My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1884: Half-year-old pupil

Feng Lao didn't seem to panic.

When uttering the four characters ‘not to take a penny’, Feng Lao had already anticipated that there was a risk, which caused Su Jin’s murderous intent. After all, it is only natural for businessmen to take money to sell goods, and the two have never met. If they are so generous, it would be difficult not to cause doubt.

Fortunately, the palm of the jade neck was not too hard--

"Just because I am in the ancestral realm, you gave me generously? It seems difficult to convince me." The distance between the five fingers in front of Su Jin's eyes is Feng Lao's broken face, and the refreshing fragrance is still charming. .

"Mr. No wonder, please look at the eyes of the little girl and you will understand." Although Feng Lao said that his face was not too nervous, he could not be arrogant enough to dare to move.


Su Jin looked over, and Miss Feng Lao's eyes turned completely into pink.

"Pupillary technique." Su Jin was slightly surprised.

"Yes, I have a'half-year-old pupil'. This pupil technique is not very useful. I can only see the true spirit who died in the hands of the half-year-old. The husband killed Lord Huo Xiao, now he really The spirit is roasting on the wick, I can see it all," Feng Lao said.

Su Jin let go.

This pupil technique is really tasteless, if someone captures the true spirit, she can see it, and then she can guess her identity.

"It's quite offensive." Su Jin said lightly, apologizing only briefly. Moreover, this kind of spying on people's privacy is not so glorious.

"It's nothing, I don't take a penny for a natural reason. It's just for the future and tells it." Feng Lao invited Su Jin to sit at the table.

"What's the reason?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"A strong person can be famous in the'Zhenyuan Great World', what do you think is the reason?"

While Feng Lao was talking, he sold a few Guanzi and asked.

"Because it's cruel!" Su Jin nodded. The strong no matter how strong they are, if they don't use power and means, they can only be called a good man. There is no ruthless man who can be famous. After all, only ruthless can scare the weak.

"Yes, once my Dai family migrated from the ancient border desert, the family members have never revealed their surnames outside, just because the fire owl was so powerful, the whole family was almost wiped out." Feng Lao sighed and said again: "Huo Xiao Xiao is famous for his cruelty, but whoever is strong, which hands are not covered with blood?"

Su Jin suddenly.

It turns out that this is the reason why Feng Lao refuses to accept his money.

"Yes, but one thing belongs to the same thing. I killed the Huo Xiaoxiao because he and I were enemies and didn't want to be anyone's benefactor. Here comes the purchase of Shipai. Miss Feng Lao said the exact price is." Su Jin said calmly.

"That--" Feng Lao hesitated a little, "Is a spiritual crystal good?"

Collect a spiritual crystal symbolically!

"Don't, I still want to get special services~~~" Su Jin glanced over Feng Lao's body and said with a light smile.

"Special services are naturally available in the Taixu Divine Realm. The Shipai purchased from my Shipaifang can provide a lot of services." Feng Lao blinked at Su Jin.


Su Jin was full of expectation, and thought there was any special service that was not serious. He never thought that it was like a fire that was instantly extinguished by cold water, and the enthusiasm was completely gone.

"Thank you so much." Hardly thought, when Feng Lao explained, Su Jin added a spirit crystal between his fingers, gently pressing it on the table like a chess piece.

Seeing that Su Jin finally accepted the gift of the "fantasy" stone tablet, Feng Lao smiled and said, "Dare to ask Mr. Mu Ziye who claimed to be a descendant of the ancient survivor's "Li family"?"

"Why did you say this?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"Huo Xiao was once in the line of Zhu Rong Demon Emperor. The Li family was a prominent family in ancient times. He once had the three-step superpower Li Tian Wang. His Dao Treasure was a tiger seal. He later fought and died with Zhu Rong Demon Emperor. "Feng Lao nodded and said.

"No." Su Jin shook his head.

Ms. Feng Lao was not disappointed right away. No matter what happened in history, she thought about it once because she heard that Su Jinai called herself "Mu Ziye" and deliberately hid the word "Li", which made her think more.


Immediately, the two talked to each other for a long time, and Su Jin even talked to the end, looking at her long legs from time to time.

