My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1885: Return to China City

need help!

Darkness can bring fear to people, and it can also bring people An Ning. When he heard the words needing help, Feng Lao didn't even move at all to struggle.

At the moment when Su Jin slapped the gate of the stone archway, Feng Lao knew that an amazing gentleman had come through the'half-year-old pupil'.

The gentleman is unparalleled, even the fire owl who is about to step into the emperor can be killed, and many messages can be seen in a clever view of her. Master Huo Xiao died in the evening, and the two struggled, and Su Jin showed no signs of injury.

Still at its peak.

The breathing rhythm of the room seems to be a little faster.

How could Su Jin couldn't see through, after all, how could the dignified lady Feng Lao invite herself into her boudoir in the middle of the night? Just now, she asked her to find a long distance to move the array door. She didn't say that it would be necessary at night, but she sent it to the door.

Holding the willow waist lightly, smelling the fragrance of green hair between the ears~~~

Feng Lao's beautiful voice trembled a little, "Sir...Can you help my Dai family restore its former glory?"

"What is the glory of your Dai family's past?" Su Jin pressed his face to his face, hearing the complexity in Feng Lao's tone.

Feng Lao's face was as shiny as water, but the temperature was as hot as fire!

"Don't be bullied, don't be looked down upon by others, don't be afraid of other families--" Feng Lao said three'no' in succession.

"Are you sure I can do it?"

"Mr. is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the great emperor, Feng Lao believes that he did not misread him.

"I promise you, but can you not call me husband..."

"Ye... Yelang."


The stars on the firmament retreat quietly, the sky has not faded from the darkness, there are crickets in the courtyard that seem to be frightened by the sound of the second floor, and they jump directly from a flower bud, and that flower bud is under the kick of the cricket. It blooms directly.

That is a red flower--

Red as blood, as bright as the sun, but blooming at the right time, because the sky turned up and the fish belly was white, and it was almost dawn.

With the advent of dawn, Yunling City became more and more clear, time passed quickly, and drops of rain and dew quietly fell on the red flowers~~~

The stone archway was opened later this morning than usual. Several guests who came to ask for the word "Di" and Shipai left because Xiao Zhongling could not find the lady. The daily busyness made her suspect that she was the lady. Tired.

Last night we talked with her husband late at night. It might be normal to not open the door. Simple Xiao Zhong Ling thought so, and didn't suspect that Feng Lao had been in Su Shao's room from midnight to noon.

Sorting out.

Feng Lao seemed to be transformed, and her glory was radiant. She was originally five-point pure and five-point enchanting. After the baptism, she lost two points of purity. The whole person is like a nectar, and her temperament is immortal——

She stood up straight, changed into a fiery red dress, combed the blue silk with a wooden comb in front of the dressing table.

Soon Feng Lao seemed to be aware, turned to look at Su Jinxue's white robe and asked, "Why does Yelang stop sleeping?"

Sakura’s thin lips, combined with the eye-catching beauty mole, between the smiles, it's simply touching!

Su Jin smiled and shook her head, seeing her exquisite figure wrapped in a thin flaming skirt, took a few more glances, and said: "It's noon, if you don't go downstairs, Xiao Zhongling will suspect you are here with me."

"Then I'll go down first." Feng Lao's cheeks were two more ruddy, put down the comb, and his walking posture was very unnatural. He went downstairs as if he was escaping, looking around, lest he would be seen by the lower.

And Su Jin was sitting at the table, looking at the drawing of the long-distance moving gate on the table, and after a few unforgettable glances, he took out the cobblestone-shaped "magic" stone sign——

With the immortal power trickling into the stone tablets, the spiritual power immediately sensed the existence of the "Tai Xu Divine Realm"!

"The Yuan Ling body returned to China City from the'Zhen Yuan Great World' of the'Tai Xu Divine Realm'."

Su Jin was finally worried. The news of his death must have spread throughout the five domains, and I don't know what will happen there.


Taixu God Realm.

The three words ‘Ice Blue City’ appeared above the city gate. Su Jinyuan's spirit body appeared beside the city gate, and he remembered the location of the long-distance teleportation gate of "Ice Blue City" in his mind.

Entering the city, the street has an endless stream of cultivators, and Su Jin is looking for the portal.

There was only one long-distance teleportation formation in the city, and it was still in the northeast. Few people left from there. When Su Jin hurried away, no one saw it.

The portal gate here is rectangular, the height of which is similar to that of a normal portal, and ripples appear on the surface like water——

Su Jin stood in front of the gate of the teleportation formation, and began to show world names and ‘directions’ on the gate.

"Isn't Huaxia Great World?" Su Jin looked carefully, and his scalp was a little numb. In the Supreme Void God Realm, the territory that Zhenyuan Great World had acquired was far away from Huaxia, far too far to show.

Moving the array gate from this place can not directly reach the China Great World!

Fortunately, Su Jin found a more familiar name of the big world among the densely packed names——

"Jin Luo Realm!"

Su Jin's heart trembled for a while. He had the experience of returning to China from Zhenluo Realm in the Taixu Divine Realm, but he did not expect to be so far away. Zhenluo Realm marked the position on the array map, and he was almost ignored by him. Drop.

A remote line lights up on the gate, Su Jin accidentally transmits such a long distance, without any money betting, is this one of the special services Feng Lao said?

Su Jin didn't think much, and walked in directly.

Ten breaths, one hundred breaths...

It wasn't until a circle of bright light appeared in front that the scene slowly turned into reality. Su Jin knew that his original spirit body had come to the realm of Zhenluo Realm in the realm of Taixu!

It didn't take much effort, it was just a transfer. So at the gate of Zhenluo Realm, Su Jin once again chose "China City" and walked in. The time was much shorter this time, and familiar scenes appeared in his eyes.

China City——

Although Lao Tzu's physical body has not come, his soul body has returned!

Su Jin couldn't hide his excitement, but the surrounding scenes were familiar and familiar, but in the past there were many monks in the city, fishing, tea drinking, etc. were as lively as gatherings, but what he saw now was not this scene. .

Very deserted.

Of course, there are still monks, which are 30 to 40% less than in the past. It is reasonable that with the popularity of Shipai, there are so many people in the Five Domains, it should be more and more crowded.

"Xiongtai, I asked something." Su Jin said with a gentle expression, stopping a young man in a Confucian shirt.

Unexpectedly, the face of the Rushan youth changed. He saw that Su Jin, who had changed his appearance, was a stranger, but his expression was still humble, so he couldn't help but hesitate to say, "You ask."

"A few days ago, I visited China City once. There were so many people at that time, why now--" Su Jin began to ask.

The young man in Rushan looked at Su Jin a few times...

The truth that came out afterwards was infuriating.

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