My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1887: Shock the world!

Break through the Helan Mountain!

There was an unimaginable roar from the audience--

"Tianzi Su...didn't die!!" Of course, many of the people present had seen him. When Su Jin treated the girl just now, some people felt very strange. After all, it was a strange young face, and Buddhism could not be profound. To this point.

"How is it possible, didn't Su Tianzi be killed by the Great Emperor Wuheng of Yuanshijie? How could it..." A little Mimei didn't believe everything she saw.

Many female sisters at the scene have become fans of Su Jin, and the status of Su Tianzi in their hearts is irreplaceable!

"Even the Great Emperor Wu Heng did not kill Su Tianzi!" Someone was spitting in pain, heart-piercing crying.

In recent days, it has been rumored that there was an accident with Emperor Su, and that the entire five-domain cultivator was not as good as a dog, not as good as a dog!

However, now that Su Jin appeared, almost all the cultivators on the scene seemed to have recovered their backbones, because of one thing, he was Emperor Su!

"Emperor realm can't kill Su Tianzi. At this time, Su Tianzi is enough to be comparable to the Great Emperor!"

"The news that came out of the Mohist Institution City, the Great Emperor Wu Heng broke through to become an ancestor before killing Su Tianzi, and now he is in the Heavenly Ancestral Realm, who would dare to insult me ​​in the future!"

"I feel like this is a dream, an unreal dream—"

A female cultivator squatted on the ground, howling and crying. The grievance seemed to be the same as the severely injured girl before.

After Su Jin wrote two poems, he turned to his side and looked at the painful monk. The aggrieved faces looked in his eyes and the pain was in his heart!

"I'm back, who knows, where is the fire prison where Tai Yu'er and the others were taken away?" Su Jin's eyes were full of fierce light, and his voice roared.

"Tianzi Su! They are in the'Beiyang Wasteland' of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, where there are fire prisons and other execution grounds!" A strong monk told them.

"Thank you." Su Jin's body shook, and his whole person instantly turned into a beam of light, as if he had jumped into the void and disappeared in a flash.


The remote realm of Jinra.

The realm master of Zhenluo was pacing outside a palace. This is his tenth time. Since Emperor Su fell, his sister Luo Lingyi has shut herself in the room and never showed up again, even if his relatives are looking for him. , Do not say anything, ignore it.

If it weren't for Zhenluo's own tens of thousands of virtual deductions, and he felt that his sister was okay, otherwise he would really think that his sister had a plan to die.

After pacing in place for half a stick of incense, a brown-gray divine bird, like an eagle, landed on the stone platform in front of the palace, sending a message that stunned the realm master of Zhenluo——

Brother-in-law... not dead!

The realm master of Zhenlu woke up from a daze, and there was a bang in his head. He couldn't believe it and couldn't accept the fact that his brother-in-law had not died.

"Is this true?" Zhenluo Realm Master asked the divine bird and communicated.

An eagle-like sacred bird, his eyes shook with golden light, and one of the scenes was a scene where Su Jin revealed his true face and wrote two magnificent poems!

not dead! Really not dead!

Immediately, the realm master of Zhenlu spoke to her sister who hadn't been out for a few days, and the news also made Luo Lingyi in her deep bosom sluggish——

In the Great World of Yuanshi, the female realm master sat enchantingly on the main hall. In the past few days, the territory was destroyed, and many aristocratic families and tycoons of the hidden world made their voices thinking that she could no longer be the ‘world master’.

The original female realm master was very annoying, but when she was annoyed, she would take out something, which was a gold jewel pendant that her grandmother once gave her.

At this moment, she was flying around on the jade pendant pattern with her fingers.

Suddenly, the jade pendant was lightly touched and disconnected——

The news happened to come, and when Chuanyin heard it in her ears, it suddenly made her face difficult to look.

Emperor Su is not dead!

"How is it possible!" Yuanshi's female realm master gritted her teeth, her angry body trembling constantly.

The words of death were spoken by the Great Emperor Wu Heng. Although the Yuanshi female realm master did not see Su Jin's body at the time, she never doubted the words of the Great Emperor. Now that I want to come, the Great Emperor Wu Heng chased after the void abyss in Southern Xinjiang...

