My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1882: Special service

Master Huo Xiao was shocked!

In a hurry, Master Huo Xiao had his cultivation base unreserved, and all burst out, forming a circular enchantment all around!

This punch was hit hard.


A piece of void shattered into powder, the strength of the Great Perfection of the Huo Xiao Ancestral Realm, the circular barrier condensed with all the power, was blasted like paper, and the giant fist in the air was unabated. It instantly took Master Huo Xiao His head is puffy!

The corpse cicada turned into an afterimage, quickly swallowing the blood of Huanyang, and then swept back. The blood on its surface became more and more concentrated, and Su Jin was very satisfied with his attack.

The terrifying fist wind dissipated, and calm around the imperial palace was restored, but in the hearts of the thirty-six imperial concubines, this scene was indelible!

Thirty-six emperors and concubines, who are like flowers and jade, are all stunned, and their horror cannot be calmed for a long time.

"Kill Huo Xiao, only one move..."

An emperor murmured a word, and then chose to remain silent.

"This is not true, how could Lord Huo Xiao be killed by a punch."

"I must be dreaming, but this is something that shouldn't happen in a dream."

"Master Huo Xiao is dead, what should the imperial palace do, what should we do!"

"If the Great Emperor Zhenyuan returns, I will bear the blame for the emperor."


Fearful voices continued one after another, and the emperor was afraid that Huo Xiao would die. Su Jin, the little thief, had a vicious heart and took them as the emperor. That was the most terrifying thing.

At this moment, Su Jin waved his palm, and a coffin lamp appeared. In just one breath, Lord Huo Xiao’s true spirit was wrapped around the wick, and the ancestor of Huo Xiao’s ancestor'Nine Star Heaven Ge' was put away. Now, he will not stay here.

In the end, Su Jin didn't even look at the thirty-six imperial concubines, and disappeared into the'Zhenyuan Imperial Palace' in one step, and there seemed to be a cry of crying in his ears.

Those imperial concubines, Su Jin had kindly reminded them once, but they still held the status of imperial concubine, extremely vicious! But they don't have any deep hatred with themselves, so they just take it for a while.

Zhenyuan Great World.

There were no humans in the imperial palace for five thousand miles, demonstrating the lofty status of Emperor Zhenyuan. Soon after he left the imperial palace, Su Jin saw a land of lights in the void. That is a big city!

"You need to find an unused stone tablet." When Su Jin reappeared, he was already standing on a high wall with full temperament.

The reason why Su Jin was looking for Shipai was that he naturally wanted to take a look at Taixu God Realm.

Su Jin himself has the "fantasy" stone sign, but after using it, the people in the Mohist Institution City may know that he is alive. Although he is not afraid, the Zhenyuan Great World does not know how far away from China. There are his relatives and friends. He cannot bet their lives.

This city is called'Yunling City'.

The entire city has a vast area of ​​thousands of miles. The architecture is roughly the same style, but the streets are paved with white stones. The surrounding buildings and streets are very neatly planned. There are not many pedestrians on the road. It may be because of the night. reason.

Su Jin's figure swept down the high wall and set foot on the spacious white street.

Quiet streets, no idle sound, a breeze blows, red lanterns hung up on both sides of the street, shaking.

The pace stopped at the door of a restaurant called "Qinghua Restaurant".

In the wooden window, there were a lot of drinkers. Although the voice was small, Su Jin heard some of the words. He chose to walk in and sit down and ask for the old beast meat wine.

"Something happened to the imperial palace, Lord Huo Xiao has fallen--" a young monk whispered, half covering his mouth.

"Huh? Seriously at this time?"

"Naturally it is true. An hour ago, the people of the imperial palace issued an ‘obituary’ and offered a reward for ten crystals. Regardless of life or death, arrest the perpetrators!"

"Ten... Shen Jing! Zhenyuan Emperor Palace is really in stock!"

"Who did this?"

"A young man named Li Ye loves to call himself'Mu Ziye'!"

"How is it possible! Lord Huo Xiao was a great Dzogchen ancestor realm long ago, and he was half-footed into the emperor realm. How could a young strong man kill him--"


Throughout the inn, the voices were very quiet, but they were all communicating with each other, and a very strange and terrifying atmosphere was enveloped around them.

In the Great World of Zhenyuan, it is not uncommon for which ancestral realm has fallen, but Master Huo Xiao does not know, who does not know? He still has more than half of his life, he is still at the peak of his prime, killed by the youth, too outrageous——

The meat and wine are on.

Su Jin didn't expect things to reach here so quickly, but he didn't care, looked at the waitress who brought the old beast meat wine, and smiled slightly: "Sister paper, can you reach out your hand."

"Huh?" The waitress's face changed slightly, she didn't know what Su Shao was going to do. When she was tangled, she stretched out her right hand and opened her palm.

"Hands." Su Jin quietly looked at the waitress and said in a calm tone.

The waitress nodded, spreading her hands.

Su Jin squeezed his fist and opened it lightly above the waitress's palm. Suddenly, more than 20 spirit crystals frightened the waitress and made her feel at a loss.

"Guest, guest officer." The waitress got up at a loss and held the Lingjing tightly, tightly.

"Master, I am in a good mood, and the money is rewarded for you." Su Jin smiled and said, "Don't be nervous and ask you something."

"Thank you, master, please tell me." The waitress bowed politely. Who has given such a generous reward? At least this restaurant has been open for these years, she has never heard of it.

"I came to Yunling City for the first time, and the stone plaque communicating with the'Taixu Divine Realm' was lost. Where can I buy it here?" Su Jin asked.

"You don't need to buy the ordinary'Fan' stone sign."

The waitress thought it was a big deal, and then said: "Diagonally across the street, there is a very eye-catching stone archway. You can get a stone sign with the word'Fan' for free. However, if you have a sign above the land, you need to buy it. Expensive—"

"Thanks." Su Jin grabbed the wine jar and drank the old wine, wiped his mouth with his sleeve robe.

"But master, it's too late now. The free'Fan' stone tablets are only available between dawn and sunset. If you spend money, you can knock on the door to buy." The waitress said.

"Knock on the door to buy?" Su Jin actually wanted to get a mortal stone, after all, it was not very visible.

"It's very expensive! The stone tablets with the word'land' cost fifty spirit crystals, and those with the word sky are even more expensive, costing more than a thousand spirit crystals. It is rumored that there are stone tablets with the word'magic' there, but even if they are, they are expensive. And I heard that customers who buy Shipai above the sky word have special services—"

"Oh, I see."

Without moving a piece of beast meat, Su Jin grabbed the wine jar and left the inn. He is now anxious to communicate with the Void God Realm. In order to conceal his identity, he can only buy it. He just doesn't know what the "special service" the waiter has heard about...

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