My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1888: Do you want me

Go first?

Ge Xueyan, who was **** on the stone statue on the left, had his eyes closed, but now also shook his head weakly: "Don't~~~"

The two women had only heard the names of each other before they caught them, but they had never met. But in the past few days after catching it, it was a cherishment.

"Sister Xueyan is luckier than me."

The yin and yang goddess looked at Ge Xueyan, tears fell from Barabala, "He wants you anyway, sister, I confessed to him, he doesn't want me—"

"Outside, it was only rumored that Tianzi Su had died, but no one saw the body. Sister, why don't you think about it." Ge Xueyan said.

"He died in the hands of the emperor, and there is no way to survive. In fact, he doesn't want me. I've been very sad recently. That's all, I will help Yuanling and let him go~~~" Tai Yuer sobbed twice.

Soldier solution!

For the monk's most terrifying words, these two words represent suicide!

Ge Xueyan shook her head and spoke to stop her. In fact, she was already desperate. When she was caught in the Taixu Divine Realm, the female cultivators of the Hundred Flower Palace put a'primal spirit forbidden' on them, otherwise the spirit would return. There is hope of escape.

But the elemental spirit body was imprisoned, and it was impossible to even communicate with Shipai.

Ge Xueyan actually understands how uncomfortable Tai Yuer is. Since there is no hope of life, why suffer here——

"Sister, can you tell me how to solve this problem? Let me solve it too!" Ge Xueyan asked cryingly.

Tai Yuer smiled weakly, this request was too cruel.

However, when a decision was about to be made, the monk guarding the Beiyang Wasteland "Fire Prison Execution Ground" suddenly noticed that something was wrong, and the surrounding wind was a lot stronger!

The grass rooted in the ground and was constantly swayed. There were more than 40 female nuns from the "Hundred Flower Palace" of the Yuanshi Realm, including three from the Ancestral Realm and ten from the Saint King! There are also hundreds of ‘star-catchers’, among them 15 are Saint Kings and 4 are in Ancestral Realm!

Adding together, there are twenty-five saint kings and seven saint ancestors among the strongest of the two worlds!


The one who was talking was a sacred ancestor of the "Star Cultivation", a very thin old man with a horoscope, carrying a lion rod, and shouted vigilantly.

"There is a big enemy! Open the altar barrier!" Another ancestor of the Star Reaching Teaching was named Master Feilong, and immediately hit a few hands on the ancestral realm Dao marks.

In the fire prison execution ground, a semi-circular barrier suddenly rose!

There was a figure in the distance, stepping for a certain distance, shining in figure, and coming with his hands on his back. When he got closer, almost everyone did not believe his eyes——

The goddess of Yin and Yang and Ge Xueyan were sluggish and seemed to stop thinking! How could Su Jin be alive!

"Bold! Who are you, dare to pretend to be the face of Emperor Su!"

Speaking is the lord of the Hundred Flowers Palace, and the "Hundred Flowers Palace" is a force in the great world of Yuan Shi. He believed in the words of Emperor Wu Heng. The emperor said that Su Tianzi died, that is, he must die, and he cannot reappear. Only in this way, there is only one possibility, this person is impersonating.

Impersonate! Also recognized by the goddess of Yin and Yang and Ge Xueyan.

Su Jin was expressionless, raised his head to look at the two women, and sighed secretly. The two women are fine, except that they are a little weaker, and they are in good spirits.

"Which one of you can live under a single blow from me can leave." Su Jin glanced at the situation of the entire audience, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if with an evil smile.

one strike?

Many people were angry. There were seven ancestors on the scene. Among them, the Hundred Flower Palace Master was even better than the other ancestral realms. This person pretended to be the face of Su Tianzi, who was frightening?

The Hundred Flowers Palace Master looked at the other people nervously, and said coldly: "Tianzi Su has been killed by the emperor of my realm. He must be a friend of Su Tianzi's life. He pretended to be able to escape under the emperor's hands and frightened me. ."

Everyone was stunned.

I think that the lord of the Hundred Flowers Palace is indeed smart, think about it, the real Emperor Su is dead, and now he comes out as a pretender of Emperor Su. Isn't it the blame for his good friends before his lifetime?

