My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1902: Use bone tower

Xuanyue's daughter-in-law's worry is not without reason.

The five domains are weak, in the eyes of other worlds, it is a small domain! There is not much capital in itself, so naturally there is no confidence.

Reversible monk, why be afraid of everything!

When Xuanyue daughter-in-law learned that Su Jin was fighting, she wore a skirt for the first time since she became her ancestor.

The skirt is black, and when worn on her, the whole person seems to have returned to the temperament of the year. Even the ancestors were surprised to see her secretly, and there were some long legs in the skirt.

Mo Zu's face was extremely solemn, and he said anxiously: "The Great Emperor Wu Heng has not yet appeared--"

The old guy finally figured it out.

The moment he learned that Emperor Wu Heng had failed to kill Su Jin, he suddenly realized that the Mo Family and Su Jin had grudges before, but only questioned his ability, but now it is different.

The five domains without the emperor are not good for the entire Mo School. Mo Zu has now developed the heart of protecting the seedlings.

Ancestor Xuanyue nodded, quite agree.

Because the Great Emperor Wu Heng is more dangerous than the Empress Yaoyi, Su Jin leaving him safely is equivalent to slap the Great Emperor in the face. The least likely to let Su Jin go is the Great Emperor Wu Heng.

Huaxia City is bustling, noisy. In the west of the city, there are strong people from the Heavenly Dragon Realm coming in groups. They have to see Su Jin being killed with their own eyes, otherwise it will always be a big problem.

Not far away, Luo Ling pressed her lips tightly.

"Sister, you shouldn't come." Zhenluo Realm Master sighed.

"I know he will die today. Even if Jianxi 11 doesn't kill him, the Great Emperor Yuanshijie will not stand by." Luo Lingyi blinked quickly, trying to withdraw the tears.

"Then you still come--" Zhenluo Realm Master scratched his head and said: "I have a different opinion from you. Sword Eleven, I will definitely win."

"You!" Luo Ling exhaled angrily, "Can you say something nice? Don't you support your brother-in-law?"

"I have investigated Jian Eleven, and after several investigations, I have always suspected that he was the once strong man, but it is still uncertain. It is rumored that he has obtained nearly half of the corpse, which is unstoppable." The Lord sighed.

"Who do you suspect Jian Eleven is?" Luo Lingyi asked with anxious heart.

"I'm not sure yet. He has a skeletal tower, which makes me not feel like it." The Realm Master shook his head.

"Bone Pagoda? Is it amazing?" Luo Ling asked nervously.

"The ancestor said that it was a treasure in the world." The realm master of Zhenlu sighed.

A world-class bone tower!

Luo Lingyi was dumbfounded, no wonder his younger brother thought that Su Jin could not win. How could this be compared to that, when he used to have only one large arm in Sword Eleven, Su Jin had to deal with it more difficultly.

Fear appeared in Luo Lingyi's mind, looking at the young man who had put away the'Kunpeng Technique' from high above, his heart was complicated.

"You said..." Luo Lingyi asked comfortingly: "You said if he loses the battle later, can he escape?"

"No." Zhenluo Realm Master said: "The two great emperors who appeared in Yuanshi Realm are not allowed to escape."


High in the sky, Su Jin's robe was hunting and hunting. He saw many faces of acquaintances. He looked at the direction of the Empress Yaoyi for a few times, but saw the empress disdainfully smile.

Su Jin secretly guessed in his heart that she didn't know whether the Empress Yaoyi would intervene. This empress is unknown, but the Great Emperor Wu Heng will definitely. This is absolute. In this way, his hope of surviving, I am afraid there is no one in all.

The reason why the'Kunpeng Technique' was just launched.

Naturally, in order to inform Sword Eleven, he just challenged!

Boom boom boom~~~

A void in the distance was shattered, and two people appeared from it--

The Great Emperor Wu Heng and the "Great King" Jianxi appeared side by side! !

The hustle and bustle stopped abruptly, and the audience became silent.

Even if Su Tianzi’s enemy passed Sword Eleven, but Emperor Wuheng was present, Emperor Yaoyi was present, and the two Yuanshijie Great Emperors took action, how should Su Tianzi live?

"I really didn't expect you to come back alive from Void Abyss." The Great Emperor Wu Heng looked at Su Jin coldly and said.

"If you don't come back alive, how will you be killed in the future?" Su Jin said lightly.

Uproar, uproar!

