My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1893: Made me look bad!

Although there are more than a thousand styles of the ‘Great Destruction Fist’, it does not take long to condense up and down.

Hum rumbling~~~

Zhou Tian trembled, more than a thousand shadow marks were combined, Su Jinzhou raised a giant fist arm above him!

Above the black starless void, Su Jin condensed the ‘Great Destruction Fist’ with the blessing of "Good Fortune and Longevity", and the dazzling white Xianhui arm blasted towards Dashan Emperor in the blink of an eye!

At that moment of the fight, the millions of cultivators did not seem to hear the sound, because the eardrum had lost its function at that moment, looking up, only a cloud of white light could be seen!

With just one punch, a hole of several hundred meters was blasted directly into the body of the'Dashan Emperor Xiang'! And the stones on the emperor's appearance kept falling down, and then there was a rumbling sound, which awakened millions of monks!

"This battle, Mu Ziye will make a sensation in the world -" There was a cultivator's neck stiff, but he didn't care, looking up at the earth-shattering battle.

No one wants to miss any detail, because this may be the strongest battle they have ever seen!

"Mu Ziye used the ancestor to fight the emperor, his fighting power was shocking, and he even destroyed the emperor." When a monk finished saying this, he was already in deep fear, and then the monks around heard it, but they fell silent.

"Using the mountain as the'emperor' body, the earth is flesh and blood. One of Emperor Zhenyuan's emperor's image is enough to look down upon, but it was destroyed. The small hammer with the mahogany handle is useless."

"An emperor's appearance is not Mu Ziye's opponent at all. Where is the physical body of our Zhenyuan Great Emperor——"


The breeze turned into a black sky, and it was a little cold. Some people were scared and turned pale, and they were covered in cold sweat. When the wind blew them, they were suddenly shocked, knowing that they were not dreaming just now, but What really happened.

An emperor of Zhenyuan Great, lost! Lost to an ancestral realm-

Just now, Su Jin asked the real emperor of ‘Zhenyuan Great’ to come and threatened to cut his emperor. Now no one dares to doubt it! No one even dared to speak out. There were millions of monks at the scene, and at least 90% of the monks thought that Su Jin could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Great!

Same name!

Feng Lao's heart is extremely complicated. How much courage she did last night to send the picture at night and ask him to protect the'Dai' family. She didn't think much about it at the time, knowing that Mu Ziye, who killed Huo Xiao, has great potential in the future. .

But only for the future, Feng Lao is actually betting on treasure. After all, Emperor Zhenyuan has disappeared for hundreds of years, but after the first battle, from despair to shock, Feng Lao's heart is full of pride, and her vision is always correct!

The Emperor Dashan in Yunling City was defeated, and the vast "Emperor Face" that was tens of thousands of miles in the void fell into silence.

In the void, Su Jinyi robe hunted and hunted, until Xuxiang was still drawing strength for him from the vast earth.

"Let's save some time, what other means do you have, let me use them all at once!" Su Jin's tone has a strong self-confidence, which is unprecedented for him.

Only after really fighting did I know that the Emperor Realm...but so!

Emperor Zhenyuan’s "dimen" gradually began to become hideous. You must know how to grow into a generation of great emperors, how can they be kind, facing the clamor of the small ancestor realm, no one can bear the fire——

No one noticed that now the thirty-six emperors and concubines had completely lost the momentum they had just started. They had already faded and looked at each other, and they were a little at a loss.

Because now, both in terms of momentum and means, Su Jin seemed to have the upper hand and had some advantages.

"Hate the great emperor's true body to leave, otherwise how could he be so arrogant!" An emperor made a loud noise while biting her silver teeth.

As long as the emperor and concubine are selected, the infinite reverence is rooted in the heart. The thirty-six emperors and concubines are all like this. Facing the emperor fell a little bit, they can't help but become anxious, but their strength is low, most of them are the female saints .

Can't help me.

"The husband should have just warmed up. The emperor's methods are more than this, sisters. Don't worry." One of the emperor concubine said. She thinks that Su Jin cannot defeat the emperor, otherwise it would be ridiculous. A little bit.

"Yes, if the emperor's body arrives, it won't be a problem to cut him ten Mu Ziye."

"Look first, he just has a slight advantage, he is already mad to this point, not far away, I will see how he died later."

"The husband is already angry, let alone one, that is, one hundred or one thousand ancestral realms, all of them have to be pressed to death by his finger. Mu Ziye will not be arrogant for long."

"So don't worry, no matter how strong he is, he is only in the ancestral realm. There is no possibility of fighting the emperor in the ancestral realm. It was impossible in the past, impossible now, and impossible in the future!"


The thirty-six emperors and concubines cheered each other up and comforted the sisters. They hugged each other to keep warm and cheered for Emperor Zhenyuan.

Emperor Zhenyuan was really angry.

The ‘Emperor’s face’ tens of thousands of miles high in the sky, with a big mouth, sprayed out a series of snow-white emperor patterns, and those white hairs are like living things.

Upon seeing this, the monk in Yunling City suddenly shouted three times, "The Great Emperor Zhenyuan will live forever," and the excitement on his expression could not be concealed.

What Su Jin just defeated was the Emperor Dashan, the soulless "Emperor Body"!

Although Su Jin is already powerful enough in the minds of millions of cultivators, the emperor is now furious and will bring down the original Dao Ling. What does this mean?

The emperor realm has its origin, but the ancestor realm does not, and it has become a gap between heaven and earth. The descending of this emperor spirit was no different from Emperor Zhenyuan himself.

"I have to admit that your ancestral realm can reach this point, even I am very surprised." Zhenyuan Great Emperor was full of brilliance.

"There are still many things that surprise you. It depends on your ability to let me take it out." Su Jin looked at Emperor Zhenyuan and said calmly.

The Zhenyuan Great Emperor looked like a middle-aged man, about 1.7 meters tall, with a blue beard and a black and cyan Taoist robe. He looked not too outstanding.

"I ask you, for no reason, why the fire owl was killed." The Great Emperor Zhenyuan asked.

"The weak and the strong eat, why do I have to listen to people's orders and explain the reasons to them--" Su Jin said coldly.

Hearing this sentence, I don't know how many people were dumbfounded. Feng Lao stamped his feet on the spot. It was obvious that the Great Emperor was under the steps of Yelang. All he had to do was explain, and it would all end well. Maybe he could still be appreciated by the Great!

I don't know, Su Jin doesn't even give the emperor's face! !

"Good boy, I want to see how long you can go crazy."

The Great Emperor Zhenyuan laughed angrily, "We monks not only cultivate our body, we also need to cultivate our minds, how about you and I use the Taoist insights to fight against each other today? Life and death are at your own risk, at your own risk!"

"Come on--" Su Jin shouted boldly, lifted his shirt between his legs, and sat down in the void.

The scene that appeared immediately made Emperor Zhenyuan dumbfounded...

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