My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1903: Angry man


The audience exclaimed, apparently many of them knew that Jianxi had this bone tower heavy treasure!

Luo Lingyi felt a pain in her heart, and Zhenluo's realm master was also dejected. The two knew that a world-level bone tower appeared, and even the emperor might be shaken to death in it.

Su Jin Juque Saint Soldier appeared in his hand, watching the bone tower that had risen to a height of 100 meters suppressed it, he rushed directly, and severely hacked down——



Su Jin still clearly remembers that when Jian eleven stole the body from the temple in the western desert, he also used the giant fault to cut out a crack in the bone tower, but the blow that was just now far exceeded the blast of the town. The power used by the Emperor Yuan's Emperor Dashan when he was facing each other.

Unexpectedly, it didn't hurt at all!

Rumble! The huge bone tower shook, many mysterious patterns that only the emperor realm could see were spread out in the void, and the entire bone tower flew up and headed towards Su Jin Town.

Thousands of imaginary phases instantly turned into beams of light, and Shengsheng lifted Su Jin's whole body, directly lifted the sky to soar!

But with the spread of the secret patterns, Su Jin's proud ‘Great Ascension Technique’ only soared three hundred meters away, and in an instant the bone tower reappeared from the top of his head and crashed down——


Once, five times, ten times!

Thousands of virtual appearances and Xia soaring, the frequency is so frequent, it is difficult for Su Jin to continue! Ten times, he has never done it himself. This crisis has forced out part of his potential!

"It's only for running, but it's a waste of time." The Great Emperor Wu Heng looked a little impatient, shaking his hands and grabbing the emptiness--

"The emperor can be so shameless?"

In China City, an old man with cloudy eyes, his voice resounded across the world...

However, Su Jin was caught by Emperor Wu Heng, and his body couldn't help but stagnated, and the bone tower crashed him in!

The old man with muddy eyes suddenly changed in place, and the real body of this old man turned out to be a real ancestral dragon!

Hundreds of feet wide, the Zulong's aura shocked people's hearts.


Zulong ascended to heaven, there was a man and a woman beside him, only the woman Huarong said with a pale face.

Su Jin is now in the bone tower!

This bone tower does not know what treasures, he is in it, as if being pressed by a continent, it is very difficult for him to even move his hands, but when the ancestral dragon appeared——

Su Jin's eyes are red!

Huangquan Laolong, why would he come to help him!

"Young Emperor, you once said that one day you will take me to continue to conquer the Quartet, maybe I am very old, but I can still fight!" Huangquan old dragon, hundreds of meters long, directly encircled the bone tower with his huge body.

As the old dragon spoke, the teeth in the dragon's mouth had all fallen out, but! But he can still fight! Dare to scold Emperor Wu Heng shamelessly!


The old scales on the tail of the Huangquan old dragon are somewhat mutilated, but this ancestral dragon wobbles its tail and shakes the bone tower. It can't shake the bone tower and save the young emperor. This surprised the old dragon.

"It's just a bug, this emperor is what you can blame and curse?" The Great Emperor Wu Heng snapped his finger in the distance.

A strand of emperor pattern passed through the huge body of Huangquan old dragon——

The blood mist burst out, and blood fell from the top of the bone tower.

"Young Emperor, find a way to leave soon, I'm afraid I won't last long!" Huang Quan Lao Long let out an old voice.

Su Jin knew that he could not leave, opened his silly eyes, tears in the corners of his eyes, and said: "I am not actually the reincarnation of the emperor..."

"No! You are! You will always be in Lao Long's heart... Young Emperor!"

Puff puff, the two emperor patterns passed through the body again, the blood mist rose, the dragon blood continued to flow down, and the old dragon's voice became weaker and weaker.

Huangquan Laolong had not many years of life, so he took out the remaining "30 years" of life several times to save Su Jin——

Now that Emperor Wu Heng is taking action, Huangquan Zulong's cultivation base has no possibility of resistance.


Laolong treats Su Jin not badly!

However, Su Jin is unable to save him now!

Jian eleven stretched out the arm of the Great Lord and pressed it firmly on the top of the bone tower, but Su Jin's power couldn't even control him!

The emperor Wu Heng and the female emperor Yaoyi frowned, and the two powerful emperors invariably chose to raise their hands.

The grand hand of the emperor realm slowly emerged, and the emperor pattern on it swam, far from being comparable to that of the ancestor realm, this is the power of the emperor realm after all!


Su Jin was suppressed again.

All the cultivators in China are silent, no one dares to say unfair, others have a great emperor, you can not complain if you don't, because your world is very weak, even if you have anger, you can't change the reality.

Su Jin's body was stained with the blood of the old dragon, and Huangquan Zulong had lost his breath.

But the huge dragon's body is still clinging to the bone tower! Protect Su Jin in it like protecting a child. Although his dragon head was stunned, but in the eyes of the dragon that had lost its glory, there seemed to be hope——

Su Jin tried to lift the bone tower several times, but he really tried his best, two great emperors, a bone tower treasure, and the great king sword eleven! Even if he is really an emperor, he may not be able to break free in it.

Desperate loss.

Su Jin knelt down in the bone tower and buckled his head heavily at the dragon's head. Two strands of tears seemed to flew out.

The scene was silent.

Including the cultivator of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, everyone who saw it was silent. Without the face of ridicule, and even less ridiculous—

In Huaxia City, where the old dragon had just left, a man and a woman were the Ksitigarbha King and the Dream Girl.

Miss Meng was covering her mouth, tears dripping from her chin, powerless, really powerless!

"Tianzi Su seems to have a deep relationship with that old dragon..."

A monk from the Five Domains spoke softly.

"I don't know, Su Tianzi bowed to the old dragon, I don't know what their relationship is..."

"Really deceived people too much! The two emperors plus the'Great King's Sword Eleven, and there is also a supreme treasure suppression. They joined forces to deal with the ancestor Su Tianzi of our five domains!" Some monks were angry.

"Because we have no emperor in China." A female repairer hid her face sadly and wept.

"The fall of Emperor Su is determined, and it is impossible to escape this time."

"So hate it, join hands to kill the emperor Su of my world. If I were the emperor, I would just rush up and fight with them!" There were also the five domain cultivators, jumping angrily, jumping around in place-

"But you are not."


In the bone tower, Su Jin gritted his teeth and let himself stand up inside.


Su Jin didn't urge his energy, and slammed a punch on the inner wall of the bone tower, and immediately blood flowed from the back of his hand...

"Destroying my territory, you can't be too much to cut you a thousand knives, don't think that a little strength is indispensable, the world is stronger than you like a crucian carp." The Great Emperor Wu Heng sneered.

The Yuanshi female realm master sighed in relief, squinted her eyes, seeming to laugh at Su Jin's overweight.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Su Jinmeng raised his head and roared hoarsely: "Today! I want to kill the two emperors!"

Kill the two emperors?

It really scared a lot of people, but this is simply a fantasy, an impossible thing, almost everyone can see that Su Jin doesn't even have the power to break free from the bone tower, so how can he say that?

The sound of bursting laughter burst out from the mouths of the monks in the two realms of'Tianlong' and'Yuanshi'.

Then Su Jin shouted: "Ksitigarbha! I know you are! Help me--"

There was another burst of laughter--

The handsome face of Ksitigarbha King is all complicated. Miss Meng glanced at King Ksitigarbha. She knew that she couldn't beat her, and she couldn't help at all.

"He wants to become a ghost king." The Ksitigarbha king sighed deeply.

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