The silent audience suddenly exclaimed. Su Jin threatened the emperor, threatened to behead the emperor, who was there before?

"He is smart."

In the distance, Yuanshi female world master said coldly.

There are several ancestors beside her, one of them is the last old palace owner of Baihua Palace! Yesterday's Su Jin Tribulation Fire Prison, the body of the Baihua Palace disciple, made this old woman hate Su Jin!

"It's just smart."

The old woman in the Ancestral Stage of the Hundred Flower Palace snorted, and continued: "He knows that the two great emperors of our world are there, and only one of his fate will die. There is no second possibility, so it's just a profit of tongue~~~"

"Palace lord, don't worry, Emperor Wu Heng told me that if Jian Eleven can't kill Su Jin, he will do it himself." Yuanshi said.

"It's so good." The old woman of Baihua Palace nodded with a frosty face.

Yuanshi, Tianlong, and the two big worlds are one camp, all of them relaxed, and the enemy and ourselves have obvious advantages——

"Your Xiaoyu ancestor realm, still wanting to kill me?" The Great Emperor Wu Heng seemed to hear the big joke, and said lightly: "Great Lord, it's up to you."

Jian 11 nodded, his black robe covered himself, even his neck, this was to prevent others from seeing the circle of centipede scars, after all, his head was sewn on.

The Great Emperor Wu Heng waved his hand immediately, and an imperial chair appeared not far away, and then he appeared on it and sat down to watch the show.

"Su Jin, you dare to fight, I admire your courage." Jian Eleven knew that the battlefield already belonged to him, looking at Su Jindao.

"Ridiculous, have you ever beaten me?" Su Jin asked with a cold face.

An anger grew on Jian eleven's face, yes, he has never won, but this time he will win!

"There is only one person alive. Today's battle is endless, so dare you!" Jian Shixi shouted.

"Why not dare!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Jin raised his head, cold eyes flashed, killing intent skyrocketed! This is what he was waiting for!

Sword Eleven laughed wildly.

Fierce! The great statue's arm shook, and the physical arm soared. The arm was so horrified that he raised his hand, rolling power around the arm, and finally the great statue's arm appeared in the form of lifting the sky!

The scene exclaimed.

The millions of monks on the side of Huaxia City were worried, but the monks on the side of Yuanshi and Tianlong were extremely excited. Fortunately, the Great Lord Wang Jianxi joined the Yuanshi Realm, otherwise this person would definitely have the ability to despise everything in the future.

Upon receiving the news, the goddess of Yin and Yang, Ge Xueyan, and even Mo Yue all communicated with the Taixu Divine Realm, and came here, but the scene before them made the girls feel desperate.

The strength of the great king is too shocking!

Realm Lord Zhenluo's face was helpless, knowing that he was no longer an opponent of Sword Eleven, he looked at his sister Luo Lingyi's expression, obviously very worried.


Thousands of virtual sumo wrestling scattered, and the more than a thousand white-clothed virtual forms in the center are the virtual forms of Su Jin's "Great Ascension Technique"!

At this moment, the white clothes and the virtual appearance all punched out a different fist style, and in a flash, the ‘big collapse fist’ came out! The huge arm rises--


The audience was shocked! The arm of the Great Sovereign King Sword Eleven is overbearing enough, but the magic fist that Su Jin condensed seems to be more than lethal!

In a flash! Da Zun's arm and Da Beng Deai Divine Fist directly blasted over.

The result was an explosive shock--

Jian Eleven shook his body, just like Su Jin, the two of them flew a hundred meters away!

So strong~~~

Su Jin was surprised. He was a little confident that he could win before, but the strength of Sword Eleven had soared to the point of shocking him. Knowing his strength is enough to fight the emperor!

"Your strength surprised me very much." Jian eleven's expression became more surprised, but then he turned the big statue's arm into a normal size, and his figure disappeared.

Speed ​​like a shuttle through the void!

In the blink of an eye, Su Jin turned into an afterimage.

Whoosh whoosh~~

The dazzling close combat, the sound of fist collisions from time to time, the surrounding void is in the clash, becoming riddled with holes, and almost every bombardment will cause a circle of void to be shattered!

A huge rumbling sound appeared, and the two figures receded separately!

Jian Eleven snorted coldly, and between his hands, a snow-white bone tower appeared in his hand. He threw the bone tower directly towards Su Jin, and said softly: "Go~~~"

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