My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1905: Five hundred million illusions


There are a total of millions of monks in the two camps, and they are all shocked by this scene! Stunned--

The emperor realm is a transcendent existence for the ancestral realm. However, at this moment, the two great emperors add a "Great Sovereign King" sword eleven, and this bone tower is still the treasure of the "Great Sovereign King". In this way, it takes all the advantages. ...

But it was still lifted by Su Jin!

"Ghost King...Su Jin..." Yuanshi's female realm master softened, she was dumbfounded after seeing Su Jin's terrifying aura.

If the people present say who fears the ‘Ghost King Su Jin’ the most, it’s definitely not the original female realm master!

That infamous ghost king body can give birth to the'ten halls of ghost kings'! But not long ago, the original female realm master was frustrated in the ten halls of the ghost king, and spent a dozen horrible price of crystals before escaping!

But know...

At that time, Su Jin was just a holy king, a holy king against the sky!

But now it is very different. The previous Su Jin is already comparable to the'Great King', and is enough to fight the emperor. With this exaggerated and terrifying strength, even the two emperors are going to kill him quickly, and join forces to kill him!

At present, Su Jin has become an ancestor, and the ghost king body in the Heaven-defying Ancestor Realm has burst out, what should his strength be like?

Yuanshi female realm master dare not think, really dare not!

not far away.

The realm master of Zhenra was shocked, and instinctively whispered to himself: "Brother-in-law..."

"Can Su Jin in the state of the ghost king be comparable to two great emperors and a'great king'?" Luo Lingyi knew the terrifying body of the ghost king, but the strength of the other party should also not be underestimated, and said worriedly.

"The bone towers catalyzed by the two great emperors were lifted by the brother-in-law!" The realm master of Zhenlu didn't seem to hear her sister's words now, with an expression of disbelief.

If the sword eleven brings the feeling that Zhenluo Realm Master is invincible, then Su Jin in the state of the ghost king at this moment will feel that the sky is falling and desperate!

The Huaxia camp suddenly burst into cheers——

"The two unyielding emperors Su Tianzi and the traitor actually induced the ghost king body! This is a good show!"

More than one person regained their confidence, and the entire five-domain cultivator looked excited! After all, the bone towers controlled by the two great emperors and one great king were lifted up by Su Tianzi!


The ghost king Su Jin moved with all his strength and threw his arms fiercely. The bone tower directly smashed the void through, and was thrown into the void by the enormous power!

"My pagoda!" Jian Eleven's face flushed, regardless of his image, he got into the hole of the unhealed void, he couldn't let the treasure be lost!


A monk in the Five Regions laughed. The traitor Jian Eleven was bestowed the title of ‘Great King’ by Emperor Wu Heng. Now he crawled into the hole of the void and looked like a dog, making people laugh.

The monks of the two worlds of Tianlong and Yuanshi suddenly turned blue and red, and the posture of the'Great Lord' was indeed a bit inelegant, but judging from the anxiety of the eleventh sword, it was enough to make people feel the importance of the square bone tower.

Su Jin's face was happy, as if he had just thrown it, as if he was soothing his muscles and bones. He looked at the two great emperors, and said with indifferent face: "This king has promised the deity, as long as you two are killed, he will disappear from now on."

The atmosphere was suppressed.

Luo Lingyi's eyes were red, she could feel Su Jin's grief, maybe the death of that old dragon made him choose to give up——

The feelings between Huangquan Laolong and Su Jin were unknown to everyone except for the Ksitigarbha King and Meng Girl present.

"Idiot talk about dreams."

The Great Emperor Wu Heng quietly looked at the ghost king Su Jin, and then said: "The ghost king body only appeared for tens of thousands of years. Now you appear just right. After Yaoyi and I cut you to death, the world will be peaceful for tens of thousands of years -"

"Not bad." Empress Yaoyi came from the void, with a man step. It was just suppressed by the bone tower, now it is different! The real contest has just begun.

"The Su Tianzi you know is not actually an existence with outstanding talent."

The ghost king Su Jin shook his left arm as he spoke, and there were hundreds of millions of evil spirits on it, all floating, "But I have to thank him, every time he breaks through the great realm, he can help me get promoted— —"

The ghost king who looks down on the emperor is undoubtedly the most terrible!

Zhenluo Realm Master said anxiously: "The peak ghost king in history, it is rumored that one arm can lie on a billion evil spirits, and there are already many on the surface of his arm——"

"A billion ghosts with one arm?" Luo Lingyi was dizzy with fright after hearing these words.

"Well, there is a legend in a poem that describes it like this." The Realm Master of Zhenlu solemnly said: "The evil spirit with limbs sinks tens of billions, dare to sacrifice the heaven to the self-"

"What do you mean." Luo Lingyi was in a state of confusion. If that was the case, she felt that Su Jin would hardly wake up again.

"What I just said is the ghost king who has reached the peak, and the realm of this poem is just a legend. It is said that the ghost king is the strongest to sink and float tens of billions of evil spirits, and will destroy the sky by then! The sky will worship himself..." The Lord said.

can not imagine!

The realm master of Zhenlu looked at her sister's pale face, and comforted: "The legend belongs to the legend, and it cannot be realized. My sister does not have to take it seriously—"


The ghost king Su Jin was able to reappear. When he said that the deity could help him get promoted, he looked satisfied. Even when he said this, he didn't look at the two emperors directly!

"I want to see and see, whether your strength is as strong as your tone!" The Great Emperor Wu Heng disappeared into the dragon chair in one step.


Do not! Did not escape!

Many people are still waiting to see the shocking way of fighting, who knew that Emperor Wu Heng just appeared quietly beside the ghost king Su Jin——


Reaching the realm of the great emperor, even a simple punch will envelop the unmatched emperor's pattern, this punch he can handle very tricky!

The ghost king Su Jin trembled all over, and when Emperor Wen hit him with a fist, it seemed as if he had fallen into the void!

"You..." Great Emperor Wu Heng's face changed suddenly, and he was surprised: "You can turn into a avenue!"

"Kill you, the deity will no longer exist. This is his long-cherished wish. I will use my strongest state to show him how correct his decision is."

The ghost king Su Jin began to tremble!

The void buzzed and trembled!

Ten thousand, five hundred thousand, five million!

After a few breaths, the illusion of the 500 million ghost king appeared from behind Su Jin!

Five hundred million!

All the monks present can no longer be described as shocked, this is simply beyond imagination!

You must know that Su Jin stepped into the ancestral realm, and he must have a false appearance! This is the limit of the ancestors, the imprisonment of the great avenue. It cannot exceed tens of millions, but what is the situation in front of us? Why does the ghost king have 500 million false appearances!

Incarnation of the avenue, 500 million imaginary appearances-

"Flee!" The Great Emperor Wu Heng's face was pale, and when he said this word, he disappeared in place.

The Empress Yaoyi was startled, and she took a slow moment. A big, invisible hand on her neck began to manifest, transforming into a palm full of evil spirits, imprisoning her emperor...

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