My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1891: Emperor Mian

At this moment, Feng Lao was in a state of confusion.

Although there have been speculations, such a big scene has never appeared in Yunling City for nearly a thousand years. Fifty-four emperor slaves, thirty-six emperor concubines, all appeared, it must have been instructed by Emperor Zhenyuan, otherwise no one can make emperor appear.

How to do how to do!

Feng Lao was anxious, but Su Jin looked at her and said calmly: "I remind you again, stand still, don't kneel on him!"

After speaking, Su Jin straightened his body and held his hand directly. The whole person seemed to be a feathered fairy, floating straight into the void——

The wisps of black mist that turned into the emperor from the fifty-fourth to the emperor, wrapped in a circle, constantly covering the void where Su Jin was!

"Kill him!" Seeing Su Jin appeared, the emperor couldn't help but exclaimed.

The millions of monks in Yunling City, whether men, women or children, all raised their heads to look at the famous existence these two days, and they couldn't help feeling sad for him.

"He is Mu Ziye who killed Lord Huo Xiao?" A monk lowered his voice, bowed his head, looked up at the famous young man, and discussed with others.

"Emperor Zhenyuan has left for more than 500 years. The imperial palace has always been in charge of Lord Huo Xiao. It can be said that it is not an exaggeration. In our big world, anyone can die, but Lord Huo Xiao cannot die. This Muziye deserves it!" Someone said excitedly.

"It's not good to provoke, so I just sneaked into the imperial palace and watched the imperial concubines bathing--"

"Ah? Don't kill me, you dare to say such things."

"In my opinion, Emperor Slave can easily solve him, maybe the Great Emperor doesn't have to come..."


The discussion is endless, but I dare not speak out loud, otherwise I am afraid that there will be unpredictable punishments. In the great world of Zhenyuan, the emperor is the supreme existence, and no one dares to challenge his emperor.

At this moment, among the fifty-four emperor slaves, several of them reunited into the real bodies of black robe masks and began to attack!

Su Jin smiled faintly, and when he saw the five black emperor slaves flashing over, he shook his body and raised his fist!


Smashing it on the face of a Emperor Slave directly shattered its body.

Su Jin frowned, or say that this emperor slave was special. With the strength of his fist, an ordinary ancestral realm powerhouse could smash his head directly, and the emperor slave who was hit by him was just reinvented. It's just black smoke.

"You stupid, all rush to beat him to death! Beat him to death!" An emperor anxiously shouted with a clear voice.

"Fifty-four hits one, have you survived a pig?"

"It's all impersonal idiots—"

"Sisters, don't worry, he will die sooner or later, we can watch the show quietly."

"Three more were hit, waste, a bunch of waste~~"

Thirty-six imperial concubines counted down, and a few even stomped their feet in the air, thinking that these emperor slaves were exaggerating.

The whole city's monks trembled in their hearts, Mu Ziye was really powerful.

Fifty-four emperor slaves, under the combined attack, they can respond calmly and calmly, as easy as playing a monkey!

The emperor slaves in the void are incarnate from time to time, and various insidious tricks can be used, but how can the experienced Su Jin let them meet? Besides, Su Jin has found a solution to them——


A huge scarlet dragon rises from Su Jin's body, and the Ancestral Dragon Heavenly Book is constantly shining on Su Jin's arm, and the temperature of burning everything is manifested in the void. The red Ancestral Dragon is so huge that it directly pans its surroundings when it appears.


The harsh screams continued, no one could see what was happening in it, only heard the screams getting weaker and weaker, until the silence finally fell, the red dragon disappeared, and only Su Jin existed in the void!


The situation was not what everyone expected. The fifty-four emperor slaves were destroyed and Su Jin burned them alive!

"This Mu Ziye is too powerful. Dozens of emperor slaves say that they will be destroyed. It is not wrong for Huo Xiao to die in his hands." The monks in Yunling City were shocked, and this scene would be impossible if not seen with his own eyes. Believe.

"I didn't believe it at first. There was a rumor from the imperial palace. Yesterday evening, Lord Huo Xiao was killed by Mu Ziye when he was fighting with Mu Ziye! The horror is like--"

"Kill Lord Huoxiao first, and now destroy dozens of emperor slaves. This person is sinful. The emperor has no reason to let him go. At this moment, the thirty-six emperors and concubines are coming. The emperor should appear soon. We will witness Mu Ziye’s Fallen."

"No matter how powerful he is, he cannot be more powerful than the emperor. He died in the hands of Emperor Zhenyuan and can be recorded in the annals of history. He should be thankful for this."


Under the day of the stars, the monks in the city respect their faces, looking forward to the coming of the great emperor and punishing Mu Ziye who has no emperor's law!

In the void, Su Jin finished warming up, and the thirty-six imperial concubines who were jumping, were twittering, so noisy!

Ten breaths passed, fifty breaths passed.

Throughout the entire Yunling City that was originally in the daytime, and everywhere in the dark streets, no monk dared to stand up, and then there was a bang.

"Boom boom boom~~"

The sound is like the void has a heart, the earth has a heart, and the whole week seems to be breathing with the sound of heartbeat——

Su Jin slowly squinted his eyes. What he saw from the sky was particularly true. In the middle of Yunling City, the heartbeat sounded from a mountain carved from the body, and the heartbeat sounded through thousands of miles. On the surface of the mountain statue, a blue and red line emerged.

Blue is muscle, red is muscle!

On the ground, buildings, streets, and any corners of thousands of miles, this kind of muscle began to fill up. The stars are no more, the sky and the earth have completely turned into darkness, and the stones on the mountain statue begin to fall rustlingly!


The eyebrow line of the mountain appeared, and the eyes of the mountain statue slowly opened, and the eye sockets were black as hollow, and the emperor's prestige revealed——

The earth is pulsating, the void is breathing, and the mountain is looking at it!

Thirty-six concubines crawled in the void, shouting in unison: "My husband will live forever~~~"

The whole city is boiling!

Full of millions of monks, a uniform wave of sound, one wave overwhelmed one wave, constantly worshipping Zhenyuan the Great!

Feng Lao hid in a corner of the alley, his face pale as paper, this time was really over, Yelang provoked the emperor, and he would definitely not be able to die. No one can save Yelang by any means, anyone can save Yelang, the height of the emperor is only worth looking up.

In the void, Su Jin felt turbulent emperor prestige like a tsunami, and the emperor prestige forced him to kneel down! But his stature is as strong as a bell!

Several courageous imperial concubines raised their heads slightly, seeing that Su Jin was in the air at this moment, and they even dared not to kneel or beg for mercy.

Su Jin suddenly let out a sneer in her heart, Su Jin's courage is not knowing whether it is ignorance or overconfidence, which is extremely presumptuous.

And at this moment, the pitch-black height of the void began to fluctuate, and a huge face appeared--

The ice-white outline, the facial features are all black holes, that face covers tens of thousands of miles of void!

Emperor face!

When this huge face appeared, the voice of worship reached its highest peak. All the monks, including Feng Lao, thought that Su Jin was over!

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