My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1889: Lord, let's go!


Immediately, Tai Yuer's teardrops dropped two strings. She failed to confess in Wangguhai for the first time, and she was very embarrassed. Now this second confession, she said it more directly. It can be said that she has no face, and the same result. .


"I wanted to come. But you seem to have gained weight--" Su Jin hadn't finished speaking just now, and there was something else.

Tai Yu'er's delicate body trembled slightly, and a smile began to appear on her tear-stained face, and she turned away indignantly: "Where is the fat? Your eyes have a problem!"

How could it be fat!

Recently, because of Su Jin's refusal, she has lost a lot of weight.

Ge Xueyan's heart warmed. In fact, she knew best, but she didn't confess with her sister Yuer. After all, no matter how good a woman is, she is selfish.

Su Jin clicked his mouth and nodded, "It may be an illusion. Seeing you chasing me like this, I want it--"

Two of them were taken one after another, and their expressions were very exaggerated and owed.

The yin and yang goddess made a small mouth, and the world liked her. I don't know how many men want to be a Taoist couple with her. No matter how you look at it now, Su Jin seems to be reluctant, but she doesn't know what to say.

She is different from Ge Xueyan.

Sister Xue Yan is already Su Tianzi's person, she is not yet! This is very angry, and he doesn't even have the right to speak against.

Talk about it, laugh at it!

Su Jin’s "primordial spirit ban" was lifted by Su Jin. It didn’t take much effort. The two women had been tied to the stone statue for several days. They were already exhausted. Su Jin felt distressed and briefly explained his situation. He warned the two women to leave the Taixu God Realm and rest for a few days first.

Then he looked around, and the corpse cicada had already returned to the bone ring. He put away the two coffin lamps and returned to the original road of China City——

Banzhuxiang passed.

The leader of the star picker came cautiously, but the corpse in the place almost scared him to death, his old face suddenly turned blue and red, and finally turned into a black face.


At the same time, somewhere in the real ‘Dragon World’.

A playful scene appeared.

This place is the notorious ‘blood refining prison’. It is rumored that as long as a million people are put in this prison, it is difficult for a million to leave one alive, and all kinds of extreme torture imaginable in the world can appear here, and it is even worse.

"Master, let's go! Please!" Several holy kings begged again and again in the dark ghost prison.

"where to?"

At this moment, the Emperor Shaoman was wearing a ragged dragon robe, sitting on the chair of the Grand Master that was brought up by someone, holding a tender beast leg on the outside in his arms, the delicious leg of the beast that was roasted, I don’t know what the leg is. The bun is a meter long and fifty centimeters wide, and eats violently.

"Go home! Go back to your barbarian country and continue to be your barbarian emperor." A young saint king said flatly with a smile.

"Oh, no reply."

When the Emperor Shaoman squinted his eyes and said, he used his mouth to bite a large piece of meat again. Those vicious things have made him tasted countless tortures in the past few days, and he almost never survived this morning.

"Why, my lord!" A holy king almost cried.

"No, you guys bring me the bedclothes for Lao Tzu. In the morning, the bedding was torn off with a layer of flesh. I looked disgusting." The Emperor Shaoman threw the roasted animal leg in his hand and wiped his mouth.

In fact, why is the change so fast?

Because Shaomanhuang is very clear! He is not a stupid emperor, the world is so big, even if everyone says that the boss is dead, he does not believe that the boss is dead!

Obviously, these people now want to send themselves back, and their attitude is very different from the face and face of a few days ago. His first reaction knew that the boss must still be alive and spread all over the world!

It's ridiculous. In the past few days, his Shaomanhuang has been tortured inhumanly, so he wants to send away a few words of ‘Master’?

Thinking of this, the emperor Shaoman's eyes are red, he is here, not going anywhere, just waiting for the boss to come!

Several holy kings looked at each other, they were all itchy with angry teeth!

If it weren't for the above explanation, you should treat him politely, persuade and enlighten you, I'm afraid they are all intent on murder!

In desperation, several holy kings had to leave, planning to do everything according to the requirements of this master, who would let Su Tianzi still alive——


Of course, it is naturally impossible for Su Jin to know this. His physical deity is still in the "Zhenyuan Great World", and there is no way to be close to the Huaxia Great World. If he rescues, he will have to wait for the deity to go.

However, Su Jin expected that the Tianlong Great World would absolutely not dare to offend himself too much, and that the Emperor Shaoman's life should be worry-free.

Before long, Su Jin changed his appearance and returned to China City.

Sure enough, as soon as the news that he was not dead came out, the cultivators in China City suddenly became full!

This is in common sense. The reason why Huaxia City was empty before was only because the two big worlds deceived and arrested people too much, but now, Emperor Su is still alive!

"You read that right? Is it really the Son of Su?" He only heard many five-domain cultivators, and asked uncertainly.

"There can be no mistake, Su Tianzi's Buddha's light shines, and he saved a little girl!"

"Interesting, how should the two great worlds be cleaned up now? The Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty restored the title of the country, what should I do next?"

"Emperor Da Zhou really doesn't want a green lotus, he is the only one pushing the wall, it deserves it now!"

"Haha! I heard that Tianzi Su wrote a poem in grief and anger, how did he recite it?"

"I'll read it to everyone! Listen well, Jing Kang shame, it's still not snow. The courtier hates it, when will it die! Drive a long car and break the Helan Mountain!"

"Good poem, good poem!"


The atmosphere of Huaxia City was unprecedentedly high, and news that Su Jin was alive was circulating everywhere. Not only was he sure he was alive, but he was also amazed that he could leave safely from the power of the Emperor Realm. This strength is the most terrifying.

When Su Jin saw this, he was silent, and quietly entered an alley, communicated with Shi Pai in the great world of Zhenyuan, and the true spirit returned to the body——

The turmoil in the distant Huaxia City did not cause any disturbance in the'Zhenyuan Great World', and no one even heard the name'Su Tianzi'.

Sober from the room,'Yunling City' is still as calm as ever.

Su Jin got up and put away the Shi Pai, went downstairs, and walked to the front door of Shi Pai Fang.

The Shipai business in the entire Yunling City is almost monopolized by the "Shipaifang". There are so many people, there are even long queues.

However, there are only a handful of people who purchase stone plaques above the word ‘land’. For the free stone plaques with the word ‘Fan’, a few people give out enough. Ms. Feng Lao still has time to lose consciousness.

Su Jin intends to figure out the route home, at least today must figure out how far Zhenyuan Great World is from China.


Feng Lao was lost, and instinctively raised her voice. Then she seemed to feel something wrong with her words. Fortunately, she didn't attract attention. Seeing Su Jin coming, she couldn't help but transmit the voice: "Don't go out today."

Hearing this, Su Jin's face was suspicious.

Just now Su Jin saw Feng Lao at a glance. After the baptism, she was so beautiful, but somehow, she looked worried and lost her senses.

Su Jin knew that something must have happened, and asked:


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