My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1907: Bullying too much


Five hundred million evil ghosts, spread directly!

"So fast!" Great Emperor Wu Heng was shocked. With his cultivation base in the emperor realm, he couldn't see the ghost king Su Jin clearly.

"There is a broken picture, and I dare to show it." The ghost king Su Jin's voice resounded around.

Then, the ghost king Su Jin appeared in the sky, gently raised his hand, and took a shot on the'Cangtian Mountains and Rivers'!

Wanli's "Cangtian Mountains and Rivers" has directly become pieces of tofu-like existence, and there are screams everywhere!


The vision of Emperor Wu Heng's "Cangtian Mountains and Rivers" was blasted, his instinctive scalp numb, and he felt danger.

Five hundred million evil ghosts have a false appearance, and they directly let the ghost king Su Jin'lift the sky'!

The speed of the ghost king Su Jin can change hundreds of positions in the blink of an eye. This speed makes everyone present unheard of and unseen!


A sudden slap in the face, screamed on the face of Emperor Wu Heng who was still nervous~~

A row of old teeth flew out with blood, and the emperor of Wu Heng was slapped away by this slap! !

Emperor Wu Heng was full of imperial patterns, and his eyes were filled with fear, but the dignity of the imperial realm was indispensable. He immediately wanted to stabilize his figure while being drawn away——

The ghost king Su Jin was calm and relaxed, appeared in front of him in the state of Emperor Wu Heng turning over, gently raising his foot.

Kicked over.

Emperor Wu Heng was kicked under the clouds!

But then 500 million evil ghosts blessed the ‘Great Ascension Art’, and the ghost king Su Jin instantly manifested, with another kick on his face...

Puff puff puff ~~~

The sky above Huaxia City seems to have evolved into a football field, but this football field is controlled by a terrible ghost king, and Emperor Wuheng’s entire imperial realm cultivation has no effect. Wherever he is kicked, he will appear immediately. The figure of the ghost king...

Then it was time to be beaten.

It was too late to say, but the way of kicking and kicking was very fast. In just a few breaths, Emperor Wu Heng was kicked three hundred feet. The entire emperor's body suffered unimaginable injuries, and his face was the focus of the step.

So it was swollen into a pig's head, twice as big as before.

There was no sound.

It is not a level of battle at all.

The more Luo Lingyi looked at it, the more heartbroken she felt. She understood very well that the stronger the ghost king Su Jin's power, the harder it would be to grasp the initiative. Judging from the current situation, Su Jin could not regain control at all.

"You little emperor, it's not enough to warm me up." Ghost King Su Jin gave his last kick in the void.

Although the toes did not touch the Great Emperor Wu Heng, the head of the Great Emperor burst open in response to the sound——

The indestructible emperor body, like stepping on a berry, was blasted in the air, and Emperor Wuheng fell. The entire world was covered with emperor patterns. Those golden emperor patterns flew out of his emperor body and disappeared. Between heaven and earth.

"Emperor Wuheng!" Yuanshi Great World monk, knelt down sadly, to their dead emperor!

"The Great Fallen!"

"The Yuanshi Realm will be greatly injured—"


Many people panicked, only to see a headless emperor body falling, and the emperor spirit of Emperor Wuheng jumping out, stretching out his hands in the void, trying to touch his head.

The emperor spirit is the same as the ordinary monk's true spirit, but the emperor spirit is less vulnerable to injury, but the foot of the ghost king Su Jin shattered even the head of the emperor spirit, which is not tragic.

And now...

In the depths of the void, Jian Eleven's face was full of anger, and the majesty of the great king was actually covered by Su Jin. This is unbearable! The bone tower is his most important party treasure, Su Jin actually threw it away!


What an insult!

Jian Eleven held the bone tower in his hands, and there were two palm prints under the bone tower, which were caused when Su Jin lifted the bone tower under the previous confrontation.

When he was in the western desert in the region for the first time, Su Jin cut a crack in the bone tower. I don't know how long he had been in pain. Now the damage caused by the two palm prints is far more than that! If I want to repair it, I don't know how long it will be.

"Damage my treasure, let me drill the hole in the void, my sword eleven is going to kill the ghost king certificate today..."

Jian eleven flashed over from the void passage, and the voice covered the world, and was heard by everyone, but when he saw the headless'Emperor Wuheng' on the ground, he wanted to kill the ghost king to prove the'dao' today. The word'Tao' was not spoken.

what's the situation?

Sword Eleven was stunned.

The monks on the Huaxia side were worried and worried, but the words that Sword Eleven said when they appeared, and the expression they are now, suddenly made all the people in the Five Domains burst into laughter.

"Great Lord, have you come back from drilling the dog hole and picking up the tatters?" A Chinese monk shouted boldly.

"Sword Eleven, the Great Emperor Wu Heng, who named you the'Great King', has been trampled on his head now, what do you think?"

"The Great King is domineering, you said that you will never die with Emperor Su, don't run later -"

"Traitor of the Five Realms, you are still a great king, I will kill you--"

"Lao Tzu hates the wall and grass the most. If you don't judge the five domains, we may still treat you as a genius. Now you are a dog in the great world of Tiao Yuanshi, dog! You know!"

"Dog stuff, the ghost king will kill him soon!"

The entire Huaxia City was full of voices, but at this moment there was a blond young man in the city, with a nervous expression on his face, hugging the restless black-and-white piebald dog in front of him, and repeatedly said to comfort him: "Three, three brothers! Calm down, you have to be calm... …"

"Too much bullying! I can't bear changing a dog!" The black-and-white piebald dog uttered in a rage.

"They're not talking about you, it's just a metaphor, a metaphor—" The blonde Ayao's face was a little sweaty.

"That won't work either! What does this have to do with dogs!" the black-and-white dalmatian asked angrily.

There were many cultivators who heard this, and suddenly sweated. The blonde Ayao pulled the talking dog. In addition, he had inherited from the ancient continent. This Ayao is also a celebrity, and this dog is also a famous dog.

"Ayao, walking your third brother again--" a monk from far away greeted with a smile and asked.

"How do you say it?"

The black-and-white piebald dog said angrily, and the black light bloomed all over his body. The whole body of the dog instantly rose. A dog that was more than ten meters long and more than five meters high appeared, and directly caused a small range of monks to exclaim--

Ah Yao was hung on the dog's tail, his face full of helplessness...


Jian eleven is a little panicked now. During the time he was looking for the bone tower, he faintly guessed something, but he couldn't believe that Emperor Wu Heng was easily beheaded!

"Emperor Yaoyi, if I join hands with you, I will be able to kill the ghost king." Jian eleven looked at the ghost emperor Yaoyi shamelessly.

The monks from the Yuanshi and Tianlong worlds suddenly showed their faces. Great King, this is ignorance--

The Huaxia monk was even more indignant, saying that they would fight alone. As a result, the two great emperors and the Great Sovereign King Jian11 joined forces to suppress the Emperor Su. Now Emperor Wuheng beheaded to death, and the female emperor Yaoyi became a ghost emperor slave. Where's the face?

What kind of reaction should Ghost Emperor Nu Yaoyi have next?

Many monks began to look up and look at--

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