fact that the thirty-six women are still in Yunying's body, because one of them will disappear if one is enjoyed by the emperor. The fact may be cruel, but most of these female sisters are'saint kings', very beautiful. Beauty, it's such a pity.

"I let you all go, but one word of advice, leave as soon as possible if you can." Su Jin took back all the fairy power tricks, and the thirty-six concubine immediately hesitated, because it was hard to believe what this man named'Li Ye' said.

"Little thief, you are dead--" One of the thirty-six imperial concubines played a magic talisman, almost to the point that no one could stop it.

The magic talisman is shining, turning into wisps of blue smoke, floating in the void!

When it was about to enter the night, the sky was already gloomy, the sun fell deep into the horizon, and there were still a few traces of red clouds inlaid with clouds into gold.


The Zhenyuan Imperial Palace trembled, Su Jin raised his head with a hand behind his back——

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