My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1906: Ghost Emperor

This! !

Capture Empress Yaoyi with one hand!

The whole world seemed to be quiet, millions of monks raised their heads, their faces dull, their brains stopped thinking--

The lofty female emperor Yaoyi was captured, and Emperor Wuheng didn't even have the courage to contend directly. She ran away, and the ghost king reappeared and shocked the world!

"You don’t have anything to see, you regard my deity as an ant, but you have thought about the existence of this king..." The ghost king Su Jin looked at his face and strangled Empress Yaoyi’s neck tightly. He seemed to enjoy the strong treating him. Fear.

"Ghosts and ghost kings are all enemies in the world, and no ghost king has ever been able to get a good death." Empress Yaoyi said with a pale face. She wore a gorgeous dress and robe, which not only made people feel noble, but also had a unique and honorable temperament.

"Who knows what's going on in the future--" Ghost King Su Jin pulled the corner of his mouth, and the evil was completely revealed.

"My Yuanshijie, I will immortal life forever with the purpose of chasing you down, and the entire China World will be wiped out by me and other heavens!" The Empress Yaoyi was still threatening.

The situation is very bad for the Empress Yaoyi, the ghost king's 500 million to the imaginary phase is fully unfolded, and the entire Zhoutian Avenue seems to be suppressed by him, and the many powers of the Empress Yaoyi cannot flow out of the body.

It can be seen how scared the Empress Yaoyi is at this moment! Unfortunately, she miscalculated everything!

Will the ghost king Su Jin care about this?

"You look good, you might be good to be my'Ghost Emperor Slave'." The five hundred million illusions behind the ghost king Su Jin shocked——

"No!" Empress Yaoyi was frightened.

In her life, she has never met a ghost king, and the former ghost king only exists in legends, but the term ‘ghost emperor slave’ sounds very scary. If she is sacrificed by the ghost king, she may not be detached for eternal life.

The five hundred million imaginary phases instantly transformed into a skull shape, among which were densely packed with evil ghosts floating. The ghost king Su Jin carried the female emperor Yaoyi, and the skull directly swallowed the female into his mouth!

Ah ah ah~~~

The tragic voice of the female emperor Yaoyi appeared, and the emperor pattern all over her was eaten by evil spirits, and soon the emperor pattern disappeared, and her emperor realm cultivation base was falling!

Emperor, ancestor, holy king——

Stopping the saint king from falling, the female emperor Yaoyi tumbling among the evil spirits, her miserable voice is endless!

The monks of the two camps are very complicated.

The end of the Empress Yaoyi may be worse than that of Annihilation, but this is the price of being inferior to human beings. She deserves to fall from a high state to the altar!

The cultivators of the Five Regions are very complicated. This is not a good thing for the ghost king to appear again. The key is Su Tianzi, facing such a powerful ghost king body eruption, he...I am afraid he really can't come back.

Empress Yaoyi rolled in the skull formed by evil spirits for a while, and her skin turned whiter than before. Soon she appeared in the skull's right eye, and the ink was flying...

Visible to the naked eye, on the face of the Empress Yaoyi, there began to appear lines as thin as a spider web, the lines up and down like living things, and immediately gathered into a black willow leaf pattern, appearing on the center of the eyebrow——

"Becoming the king's'ghost emperor slave', you are not happy." The ghost king Su Jin appeared with an evil smile and stretched out a hand to stroke her cheek.

"Yaoyi has never been as happy as now..."

The empress Yaoyi's eyes seemed to enjoy the favor of the ghost king, her face was closer to the hand, and she muttered: "The ghost king will eventually dominate the world of heaven and become a slave to the eternal realm of the heavens-- "

"You are very good at talking, go get that kid back." Ghost King Su Jin said lightly.

"Yes." Empress Yaoyi walked out of the skull and crossbones' right eye, and in a flash, she seemed to see the location of Emperor Wu Heng and rushed over.

The female emperor Yaoyi was refined into a ‘ghost emperor slave’, and she fell from the holy path to the holy king. Many people are still a little sad, but it seems that after becoming a ‘ghost emperor’, her strength is better than before!

"Emperor Yaoyi!" The Great Emperor Wu Heng was reluctant to leave. He hid in the void and used the avenue to cover up the aura of the emperor, but he didn't expect that the Empress Yaoyi would still find him, which made him exclaim.

Why are you not willing to leave?

This is not to say that Emperor Wuheng likes Yaoyi, but because of a great world, losing any emperor realm is a great loss to his great world!

"Wu Heng, only by submitting to my king can we achieve higher status in the future."

The Empress Yaoyi was expressionless, and the willow leaf pattern on her eyebrows gently shook, like a small willow leaf blown by the wind, the burst of momentum all over her body was far beyond the strength she had shown at any time before!

"The real Empress Yaoyi... is dead!" The Great Emperor Wu Heng was very disappointed, knowing that Empress Yaoyi was completely captured physically and mentally and could not go back.

"You can't feel my happiness now. I submit to my lord, I can think of my love in the past and plead with my lord." Empress Yaoyi said coldly.

"Fight, fight!" Behind the ghost king Su Jin condensed a throne. Among the five hundred million imaginary forms, not only the evil spirits, but even a few swimming dragons, dominate one side.

"Unexpectedly, one day, I would personally slash another great emperor in my world--" Great Emperor Wu Heng got up with grief and raised his hands fiercely in a gesture of raising the sky!

The entire emptiness has revealed a picture of mountains and rivers!

"The first vision of Yuanshi Realm,'Cangtian Mountains and Rivers'!" All the monks gasped.

"It is rumored that Emperor Wuheng's'Cangtian Mountains and River Map' has the power to reverse everything. If the opponent is not strong enough, it can even turn people back to the era of babbling, thus killing them."

"This picture of mountains and rivers, Ghost Emperor Nu Yaoyi, can you ever fight?"


The sky is towering green mountains, rivers are like snakes, and the sun, moon and stars are all manifested in it, covering thousands of miles of the void. There are countless creatures, different, and even a few monsters comparable to the mountains, living in it.

"Time flows backwards, turning the years, I am immortal!" The Great Emperor Wu Heng waved his hand, and the ‘Cangtian Mountains and Rivers’, which filled the void, trembled quickly with his fingers.

Guidi Nu Yaoyi's face remained unchanged, her whole body was enveloped by a black air, and then she changed her body suddenly, and suddenly a willow-shaped weapon appeared in her hand, about a meter long and prismatic without a handle.

Raising the jade arm gently, slashed in the direction of Emperor Wu Heng--


Emperor Wuheng showed a series of emperor patterns all over his body, and the black light cut the void, but when he hit the emperor patterns on his body, he made a dull sound.

The role of Cangtian Mountains and Rivers is blessed on the ghost emperor Nu Yaoyi, and the black light is masterful, but it also limits her body.

"Trash! Get out!" Seeing this, Ghost King Su Jin scolded Empress Yaoyi.

Guidi Nu Yaoyi's small mouth suddenly appeared, and an expression of fear appeared on his face. Great Emperor Wu Heng's toughness was demonstrated. The same emperor, the Empress Yaoyi was far inferior to him, even if she is now a Guidi slave. There are many gaps.

The ghost king Su Jin tilted his head, slowly got up, and seemed to mutter to himself: "The deity, your divine methods are quite good, but it is a pity that your understanding is not as good as that of the king. You watch carefully, "Da Fei Sheng How should I use this king——"

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