My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1892: Bodi! (7/7)

The emperor's face fluctuated slightly, and the tens of thousands of miles of the void quivered.

This is the "Emperor Face" of the Zhenyuan Great Emperor, which means that he has arrived. The tens of thousands of miles of void, far beyond the scope of the "Yunling City", the terrifying scene, was seen by some monks in the Zhenyuan Great World .

Down to the mortal, up to the Consummation Ancestral Realm, everyone who saw the'Emperor Face' all knelt down——

The great world of Zhenyuan is boiling over!

"Ancestor Xiu Mu Ziye, Huo Xiao died because of you, and your true spirit will fall into the Yan Luo Ghost Mansion forever, and you will not be able to live beyond it." Zhenyuan Great's'Emperor Face' said with an open mouth.

"Just relying on your emperor's appearance?" Su Jin said quietly, the voice clearly appeared in the ears of the cultivators in the city.

The cultivators in the city felt aroused, unbelievably looking at Su Jin who was standing in the void...

This, this is too rampant.

It's completely invincible. Obviously Mu Ziye hasn't realized who he is facing. That is the only emperor realm in the world of Zhenyuan, Zhenyuan Great!

Feng Lao covered her small mouth, almost fainting. She thought that Su Jin could speak up. Huo Xiao could not be resurrected after he died. Yelang is naturally the kind of talented powerhouse who is against the sky. Haosheng and the Great Emperor may be appreciated. , Do things for the emperor.

I never thought of that arrogant sentence.

When it was over, there was no chance anymore, and Feng Lao was a little desperate.

The void trembled, and the emperor's face had no emotion, and said, "Although the ancestor and the emperor are one step away, the gap is like a galaxy. Since you are so confident, you can try my emperor's power."

"If you have the ability to let your emperor body come, I will cut your emperor body!" Su Jin raised his eyebrows.

The other monks were all in a daze.

In life, no one has seen some arrogant people more or less, but the arrogance and arrogance of Su Tianzi have never been seen! This is terrible, I am afraid that since Emperor Zhenyuan became an emperor, he was only threatened by an ancestral realm this time and threatened to slay his emperor.

To cut the emperor's body means to be cut to death, which is not crazy.

The emperor face was tens of thousands of miles wide, looking down at the world, but when Su Jin threatened to kill him, the expression of the giant face seemed to fall into a weird look.


In the center of Yunling City, the statue of Emperor Xiangshan rose from the ground and pulled out a hole in the center of Yunling City. The city was trembling. Everyone saw the Emperor Xiang from the same place and walked into the void.

The Emperor Dashan raised his hand from the stone body, the emperor's prestige was diffused, and an emperor hand that could cover the city was condensed!

The emperor turned down his hand and pressed it towards the top of Su Jin's head!

Although it was the emperor's face of the mountain, the emperor's hand seemed to be extremely heavy. When he pressed it down, the hair of the cultivators in the city was shaken by the air wave, and their faces were skewed, and they couldn't open their eyes!


Thousands of Ancestral Realm Void Phases fluttered around the earth in a flash, uniting to directly lift Su Jin to the sky. With his current strength, he directly penetrated the Emperor Rune and soared to the back of the hand of the Emperor Zhecheng!

The covered hands couldn't be turned down, the mountain-like giant hand with the emperor pattern opened up, and it was a flexible grip. With this grip, Su Jin just flashed his lower body...

Not held!

The million monks were silent.

In the Ancestral Realm, who can escape the blow of the Great Emperor? If the fire owl fails, no one in the world of Zhenyuan will succeed, unheard of! !

Just now, the emperor turned his hand down. Regardless of whether men, women or children, they all knew that Su Jin would be photographed as a fan. Even the true spirit would no longer exist, but the reality slapped them severely. Didn't pinch this'Mu Ziye' to death!

Feng Lao was dumbfounded, his mind, heart, and all were occupied by nothingness, how could this be possible! She saw it with her own eyes, and she never believed that what she saw was true!

"Let you two tricks, really give yourself a face?" Su Jin spit in the air, raised his right hand in front of his chest, and slowly pulled out a holy soldier from his palm.

Shanzi pattern giant que!

After pulling out the giant fault, Su Jin's figure flashed, and instead of retreating, he stepped directly on the face of the Emperor Dashan, like a fish that was saved.

If anyone in the world can complete offensive methods like art, Su Jin dare to say second, no one dares to recognize first!

Su Jin's whole body was kicked up and down, his body style was not only fast, but also very elegant. In the short time of upkick, he had already accumulated enough strength, and his whole body was glowing red!

In the last step, he jumped to the top of Dashan Dixiang’s head, Su Jin roared fiercely, holding the hilt of the Juque sword in both hands, and severely slashed towards Zhenyuan Great’s "Dixiang Head"——


Happily vent the power through the giant sage soldiers!


On the top of the emperor's head, a parallel emperor pattern blocked the blow, and a circle of mighty power in the void spread tens of thousands of miles, dazzling! But even so, Emperor Dashan was still shaken back a few steps.

Su Jin wiped the back of his hand under his nose, and the Giant Que Saint Soldier disappeared from his hand, putting his hands together...

The Buddha's light of life and death diffused thousands of miles, combined with the illusion of the ancestral realm, 20% of the strength was restored in the blink of an eye!

The'Emperor Face' of the Great Emperor Zhenyuan in the sky was silent, and he opened his mouth and a half-meter mallet with a red handle landed and was held by his own Emperor Dashan.

The millions of monks in Yunling City are almost scared to death!

"Mu Ziye used the ancestor to fight the emperor, no one has ever been! This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this time, I used the power of the ancestral realm to shake back the Dashan emperor." There are many monks in Yunling City. .

"I'm not mistaken, Mu Ziye is actually both sage and Buddha! And he is not superficial in Buddhism and Taoism!" There is a monk who is superb in his eyes, and he almost cried in his voice, scared!

"The Buddha's light shines, at least the Holy King Buddha, and his power is recovering at a terrifying speed!"

"Who is this Mu Ziye, how can you fight the emperor alone!"

"The peak is over, and the peak is restored again -" a monk murmured.

Under the naked eye state, only a few breaths, the light of the Buddha diffused, and Su Jin was full of strength.

Feng Lao looked thrilling, and clutching his heart, for fear that he would faint to death when he was excited. This battle would be hard to see for ten thousand years!

"Happy!" Su Jin yelled fiercely, and the ink was flying all over his body. Behind him, Xianli trickle gradually opened up a fairy source well!

Four! The white fairy hui is dazzling, and among the four immortal wells of good fortune longevity, three of them seem to contain immortals——

"Xianfa! In addition to the holy and the Buddha, he also cultivated the immortal way!"

I don't know who yelled, there are millions of cultivators in the city. At this moment, nearly half of the cultivators are sitting on the ground in fright, with unbelief in their eyes.

There are four Xianyuan wells, and the stream of Xianli is constantly lingering. In the second Xianyuan well behind Su Jin, a virtual **** of Xianli Taotao walked out of the world——

This is a visionary imaginary **** evolved from the technique, and he is still carrying a sword, just like Su Jin!

One step!

This sword-backed Immortal Venerable Xushen did not produce a sword, but just punched in the void with Su Jin.

A fist move left a shadow mark in the void, and that immortal force shadow mark still maintained the start move!

Fifth style!

Fiftieth style!


Thousandth style!

In the face of the strongest enemy, Su Jin combined the'Good Fortune Longevity Kungfu' and the'Great Collapse Divine Fist' for the first time. Combined with his natural state of Taoism, more than a thousand celestial shadow marks in the void remained different. Fist!

This is his... the strongest blow!

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