My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1908: Turn the world into a compass

"Great King, our lord will definitely be an eternal existence in the future, who will dominate the heavens. You now bow to him and surrender to him, and your future achievements are limitless."

Ghost Emperor Nuyao looked at Jian Eleven coldly, her face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, full of coldness——

I... my lord?

Jian Shixi was stunned, and in shock, he suddenly understood that the ghost king Su Jin had already subdued the Empress Yaoyi.

Immediately, Jian Eleven red eyes, the Yaoyi Empress and Su Jin are obviously wearing a pair of trousers, she is a person on the same road, and her situation is very bad now!

"You let me kneel on him? Kow to him Su Jin?" Jian Eleven was a little mad, and his whole body trembled with stimulation.

"Yes." Ghost Emperor Nu Yaoyi said coldly.

"Dreaming! I think you were bewildered by him. You, the empress, did a terribly unsuccessful attempt. You unexpectedly joined forces with the King of Ghosts to kill the Great Emperor Wu Heng!" Jian eleven thought he wanted to understand, and when he said that, he went down. Take a look.

Emperor Wuheng's headless emperor body appeared in the eyes of Jian Eleven, but what he couldn't figure out was how could Emperor Wuheng's imperial realm cultivation level fail to be held in such a short period of time? To be reasonable, it should not be so.

"My lord's earth-shaking combat power, how can your little great king be able to think of it." The ghost emperor Nu Yaoyi's body shook slightly, appeared next to the ghost king Su Jin, and plunged into his arms.

A look of enjoyment.

With a waist resembling a willow, supported by the ghost king Su Jin, the ghost king Nuyao was leaning back with her hot figure, the ghost king Su Jin smiled, and her eyes lingered on her body——

"I can feel the consciousness of the deity, Yaoyi has become the ghost emperor slave of this king, so if this king cuts this great king again, it is considered enough. If you are not satisfied, these ancestors of Yuanshi Realm, this king Kill them all."

With the evil smile of the ghost king Su Jin, the face of the ancestor of Yuanshi Realm changed greatly.

The Master of Yuanshi Realm was nervous, knowing that the current situation is very bad, she wanted to escape, but did not have the courage to escape——

"You cut me? Today, my Great King, Demon Slayer King Su Jin, affirmed that no one can stop it!" Jian eleven yelled, and then raised the Great Senior's arm, turning it into a demon hand covering the sky. The ghost king caught it.

"You are too weak." Ghost King Su Jin gave a hey smile, flicked his finger, and cut out a beam of black light!


The black light seemed to have turned into an evil dragon, roaring and colliding with the ‘Great Sovereign Arm’, and the sky-shaking roar resounded all around.

"What?" Jian eleven was shocked when he watched that the evil dragon was able to contend with the'Big Sovereign Arm'.

"My lord's future is an existence that can't even be suppressed by the sky, your great king quickly buckle your head and admit your mistakes, for him to use, he can spare you a dog." Ghost Emperor Nu Yaoyi was held in his arms by the ghost king Su Jin. She smiled defiantly.

"My great king never surrendered to others, today I will fight you, the ghost king!" Jian eleven screamed, the great master's arm magical power was overwhelming, but he could not pass, and finally he could only throw the bone tower.

The snow-white bone tower was immediately moved by Sword Eleven, and the snow-white divine radiance shone all over, magnificently expanding——


Ninety-nine layers of bone towers, topped to the sky, lowered to the ground, screaming in each layer!

Many monks were completely suppressed.

The Great King is really amazing!

There is no need to look closely at all. In the ninety-nine-story bone tower, there are dozens of ancestral corpses on each floor. These ancestral corpses have long been sacrificed to become tower corpses and guarded in each floor!

"Ah, this bone tower still has such a mystery."

The Chinese monk exclaimed.

"Ancestral corpses! But they are only found on the bottom few floors. Most of them are the corpses of the Holy King. I heard about this sword eleven, stealing corpses everywhere, digging other people's graves, otherwise there could be so many ancestral corpses! "

"Desperate, we have the body of an ancestor of a family, and it was stolen by this sword eleven. It's not too disgusting."

"These ancestral corpses all gave birth to corpse spirits. With their own cultivation, this tower will slowly transform into a higher-order divine treasure, which is shocking."

"The ghost king can torture even the emperor, and the living ancestors can't do it, let alone some dead ancestors—"

"No, it seems a little different..."

Many monks were taken aback.

Sure enough, the bone tower trembled fiercely--

Yuanshi female realm master's pupils shrank even more, and said in amazement: "This great king actually has a back hand!"

The old woman of Baihua Palace widened her eyes, "What kind of treasure is this bone tower? Those screaming saint king corpses and saint ancestor corpses seem to be captured by inexplicable existence in the tower."

"The voice is also less." Yuanshi female realm master seemed a little excited, "A corpse king is being born inside!"


The bone tower was shining, and while trembling, a mandarin duck with hairless eyes rushed out of the tower——

The mandarin duck eyes of the hairless strange ape are very special, blue with red, and the body is full of corpses. His height is more than ten feet. When his arms are waving, the smell of the entire body is diffused.

"Uh, it smells--" a Chinese monk said, covering his nose.

"It is the horrible corpse king in rumors. Those ancestral corpses and saint king corpses were part of it." A monk saw the clue.

"No wonder stealing the corpse of the ancestor and the corpse of the holy king, there is a corpse king in this bone tower!"

"The corpse king has no human feelings, and can't even feel pain. If there is no means, the emperor will be difficult to deal with—"


The whole audience was watching with bated breath, the corpse king who walked out of the void put too much pressure on people, and the fierce and depressing force made people's heartbeat slow.

One step, two steps, the whole void is shaking!

Ghost King Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "You just use this trick?"

"There are many means, but I don't know how many tricks you can take!" Jian Shixi looked at Ghost King Su Jin coldly.

"There is a corpse king, I really don't see it right now." The ghost king Su Jin pushed the Empress Yaoyi from his arms and pushed it to the side.

One step forward-

Under his feet, a layer of tens of thousands of miles of void compass appeared. The compass was black. There were tens of thousands of tracks in it. Each track seemed to have been measured with a precision instrument, with mysterious and mysterious words on it.

The hearts of all the cultivators seemed to be held by an inexplicable big hand, suppressing them to stop all their hearts from beating!

"Turning heaven and earth into a compass, this ghost king is beyond my expectation!" Realm Lord Zhenluo gasped.

"The stronger the ghost king body, does it mean that Emperor Su can no longer control himself." Luo Lingyi was a little depressed.

"Yes." Zhenluo Realm Master sighed: "In fact, my brother-in-law has already given up on himself. At the moment that old dragon died, he completely wanted to use his ghost king body to destroy the Great Emperor of Yuanshi Realm."

"Don't you think he is very selfish?" Luo Lingyi asked sadly.


All the monks on the scene held their heads up, watching the sky turn into a parallel compass, and that compass was on it. The ghost king stands impressively...

There are also sword eleven, and the corpse king that emerged from the bone tower!

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