My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1901: Life and death

"I'm going back to tell daddy, you bullied me—"

On the Nine Elephants Flying Boat, Nie Qianfei pouted her lips and turned her back to Su Jin, speaking with some complaining tone.

"Bulling you? How did you bully you?" Su Jin asked angrily.

"You bully me, you make me unhappy."

"After so many days, what do you want?"


"Sister, I can't let you wrong me for nothing."

After speaking, Su Jin stretched out his hand to Nie Qianfei's back. He didn't look at it much just now, because Nie Qianfei had taken a bath in Jiujiang Shuifu before, and the light pink nightdress she is now changing is very thin, as thin as Su Jin's hand. It all seemed to touch the skin.

Concubine Nie's body trembled. The magnitude of the tremor seemed to have been emptied of strength in an instant. She didn't expect Su Jin to react in this way, and the five fingers slowly moved away on her shoulders on her back...

"You are necrotic!"

Nie Qianfei turned around, puffed her cheeks, and faced Su Jin. When the two of them were there, the atmosphere was unusually delicate.


Su Jin glanced at her thin legs above her knees that could not be covered by her nightdress. Her gaze stayed for three seconds before she said: "There will be opportunities in the future. I am not at ease when you are outside the territory."

Not so relieved!

Concubine Nie's heart bumped against the deer, and a touch of warmth came to her heart.

"Brother Su, you are a great hero!" Nie Qianfei squeezed her skirt sleeves with her hands, resting her chin on her beautiful eyes and asked without blinking: "Do you have any wine? It's a bit cold--"

The Nine Elephant Flying Boat was sailing in the void, and the wind was not small, and at night, for a girl like Nie Qianfei, the sky was indeed cold.

Su Jin took out the spare old wine and bowl from the bone ring, broke the mud on the mouth of the altar, and poured two.

"Can't drink too much." Su Jin reminded lightly.

Nie Qianfei stared at Su Jin, as if she had something to say to Su Jin, but she didn't seem to have the courage. After noticing the subtle changes in the atmosphere, she suddenly picked up a bowl of wine, grunted and drank cleanly.

The breeze blew away a strand of blue silk at the corner of her mouth--

The scene was silent.

Concubine Nie Qian held the wine jar to herself, poured another one, wiped her mouth with her skirt sleeves after drinking, and said, "Big Brother Su, I, I like you!"

"I know." Su Jin didn't have any fluctuations on his face, and there was no surprise.

"You know?" Nie Qianfei said with some joy on her face, and asked embarrassedly: "How did you know--"

"Nonsense, girl who doesn't like me?" Su Jin picked up the bowl and took a sip of wine.

Nie Qianfei suddenly pulled her face down. It turned out that Big Brother Su didn't take it seriously, thinking she was joking with him.

This trip outside the territory not only broadened Nie Qianfei's horizons, but also understood what a powerful hero Su Big Brother is, because his legend can be heard everywhere in Ziqi County.

Confession failed to make Brother Su take it seriously! Concubine Nie Qian continued pouting and pouting, falling into distress.

Next, she drank almost 80% of a jar of old wine.

Su Jin Kuanghan sent her back to the Kunlun Sword Sect. When her father saw his daughter look like this, he thought he had done something to her!

Nie Qianfei's cheeks rose two drunk red, she looked at Brother Su, smiled lightly, then blurred her eyes, and said thiefly: "Brother Su, I will show you something."

"What?" Su Jin didn't take out any more wine, and couldn't give it any more.

Concubine Nie Qian knows how to live. In these days outside the territory, she even bought a kit for storage, and she grabbed something from the kit—

Taixu's stone tablet!

Su Jin frowned.

"Today I communicated with Taixu Divine Realm, and I went there twice." Nie Qianfei became more and more unable to support her, Jiu Jin went to her head.

"Confiscated--" Su Jin did not recommend her to go in, after all, her strength was too weak, and danger was prone to appear in the Void God Realm.

"Don't! I'll tell you one thing. Sister Bicheng won't let me tell you. If you tell you, don't take away my stone." Nie Qianfei looked at Big Brother Su pitifully with a full face Sad.

"Fairy Bicheng won't you tell me?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows, and what secrets could they have.

"Well, you promise not to confiscate, I will tell you."

