My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1900: Want to find a biological mother

The back is cold--

Nima! Really...real person?

If you use one sentence to describe Su Jin’s feelings at this time, there are definitely ‘thousands of grass and mud horses running on the land’!

Su Jin took it up as soon as he touched it, and a hundred thousand why appeared in his heart! Why are there real girls in the cemetery?

Why is there a hint of warmth on her shoulders after endless years?

Who is she? Why are you crying?

The beautiful legs are close together, and a half of the delicate long legs follow the snow-white ankles and sink into the Crescent Lake. At close range, the patterns on the girl's thin skirt were clearly visible.

Su Jin walked to her right and found a very unusual scene. This scene almost overturned all his previous speculations.

A longevity shoe——

Shou shoes are also called dead shoes!

Scalp tingling!

Su Jin was not out of fear, but was unexpectedly weird. It was just that the sexual instinct was released instantly. The longevity shoe was very clean, the size of the palm of his head, and the white border and red face.

The immortal is drawn on the top of the red shoe to lead the way, and the word'Shou' is written in human blood on the sole.

"Hi~~~ Little sister soaking her feet?" Su Jin pretended to be relaxed, and glanced at the clear crescent spring pool.

The water in the pool is clear.

The entire Crescent Lake has a size of one hundred zhang square. Looking down from the clear water, you can even see the scene in it. In fact, it is not deep. Su Jin took a glimpse of the jade coffin with his naked eyes.

What you see with your own eyes is even more frightening. The size of the jade coffin surprised Su Jin. It was only about one meter two in length. However, there were eighty coffin lamps around the jade coffin. These coffin lamps were naturally extinguished in the water.

Looking at the coffin lamp, and then at the figure of the girl, she felt that she couldn't fit this body.

Sure enough, Su Jin's words made the girl raise her head--

A faint blue mist rose into the sky, and the wind was overwhelming! At the same time, a stench permeated from the girl!

Su Jin held his breath and took two steps back. As expected, the real appearance appeared around him. The nine goddess stone sculptures were no longer brand new. They even climbed many spider webs in between, and the mottled traces of the years were reflected in the stone sculptures.

It feels like a cemetery in the wilderness!

"Infant Face Emperor Spider?"

Su Jin's face was shocked, seeing the girl reveal her true face, she turned out to be a spider monster with eight spear legs——

Once Su Jin met her kind in the "Holy Focus City", but now this infant face emperor spider is obviously a master, and can definitely be called the "Emperor" level, terrifying like this——

"Anyone who enters is dead. Didn't you see the words on the stone tablet? You dare to walk in, it's a dead end!"

Yingmian Emperor Spider screamed, the eyes on her girl's head were looking at Su Jin with hatred, as if looking at a dead person.

Su Jin smiled lightly and said, "Where do I want to go, can a stone tablet frighten me?"

"Then you will die for me!"

The Yingmian Emperor Spider was covered in blue light, and the nine goddess stone carvings were all covered by spider webs. The fresh spider webs were dripping with blue faint poison, and at the same time it carried an unbearable stench.

With a flash of God's effort, the Yingmian Emperor Spider turned into an afterimage, flashing on various spider webs, and finally the head hung upside down, with both hands in an offensive posture.

The afterimage flashes again-

Su Jin's eyebrows opened the'Mahe Town Prison Eye', and the red light shot it out. The Yingmian Emperor Spider was caught off guard and flew away.

"Ah~~~" The Yingmian Emperor Spider was suffering, and the curtain of fire had just ablated her whole body, and wisps of smoke floated out of it!

"You don't have much longevity, and the ordinary pinnacle ancestral realm may be able to kill you." Su Jin said with a cold face and calmly said.

The ‘shou shoe’ he saw just now was still on the ground, and it was embroidered by himself in the form of the Infant Face Emperor spider!

The Yingmian Emperor Spider's complexion was very ugly. After being seen through by Su Jin, he knew that he was not an opponent, so he couldn't help but put away the demon body and turned into a girl again!

I saw the girl kneeling on the ground and buckling her head repeatedly, and said in fear: "I beg the emperor not to take my sister's corpse coffin, please, I am willing to untie the emperor's body and offer the bones to the emperor--"

The Yingmian Emperor Spider cultivated to become a great emperor, but his life was almost exhausted, and his entire body was filled with materials for making the emperor treasure.

