My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1895: An old man, a black sheep

Huangquan Road.

The beauty stayed alone by the "Nai River", watching the evil ghosts rolling in the Nai River, and the yellow waves of the waves, she sighed for a long time.

"The catastrophe is imminent, where are you—"

The beauty is Miss Meng. She gave up her rest time and went to China Qincheng. She knew that she had never had a chance to see Su Jin, but she still took a trip. The traffic on the land and the bustling year passed, but she couldn’t solve Meng Meng. Sadness.

Miss Meng is wearing a dress that is as white as snow, and she wears two gemstone earrings on her ears.

Immediately, the dream girl looked away from the surface of the water in Naihe, and turned to look at the flowers growing on both sides of Huangquan Road.

The flowers bloom for a thousand years, and the leaves fall for a thousand years. There are flowers but no leaves, and leaves no flowers! For generations to come, the two leaves and flowers are at odds. It is for the other shore flower.

The other side flower means a desperate and beautiful love, but the other side flower will never wither!

Dream girl looked at the bright red flowers from the other side, withered into smoke, helplessly, but also wondering.

This flower withered only in these few days. Ever since Emperor Huangquan established the six cycles of reincarnation here, the flowers of the other bank have grown in clusters and have been very lush.

But now this wonderful phenomenon has stopped abruptly.

The withered flowers of the other bank gave a very unclear premonition to the mansion of the gods of the underworld, and even the king of the earth was unable to solve it, saying that it was a disaster.

"What should I do? Even if I find you, it's a question whether you will come to the underworld." The dream girl looked at a flower from the other side, and gradually melted into smoke, her heart anxious.

In front of the three sacred mountains last time, although the Ksitigarbha king showed his kindness, according to Su Jin’s temper, he would definitely not be here when he was not in Chengdu. When he left that day, Su Jin buckled his head to Huangquan’s old dragon. , Also vividly.

"Scattered Ghost King."

Seeing the King of Scattered Ghosts appearing on Huangquan Road, Miss Dream asked: "What did the King of Jizo say?"

"There is no instruction, but he said something." Sanshang Ghost King said.

"What are you talking about?" Dream girl frowned slightly.

"An old man, holding a black sheep, passed by my mansion a few days ago--"


Miss Meng was surprised, "Who has seen it?"

The Sanshang Ghost King shook his head, "The Ksitigarbha King didn't notice it at the time. He only noticed that it was wrong when he recited the "Ksitigarbha's Original Vow Sutra" this morning.

"The old man is holding the black sheep--"

Miss Meng was startled, her face was not very good.

The heavy pressure in the heart is simply not enough for anyone to speak out. After all, even the Ksitigarbha can not find the strong, opponents, if the time comes, the whole China World will fall into an endless terrible catastrophe.

Moreover, our world is in the light, the enemy is in the dark, the number is unknown, and the identity is unknown.

"Meng girl, news from Young Emperor~~~"

The Sanshang Ghost King looked at Meng Girl with expectant eyes and asked. After all, the young emperor has become a climate, and if he were there, the pressure on the entire underworld would be much less.

Miss Meng shook her head, "Qin Cheng didn't find him, but I heard that he was not dead, and he appeared in Taixu God Realm today."


At this moment, Su Jin, who didn't know it, was in the distant "Zhen Yuan Great World"!

"Yunling City" in the city lord's mansion.

Yunling City Lord is a strong ancestral realm. He has cultivated Taoism for 2,382 years. He became an ancestral great power 450 years ago. Since taking over the'Yunling City', since he entered the realm of the first ancestor, Already quite old, his appearance is limited to the appearance of his seventies.

When the old city lord was fighting between Emperor Zhenyuan and Su Jin, he actually worshipped in the garden of the city lord’s mansion until the end of the battle. How dare he neglect the arrival of the emperor!

In the shortest time, find a singer girl to play music, and invite the best dancer in Yunling City to dance. It can be said that people are old and never old!

Just at the order of Emperor Zhenyuan, the old city lord prepared a quiet attic. Su Jin and Emperor Zhenyuan talked about the present privately in the hall.

"It's true that the hope of my emperor's return is very slim." The Great Emperor Zhenyuan looked back at the 536 years since he left the world, and he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

There was a little regret in his tone.

Su Jin moved in his heart and asked, "Does the emperor also have difficulties?"

"Before I left, I was full of confidence. But now..." Emperor Zhenyuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Brother Ye, among the heavens, I don't know how many big worlds there are, but you don't know how many big worlds there are. How much, even the Great Emperor is terribly frightened!"

"Oh?" Su Jin was slightly shocked.

"Brother Ye knows why I left Zhenyuan Great World?"

"Naturally don't know."

"I left because I was looking for the best longevity materials. Among them, more than 20 kinds of materials do not exist in our world."


Su Jin's face changed slightly. He naturally knew the meaning of these two words. Shoucai was the raw material of the coffin. The Great Emperor Zhenyuan obviously had little lifespan and was eager to look for it fiercely.

"Well, our emperor realm's physical body will not rot for thousands of years. If we collect all the best life materials, the emperor coffin that will be built at that time will not even be able to capture the true spirit from the ghost mansion. The better the life material, the greater the hope of living a lifetime." Zhen Yuan The emperor said aloud.

Su Jin has seen the Emperor Coffin.

The two coffin lamps in his bone ring were found in the small lake of Zhenluo Realm in the Taixu God Realm. At that time, behind the coffin lamps was a white bronze emperor coffin. A funeral road came out, and the emperor's coffin was dropped.

"Brother Zhenyuan's emperor, where is it currently?" Su Jin asked casually.

"In the whirling world, most of the areas there are simply not places for people to stay! I took more than 20 great emperors with my old friends, and now only four people, including me, are still struggling." Say.

"I once exiled myself in the abyss of the void, and saw a scene of wonder, there is a void, there are hundreds of millions of void holes, and one of the void holes absorbs a tens of thousands of miles wide divine coffin." It is hard for Su Jin to forget his deep impression not long ago.

Emperor Zhenyuan:...


The Great Emperor Zhenyuan shook his head and said: "The emperor coffin has an enlarged formation, but it also depends on the material. The maximum emperor coffin can only be a hundred li. The **** coffin of the world is only five hundred li. The heavenly coffin, then It's not a thousand miles away. Brother Ye is absolutely wrong."

Su Jin was silent for a while before he said three words: "Perhaps."

If what the Great Emperor Zhenyuan said was true, the divine coffin he saw in the Void Abyss could not even compare to the ‘Heaven’s Coffin’.

"Brother Ye is so powerful, the Emperor Realm dare not exile himself into the Void Abyss. I didn't expect Brother Ye to be able to live." Zhenyuan Great Emperor said with emotion.

"Brother Zhenyuan still has some confidence to come back."

Su Jin changed the subject. He wrote down the location of the tens of thousands of miles in the coffin at the time. If there is an opportunity and ability in the future, he wants to observe and observe. If there is a chance, he wants to know who is buried in the coffin. .

"I'm not sure, can I bother Brother Ye?"

Emperor Zhenyuan looked at Su Jin, "As long as Brother Ye agrees, Zhenyuan Imperial Palace will be yours, and the thirty-six emperors will also give you away, how about?"

Thirty-six emperors?

Su Jin squinted his eyes, wondering what the trouble of Emperor Zhenyuan was going to be—

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