My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1883: Sultry night

In fact, Su Jin is very clear.

He had extra stone tablets. Not long ago, when Emperor Shaoman was newly founding the country and became emperor, he took ten stone tablets with the word ‘land’ at his ascension ceremony, and later he gave one to Xia Yuyan. However, Su Jin was more anxious, because he didn't know whether the specifications between the world and the world were the same.

On the occasion of the banquet that day ascended to the throne, there was a table full of civil and military ministers. With Mozu’s scheming and cunning character, he could easily find out which pieces he took away. So when Su Jin did not return to the China Great World, he had no idea. Carelessly.

After all, because of the use of the Five Domain Stone Tablets, it is very likely that Mo Zu will find out his breath and learn that he is still alive.


The breeze blew from the deep alley.

At this moment, the night in "Yunling City" was a little bit more chilly. Above the sky, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and sometimes there were a few weird beast calls. I don't know who raised the animal pet, let alone where it came from.

It didn't take long for the three large characters of Stone Archway to appear on a plaque in front of a gray three-story old house.

The golden sign, "Stone Archway" is not small, but the three-story facade is full of antiquity, and Su Jin clearly feels that this old house is a bit old.

There are more than 20 red lanterns hanging under the eaves, swaying with the wind.

Su Jin walked to the door, looked at the big-armed'Golden Tiger Head' knocker, couldn't help but patted it three times.

"Who?" After five or six breathing hours, a female yawned, lazily inside the door, with a complaining tone, and asked.

"It was repaired as soon as Yunliyunwai, and the stone was lost, so I came here to buy one." Su Jin stood outside the door, faintly said.

The heavy door was slowly opened by a girl who was struggling to open it. The girl was quite delicate in appearance. She was sixteen or seventeen years old and short, but her figure was relatively slim and her hair was loose.

At this time, the girl looked at Su Jin with her **** eyes while playing the red lantern, and said:

"It's too late, can you please come early tomorrow? Our young lady has already rested, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient." The girl moved her lips, her face full of fatigue, full of sleepiness.

"I heard that there is a stone sign with the word'phantom' here. The young master came here to buy it. He also asked the girl to call your lady. I sincerely want to buy it." Su Jin said lightly.

"Shipai of magic characters, the son wants to buy?"

The girl raised a little bit of spirit, but how did she feel that Su Jin's words were not very reliable, a casual cultivator could have the strength to buy a ‘fantasy’ stone tablet? She doesn't believe it.

"Little Zhong Ling, please come in." A female voice came from the stone archway.

"Yes, miss!"

The girl quickly greeted Su Jin respectfully, "Sir, please--"

Su Jin smiled slightly and walked into the stone archway with his hands under his hands. However, under the leadership of Zhong Ling, he passed through a large courtyard from the front hall before reaching the residence of Miss Stone Archway. From the window, the red candles were jumping, bright like fire. , And Xiao Zhong Ling did not dare to defy...

She took the initiative to open the door of the lady's room and watched Su Jin walk in.

This is a three-hundred-square-meter large boudoir, separated by a wooden wall, with a slightly round door in the middle, with new curtains hanging on both sides of the door. When you enter here, you can directly see a book that is six meters tall. The wall is full of various books, and there are bookcases and wooden chairs in front of the bookshelves.

Su Jin walked into the door with curtains on both sides and completely entered Miss Shipaifang's boudoir. At first glance, he saw six red candles with thick arms. The red candles lit the room and the atmosphere was quite warm and livable.

Two meters away from the right side of the red candlestick, a three-meter-long, one-meter-high, blood jade screen came into view. The screen was engraved with a “picture of a horse in the countryside”. In the picture, there is a shepherd boy riding a bull and playing a flute. It looks like a master's handwriting, which is of great value——

Su Jin glanced over the room decoration and looked behind the screen. According to his thoughts, there should be a boudoir bed in it, and the lady of "Stone Archway" thought it should be in it.

Perhaps after hearing the sound, Miss Shi Paifang squeezed a bunch of blue silk, stood up from behind the screen, let Su Jin see her face!


Shimizu's hibiscus, a naturally carved face!

The face of this woman is excellent, her skin is as white as jade, and there is a sesame-sized'beauty mole' under the right corner of the eye. This mole is really the finishing touch, giving this woman a pure and charming temperament. The feeling is just right.

"Feng Lao didn't sort it out in a hurry, please don't blame me, husband."

The eldest lady of the stone archway walked out from behind the screen as she spoke, holding a wooden box inlaid with precious stones in her hand.

Miss Feng Lao wore silky and silky pajamas. She was slightly thicker in white, with her robes reaching above her knees. Her round and beautiful legs were revealed, and her temperament was bursting.

Su Jin admired the perfect girl and said with a smile: "It's a lot of disturbance late at night. If Miss Feng Lao didn't speak, I won't be in a hurry to come back tomorrow."

"Mr., the ancestor of cultivation, how can Feng Lao dare to neglect half a minute? The wooden box contains the ‘magic’ stone tablet. But—"

Feng Lao looked at Su Jin meaningfully, but did not finish her words.

"But it doesn't matter." Su Jin narrowed his eyes, feeling that this woman was not easy.


Feng Lao laughed softly, it was as soft as jade, and extraordinarily enchanting. Then she glared like silk. She sent the jade box inlaid with gems to Su Jin before slowly saying, "Stone archway's. This is the only one of the "Huan" word stone, but the origin is not right~~~"

Wrong way!

Maybe, but Su Jin felt that this woman was talking about herself. Could it be that she saw something?

"Make a price." Su Jin looked at her silk and satin snow coat. The neckline was tightly closed, but the intoxicating scent puffed his nose. The scent makes all the pores open all over her body and makes people feel that she is everywhere. It is the feeling of Shutai.

"The price is eight thousand spirit crystals. Many aristocratic young masters have asked someone to ask, and some are even willing to bid 20,000 yuan." Miss Feng Lao nodded.

"As a businessman, why doesn't Miss Feng Lao sell this treasure?" Su Jin's eyes flickered, and she asked in a confused tone.

"Some people don't deserve it."

Feng Lao spoke bluntly, and continued: "The young masters of the big families are useless except for wasting their own resources and spending money everywhere."

"Then this treasure, how many spirit crystals do you want to sell me?"

Su Jin fell silent, and at the same time he asked, he opened the wooden box inlaid with gems, and suddenly one of the pebble-shaped stone tablets appeared, the texture was extraordinary, and there was radiance lingering in it. really! Sure enough, it is different from the Shipai issued by Five Domains!

Fortunately, Su Jin carefully sailed the Wannian Ship and didn't use the Five Domain Shipai.

Feng Lao Shi Shiran chuckled lightly, and lightly opened her lips, and said, "I don't take any money."

No cents?

A cold light flashed in Su Jin's eyes, his face changed very quickly, and when he felt his hand in an instant, he severely choked Miss Feng Lao's jade neck!

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