Su Jin should have banished himself!

But in the Void Abyss, how could it be possible to come back alive!

Reality simply gave Yuanshi’s female realm master a loud slap, invisibly the same slap, as well as the face of Emperor Wuheng, the face of Yuanshi Great World——

In the worst case, the Great Emperor Wuheng couldn't kill even an ancestor realm, but he still shamelessly announced that the news of the death of Emperor Su Tianzi would reduce the entire Yuanshi Great World to a joke.

Of course, the original female realm master was forced to abdicate, and now there is a good situation that Su Jin is not dead. Whoever has the ability to be a realm master must first kill Su Tianzi!


It didn't take long for a big world to be more anxious than the original female world lord, it was like sitting on pins and needles.

This big world is the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

The news of Su Jin's return alive also spread to the Master of Star Picking.

As a well-known heavyweight in the world, the leader of the star picker has even been appreciated by the emperor. At this time, many of the masters of the Heavenly Dragon Realm sent out are arresting anyone close to Su Tianzi.

As soon as the leader of the Star Reaching got the news, he felt fear in his heart, and the Heavenly Dragon Realm could not be compared with the ‘Original Beginning Realm’.

Because there are only a handful of great emperors in the Heavenly Dragon Realm. The Great World of Yuanshi has even the World Realm, and it is rumored that there is the existence of the'Three Steps of Heaven’. At present, Su Jin is alive. Failed to kill him.

"Come here!" The leader of the star catcher rubbed his hands, his face was anxious.

A middle-aged man in black robe walked in immediately outside the door, and panicked and asked: "Master, what do you want?"

"Where did the emperor of the Five Regions Barbarian Country be taken now?" the leader of the star picker asked urgently.

"Currently in my Heavenly Dragon Realm, I am being locked up in a blood refining ghost prison, under strict supervision --" said the middle-aged man in the black robe.


The Master of Star Picking was dumbfounded, Emperor Su's best brother, Emperor Shaoman, is now locked in the most brutal and inhuman ‘blood refining prison’ in the Heavenly Dragon Realm?

"Who told you to make an opinion, put him in the'blood refining ghost prison'! Hurry, hurry back!" The leader of the stars was almost crying, his head was blank.

The black-robed middle-aged man was startled, and said, "Didn't the leader say that he will torture him for a while..."

"Didn't you hear! Send it back!" The middle-aged man in black robe roared, his head was about to explode, and at the same time he asked after roaring, "Where is the goddess of Yin and Yang, Miss Jiulongbao!"

"In the fire prison execution ground of the Beiyang Wasteland, there are not only the powerful women of the Baihua Palace of the'Yuanshijie', but also our ancestors guarding them." The middle-aged black robe answered.

"It's over—"

The leader of the star catcher sat on the chair in despair. The woman was Su Jin’s Ni Lin, and she couldn’t catch it. The Tianlong Great World had a big event this time, just because it was close to China City, and it was close when the goddess of Yin and Yang and Ge Xue Yan were captured. Detained.


Brother Wuyu, almost all received the news at this moment!

Mo Zu was shocked, unable to believe that Su Jin was still alive.

The daughter-in-law of Xuan Yue cried with joy, because Su Jin was alive!

Long Yingru cried, because Su Jin is alive!

And Zhou Huang, one of the people who pushed the wall down, announced the restoration of the national title ‘Zhou’ after Su Jin’s ‘death’. Now he has fallen into despair, and he has slashed a few big mouths!

Of course, some people don't know the news of Su Jin's alive, such as the powerful people in the fire prison, and at this moment, Tai Yuer and Ge Xueyan who are tied to two stone statues in the open air.

In the Beiyang Wasteland, there is a fiery red altar. In front of the altar, there is a square fire field. Divine flames are raging around. The middle area of ​​the fire field is raised tens of meters. There are two stone statues on it. Two women are fastened tightly. Above.

"Sister Xueyan."

The goddess of Yin and Yang, Tai Yu'er, with white lips, looked at Ge Xueyan a few meters away, and said weakly: "Sooner or later it will be dead anyway, sister, I will take a step first--"

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