Su Jin was stunned and asked, "Your sister?"

"She was only five years old when she died." The girl pleaded. The reason she took the risk was only because Su Jin was in front of the stone tablet and said that she wanted to find a coffin for an autopsy. She heard this and wanted to fight Su Jin desperately.

Five years old!

Su Jin felt cold.

"I promised my sister to embroider a longevity shoe every ten thousand years. It is the last of the eight shoes."

The girl whimpered with tears and kept buckling her head. Said again: "I would like to give the bones of my body to an adult, please don't take away my sister's coffin."

"Get up, I don't want to fish the coffin or your bones. I don't know it beforehand. Don't blame it for offending." Su Jin arched his hands.

No matter what, how could Su Jin touch the corpse of a five-year-old little sister?

In that case, is he still a person? This woman is sentimental and righteous. She is here to protect her until her life is about to end. No wonder the Emperor Zhenyuan came here, feeling unsure, and then left——

The girl was dumbfounded, not sure whether Su Jin was telling the truth, she stood up and looked at Su Jin.

Su Jinkong came back and saw the girl nervously not speaking, he couldn't help but smiled: "In that case, I will leave now and keep your sister--"

"Thank you, sir." The girl nodded gently.

Immediately, Su Jin rushed into the sky directly from the edge of Crescent Lake, turned into an arc-shaped streamer, and left the cemetery.

When Su Jin came out of the cemetery, he flipped his hand and took out the Nine Elephant Flying Boat. With a light blow, the huge black boat rose in the wind. He looked back at the cemetery, and there were still many doubts in his heart.

In the cemetery of the five-year-old little sister, there were tens of thousands of people buried underground, with only the skull exposed.

Is this woman true or false?

However, Su Jin didn't care about the truth or not, after all, the size of the jade coffin just seen in Crescent Pool was indeed not big.

Without taking it to heart, Su Jin stepped on the Jiuxiang Feizhou and headed towards the Jiuyou Road where he left——

"Goo, gooo~~"

The gray and gloomy Jiuyou Road was empty, and the black flying boat flew to the south quickly. Two dark crows, with red pupils, bounced around in the leafless forest, watching Su Jin leave.


It took a long time for the Jiuxiang Feizhou to fly before it appeared from the edge of the Jiuyou Jedi! In the distance, thousands of lights lit up!

Purple County!

Su Jin looked at the familiar place with a moment of relaxation on his face. Unexpectedly, the tossing came to the evening. Fortunately, he was able to take Concubine Nie Qian back to the realm. She didn't return for so long, and Yuyan's wife didn't know how worried she should be.

Soon, Su Jin put away the Nine Elephant Flying Boat, and he fell into the Jiujiang Water Mansion.

It's easy to find the room where Concubine Nie Qian lives--

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Facing Concubine Nie's room, Su Jin knocked on the door three times.

"Who is it?"

Concubine Nie Qian came, opened the door and saw Su Jin, she said with a bitter face, "Brother Su, when did you come to Jiujiang Water Mansion?"

"Just arrived." Su Jin motioned: "Let's go, I'll take you home."

"Will you go back tomorrow? I want to say hello to Bicheng sister——" Nie Qianfei asked pitifully.

"No, go back now."

Su Jin grabbed her arm. The girl didn't know if she was sleeping or just had a bath. When she grabbed her arm, the back of Master Su's hand brushed her armpit, feeling warm.

Without giving Nie Qianfei any fluke thoughts, watching her lips move, Su Jin took her willow waist and disappeared into the Jiujiang Water House.

Soon, the portal of Zijiu County flickered, and the two disappeared outside the domain.


The sky filled with stars, the western desert temple in the region, as a black boat moved, it became farther and farther.

Su Jin sat at the table and looked at Nie Qianfei with her back to her, and she couldn't help but smile secretly.

I am not as free as her.

Not long ago, he promised the old guy that he could only go to the Mogu God Prison when he reached the Ancestral Realm, and now he is in the Heaven Defying Ancestral Realm!

Su Jin wants to find his biological mother——

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