If this person succeeds in his strategy, make everyone believe that even if it is a fake Su Jin, I am afraid that with the reputation of escaping from the emperor, he can save the two women!

"The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't have it." Su Jin looked at the Hundred Flowers Palace Master and said slowly.

The lord of the Hundred Flowers Palace is wearing a green and white dress, well maintained, with a somewhat mature temperament, but his skin looks similar to that of a girl in her twenties, and she is quite beautiful.

"Don't panic everyone! He definitely can't be the real Su Tianzi, and again, Su Tianzi is dead!" Seeing that the heart of the army was shaken, the Baihua Palace Master couldn't help but sighed.

"Yes! The palace lord is right, we can't be fooled." Someone present boldly said.

"The words of Emperor Wu Heng can't be false, just tell who you are!"

"Don't ask, grab a piece and put it in the fire jail. He brought it to the door by himself--"

"Hahaha! I don't know how to describe your IQ. I want to come to the execution ground alone! Unfortunately, your counterfeit strategy has been seen through!"

The monks below the holy king all laughed loudly. God knows who came up with the scheme of counterfeiting. Are they stupid? Moreover, there are many strong players in the field, and it is impossible to succeed with ten or eight.

Su Jin's figure shook slightly, and a giant **** appeared in his hand. Thousands of imaginary phases appeared in an instant, the smiling faces of the cultivators had not been put away, and his figure had been soared by Juxia!

Whoosh whoosh~~~

The approaching imaginary phase, with Su Jin's hands, cut out a sword! Just in the blink of an eye, one hundred and forty three heads left their necks neatly!

On the 143 headless corpses, a pillar of blood splashed, while the head fell to the ground and rolled out!

Two coffin lamps were taken out, Su Jinyin coldly took all the true spirits that were screaming silently into the wick, and burned them!

None of the holy ancestors, holy kings, and the strongest Yuanshi Realm "Hundred Flowers Palace Master" survived on the scene!

In fact, it was because of unbelief, after all, there were still seven ancestral realms and twenty-five holy kings there!

If the seven ancestors were to resist with all their strength, Su Jin would not be able to kill everyone with a single blow, and Su Tianzi himself would not be able to be convinced!

However, the two daughters of Ge Xueyan have looked silly--

After being caught, they had heard the chats of many people. They learned that when Emperor Wu Heng killed Su Tianzi, he broke through to the ancestral realm, and the ‘counterfeit’ in front of him was also the ancestral realm?

The same state, the same face?

But can fake Su Jin's ancestor realm achieve such a terrifying method? Kill 143 strong men in one move?

This can only be done in the Heaven-defying Ancestral Realm! Only the Heaven Defying Ancestral Realm can leave safely from the front of the Great Emperor!

"He is still alive!" Ge Xueyan was excited, tears filled her eyes!

Tai Yuer felt like she was in a dream, she had decided to solve the soldiers, but there was such a big surprise, which directly made her unbelievable!

The pale red corpse cicada swept out of the bone ring and turned into a shadow to dash around each corpse, while Su Jin walked step by step to the "fire prison" and raised his hand on the fire prison barrier. Hit it!

The fire prison barrier was like tofu, smashed to pieces!

With a smile on his face, Su Jin walked to the two stone statues, untie the two women one after another, and said, "I'm late, it's all my fault."

"Sister Yu'er almost got rid of it!" Ge Xueyan said while holding Su Jin's arm with her face on his shoulder.

When Tai Yuer saw this, her expression was very complicated.

After her confession was rejected on Wangguhai Island last time, she was frustrated and even planned to never see Su Jin again!

"Where are you going?" Su Jin saw Tai Yu'er turned around and was about to leave, so he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to grab her arm.

Where else can the goddess of Yin and Yang go? I don't want to affect the two of them-

Seeing Su Jin holding her arm like this, Tai Yu'er didn't turn her head, but when she reached her mouth, she whispered sadly: "I'll ask you again, do you want me?"

Then, Su Jin said decisively without even thinking about it:


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