And Miss Feng Lao didn't seem to mind, instead she deliberately revealed her legs in the end.

"It's late at night, Miss Feng Lao rested earlier." Su Jin looked at the red candles on her arm. It was already halfway through, and the wax tears continued, and she couldn't help but stand up.

"Can you have a place to stay, Mr. Tonight?" Feng Lao didn't have the slightest sleepiness, on the contrary, he became more and more energetic.

Want to know who is in front of you? This is the existence of Master Huo Xiao that can fight to death, and half of Huo Xiao's foot has almost stepped into the emperor realm, demonstrating Su Jin's noble status.

"You can find it anywhere on the street." Su Jin shook his head.

"Since there are none, there are still many unused rooms in the humble house. If your husband doesn't mind, you can live in." Feng Lao said.

Su Jin hesitated slightly.

This is of course very good. Feng Lao is able to do such a big business, and he is naturally well-informed. Immediately he paused, and nodded, "Thank you—"

A smile of joy appeared on Miss Feng Lao's face, and she immediately sent a message to Xiao Zhong Ling who was napping outside the door, and asked her to go upstairs to clean up the free room on the second floor.

"Sir, what else is needed, just speak up." Feng Lao said.

"I need you..." Su Jin paused, looking at Feng Lao's dazed expression, and then said: "I need you to find a copy for me to move the formation at a long distance in the Taixu Divine Realm——"

Feng Lao's face was hot, and he nodded: "Okay."

Su Jin then left his seat, and was sent off by Miss Feng Lao, and chose to go upstairs alone.

The stone body turned to the second floor. Before he went upstairs, Su Jin knew the room that Miss Feng Lao had people tidy up. The room was just above Miss Feng Lao’s boudoir. At this moment, Xiao Zhong Ling was cleaning it up, the light of red candles. Can see.

Walk into...

After coming in, Su Jin felt that there was nothing to clean up. The inside was very clean. It was just that Yunling City was cold at night. Xiao Zhongling caught the wooden bucket. There was already half a bucket of steaming hot water in it, and the bedding on the bed was not yet laid. .

"Mr. has a bucket to bathe in. Zhong Ling will lay out the bedding later, and then order a piece of soothing fragrance to sleep peacefully." Xiao Zhong Ling didn't dare to show fatigue, she had never seen a lady treat someone like this.

Su Jin's identity was beyond her imagination.


There was only one candlestick in the room, so it was not too bright. Su Jin walked to the barrel to undress and bathed in it. There was a curtain in front of the barrel to cover it. Xiao Zhong Ling was not uncomfortable.

The water temperature was just right. After a while, Su Jin gently opened the curtains, and she saw that the girl Zhong Ling was bending over and gesturing on the bed. Sometimes she couldn't reach the foot of the bed inside. She was still kneeling on the edge of the bed, half. Lie on the bed and stretch out to tidy up.

Very careful--

When Su Jin saw this, he didn't look at it anymore. He turned his hand, and there was a pebble-shaped round stone sign in his hand, gently injecting a stream of immortal power, and the whole person directly felt the existence of the too virtual gods. , But he did not choose to rush to communicate.

This stone is true.

After taking a shower, Su Jin changed into a snow-colored robe. There was a smoker on the table of the room, and a wisp of purple soothing fragrance mist was lingering. Just before Xiao Zhong Ling left, he greeted him and went back to sleep. went.

In the quiet of the night, Su Jin was about to blow the red candle, but there seemed to be light steps on the stairs.

Soon there was Feng Lao's voice outside the door: "Sir, I have found out and marked the long-distance shifting map you explained--"

Su Jin walked to the threshold and opened the door with both hands. The graceful Feng Lao was in front of the door, holding a piece of rice paper in his hand, he nodded at her, invited her in, and watched her walk to the table.

"Let... put it on the table." Feng Lao put down the marked long-distance moving array, but was nervous because the red candle suddenly went out, and he choked.

The red candle was put out by Su Jin waved.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of closing the door, softly and powerfully.

In the dark room, Feng Lao's body shook slightly, and her hand was grabbed by Su Jin who came by!

Just listen to Su Jin gently said: "Ms. Feng Lao said just now, if you have any needs, just speak up, I need help now~~~"

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