My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1894: Ye Di!

The ancestral realm and the emperor realm fight for ‘sense of Taoism’?

Su Jin is unparalleled in strength, so some people are ruled by Emperor Zhenyuan and dare not criticize it, but this is not a fair competition. I don't know how long it has been to become an emperor, and the perception is countless times more than that of the ancestors!

Based on the Taoist perception alone, everyone believed that Su Jin could not win.

In the contemporary era where the strong respected, no one dared to scold Emperor Zhenyuan for not wanting Bilian, but when the battle began, Emperor Zhenyuan seemed to have noticed, and suddenly trembled with anger, completely dumbfounded.

"You unexpectedly have a great opportunity to capture a ray of heaven. You have achieved ‘the way of nature’!" The Great Emperor Zhenyuan cried out strangely, just like the feeling of being burned by a cigarette butt. It’s not bad for the Great Emperor not to jump his feet.

Emperor Zhenyuan wants to shout "unfair" now!

Why is it so?

It turns out that monks can reach the state of ‘non-invasion’ by using exercises, physical bodies, treasures, and cultivation to the extreme, and the duration of maintenance varies from person to person. But that wisp of heavenly path, for the three-step heavenly path expert, is a dream thing.

Think about it, the two began to fight Dao Fa and realized that Su Jin can eat, drink, fall asleep, and keep the ‘Tao Fa natural’ all the time. How can he fight this? It's like opening and cheating in a game!

"Bibibi, old man~~" Su Jin sat in the void, opened his eyes and looked at Emperor Zhenyuan, in a tone that seemed impatient.

Although the opponent looks like a middle-aged person, but the real emperor, calling him an old man is not derogatory——

The muscles on the face of Emperor Zhenyuan twitched a few times, and he nodded slightly: "Bi!"

It's not that there is no chance. Emperor Zhenyuan can only rely on his entire life to fight. Although he may not have a good chance of winning, he will not lose. Just now, the emperor has been defeated. The fighting method is tied, and his face can still be hung. live.


Thinking of this, Emperor Zhenyuan's eyes were shining, sitting close to each other a few hundred meters away, the two facing each other...

"I'm not taking advantage of you, are you ready?" The cold voice of Emperor Zhenyuan came.

"Wait a second, suddenly remembered something." Su Jin raised his hand.

Regardless of the millions of monks gazing up high, he turned the land into the second city of the three cities, and the vision of the "Ancient Heavenly Court" was revealed, and two immortal and snow-colored pillars in the black sky stood up to the sky! The three big characters "South Heaven Gate" above, reveal a majestic momentum!

The Great Emperor Zhenyuan just got a little impatient, and the scene he saw next made him almost disregard his identity again and almost screamed--

damn! How to compare? How can it be better than you!

It’s nothing more than to catch the Tao of Heaven and achieve ‘Tao Law Natural’, but what is the situation of this ‘Tree of Enlightenment’!

The old emperor Zhenyuan flushed.

Su Jin's power majored in ‘Holy’, ‘Buddha’, and ‘Xian’. This is enough to be described as a super peerless genius, and his strength is comparable to that of ‘Emperor’!

But that's not counting! Not yet! He even has a "tree of enlightenment"! This is shameless--

"Old man, it's okay."

Su Jin raised his hand to indicate that he was still a little strange just now. Little Yan'er was not found under the enlightenment tree. Finally, she saw that she turned into a real phoenix in order to break through the nine bans, lying in the red bird's nest above the enlightenment tree. .

"Brother Ye, Ye, there is still a lot of time, don't worry—" The red on the old face of Emperor Zhenyuan began to turn black.

"You're not in a hurry, I'm in a hurry." Su Jin sat under the tree of enlightenment, and he was in the state of ‘Natural Dao’ in the Tao of Heaven, and said to Emperor Zhenyuan.

A million monks ashamed--

The vast majority of viewers are very puzzled and don't know what happened!

Why is it inexplicable that Emperor Zhenyuan changed his slogan to Su Jin as "Brother Ye"? This posture has been put down very low, placing Su Jin on the same status as him.

At this moment, Feng Lao was obviously holding back his smile, but he was almost unable to hold it back.

"It's the incompetence of my subordinate Huo Xiao, who doesn't know the identity of Brother Ye's'Great Emperor'. I don't think we can compare the results of Dao Fa. Why don't we stop here and turn the enemy into a friend?" Emperor Zhenyuan asked.


Is Mu Ziye the Great? Many people were confused, could it be that this is not Mu Ziye's deity, but the emperor's one? But it's impossible, the ancestral realm world is still in a state of opening.

As soon as the words of Emperor Zhenyuan fell, he smiled a few hundred meters away and winked at Su Jin——

"Why don't you laugh with me! Who are you happy with?"

Su Jin said in a cold voice, this old man has a black belly, pretending to call him "the Great", even if he is not compared, he can resolve all his failure to come to Taiwan.

The millions of monks in Yunling City below:...

All were silent. In fact, even the many monks ruled by Emperor Zhenyuan felt dull.

"Brother Ye Haihan." The Great Emperor Zhenyuan arched his hands.

"But since Brother Zhen Yuan expressed his position, Mu Ziye is not the kind of person who doesn't give face." Su Jin touched his chin.

Enemies should be resolved, but they should not be knotted. In fact, there is no problem. Huo Xiao's death is seeking his own way. If Emperor Zhenyuan does not pursue it, he does not need to have this hatred.

"Hahaha! Okay~~~ I don’t know each other if you don’t fight, today I, Emperor Zhenyuan, would like to be brothers with Brother Ye, and all the people in the world below Zhenyuan, don’t want to meet the'Emperor Ye' soon!" Sighed.

The situation often changes rapidly. Although the situation is a bit confusing, the millions of cultivators still respectfully worship, and said in unison: "See the emperor!"

Su Jin put away the tens of thousands of imaginary things and the vision of "Ancient Heavenly Court", and stood up.

"Brother Ye, please come from the city lord's mansion here--" Emperor Zhenyuan said, his figure disappeared, and he apparently fell into the city lord Yunling's mansion.

After thinking about it, Su Jin stepped down from the void and came to the flustered Feng Lao. Miss Feng Lao immediately made a move that surprised him.

"See Ye Di!" Feng Lao's words are respect from the heart, without the casualness of calling'Big Brother Ye' before.

"What are you kidding me? Brother Ye, I will go to see Emperor Zhenyuan together." Su Jin pulled her up, grabbed her waist, set foot in the void, and disappeared without entering the city lord's mansion.

The millions of monks in Yunling City sighed and thought that the result of turning the enemy into a friend was very good. Who would be willing to fight against a strong man like the'Emperor of the Night'?

"The girl that Ye Di just took away is a bit familiar--" a monk said nervously.

"Yeah, I seem to have seen her somewhere, but I can't remember or see her clearly."

"It seems to be Miss Feng Lao from Shipaifang!"


In the entire Yunling city, there is constant noise, the dark sky is restored, and the fights just now are still deeply imprinted in the minds of the monks, lingering.

However, in the great world of Zhenyuan, Su Jin, who was surging in the wind at this time, did not know that China’s world-wide tribulation had quietly revealed its clues——


Within the Chinese region, outside the prefecture.

A beautiful woman with an indifferent face, stepped into the ghost gate and walked onto Huangquan Road...

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