"Let's talk about it." Su Jin felt that he wasn't any of Nie Qianfei's and had no right to control her.

Nie Qianfei laughed drunkly, got up from the stone chair swayingly, walked behind Su Jin, and hugged him from behind——

Su Jin's feelings~~~

So Concubine Nie Qian thief put her mouth close to Su Jin's ear, and whispered a word.

The beautiful atmosphere instantly turned cold~~~

He did not know the news. Su Jin's face was cold. In Jiujiang Water Mansion, although Nie Qianfei did not say goodbye to Li Bicheng face to face, she had spoken before leaving. The two women lived close to each other. Su Jin did not know the content. .

But now, Su Jin never expected that Fairy Bicheng would tell her not to tell herself that Jian Eleven was waiting for him in Huaxia City——

Apparently it was an incident that happened later in the afternoon.

Su Jin had a murderous expression on his face. Although he had the power of Emperor Bo now, he was really unpredictable for Jian Eleven.

A big arm, let him do not know how much combat power has been improved, and that bone tower, I don't know what a god. The main thing is that Su Jin is not sure about dealing with him now.

Sword Eleven stole the corpse of the Great Venerable that was suppressed under the ‘Miaoshan’, and is now named the ‘Great Venerable King’ and has received the respect of the Great Emperor Wuheng. The strength should have been very terrifying.

"Su--" Nie Qianfei lay down behind Su Jin, her head on his shoulder, and she fell asleep.

Su Jin got up and hugged Nie Qianfei into the cabin room. He looked at her drunk and blushing charming posture. He hesitated for a while. He drew out the "Fantasy" stone sign of Taixu Divine Realm. Virtual God Realm.

This is bound to be a battle of life and death!

Either he died of Emperor Su, or died in the eleventh sword!

As rivals, it's time for the two to make a break-

Taixu God Realm.

As soon as Su Jin appeared in Huaxia City, he immediately changed his body, revealing a ‘Kunpeng’ with a wingspan of 50,000 miles!

In the dark sky, the majestic Kunpeng, with sharp eyes, has a boldness to despise everything!

"Tianzi Su, come out! It's now!" Huaxia City, which was already silent, instantly boiled.

Some even Yuan Ling immediately returned to the Five Realms and told the people that Su Tianzi had already appeared!

Kunpeng technique can reach this point, only the Su Tianzi who has just broken through the ancestral realm can do it, and the ancestral realm allows him to sublimate this divine art again!

"Ah!" Little Mimei kept covering her cheeks and screamed, looking up at the Kunpeng who covered the sky.

Handsome, handsome!

In Huaxia City, the Five Territory cultivators continue to communicate with Shipai and come to the Taixu Divine Realm, and the figure is shining in an instant! There are tens of thousands of monks in every breath, appearing in China City——

"The traitor of Sword Eleven, joined the Yuanshi Great World camp, and was named the'Great King.' Heavenly Su will definitely kill the traitor today!" A monk slammed his fist.

"Hope." Someone on the river bank in the city said to the monk who threw his fist: "I heard that the Great Sovereign King Sword Eleven was sitting on an equal footing with Emperor Wuheng in Yuanshijie—"

A group of people fell silent on the river bank in the city.

Even though he doesn't want to admit it, the five-domain cultivators are not fools. What does it mean to sit on an equal footing?

This means that Sword Eleven has not lost the Great Emperor. Although Su Tianzi became an ancestor, his most shocking reputation was escape from the hand of Emperor Wuheng...

Later in the afternoon, Sword Eleven appeared in Huaxia City, threatening that Su Jin would die in this battle, and wanted Su Tianzi to know the first time and challenge him.

Now that Su Jin has appeared, will Sword Eleven come?

A group of great abilities came in the void of China City!

The Realm Lord and Luo Lingyi appeared from the Void Channel for the first time and came to see the outcome.

Not far away, the Yuanshi female realm master appeared coldly, and she was standing behind a female emperor who...

It's the Empress Yaoyi!

Before long, Mozu and Xuanyue grandparents appeared, and many other unknown grandparents also showed their faces——

Seeing the female emperor Yaoyi, the daughter-in-law of Xuanyue showed a worrisome expression in her eyes, in case she fights later, I wonder if the female emperor will take action~~~

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