My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1912: Big sign

It's too late to say, then soon!


Su Jin held up the giant sacred soldier, gave a long roar, and chopped it down--

The original female realm master stared at Su Jin, her feminine figure did not move at all. She was very confident of her powerful blow. After all, since she became the realm master, she has hardly used her strangeness before others. Elephant!

This sword seems to lift a layer of the void! The magnificent giant sword appeared on it, and the ice-blue phoenix bird was the first to bear the brunt. It was cut in half and turned into gleaming blue light, disappearing!

Only heard the sound of'bang', the original female realm master had combed her hair long ago. She was shaken by this sword. She wore her long hair and flew upside down for dozens of miles. The ancestral blood came from the mouth of the sand. Squirting, dyed the skirt red.

"Not dead?" Su Jin suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The result was astonishing, the original female realm master deserved to be the master of the big world, and the mere ancestral realm could resist the blow of Emperor Su! !

Millions of monks marveled--

"The lord of the world was severely cut, and the king of Su Tianzi has returned, and he has the strength to fight the emperor."

"The Yuanshi Realm Master didn't cut her to death. It was beyond my expectation. She should be carrying a heavy treasure, otherwise this blow would definitely kill her."

"Tianzi Su's attack was very easy. It directly smashed the world master's vision. Judging from the previous situation, he already has the ability to fight the emperor."

"What should the world master do next?"


The reality is gratifying and worrying. The Yuanshi Realm Master was severely injured. Judging from the fact that she stabilized her figure and coughed up blood, she definitely couldn't take the second blow.

"I admit that I underestimated you—"

The voice of the Yuanshi female realm master came, and the state of her Beatles exuded a different style, and then she said again: "The next time I see you, it will be the day when I destroy your Chinese Great World. By then, even if I die, Let you go!"

not good!

Su Jin's face changed slightly, and when she noticed the Yuanshi female realm master's plan, she appeared in front of her directly, raised her arm, and grabbed her!

A little bit of crystal blue light made the figure of Yuanshi female realm master fade and fade again. Su Jin caught it and caught it——

The Yuanshi female realm master actually had just one hit, through a gap of dozens of miles back, communicated with Shipai, the Yuan Ling body returned to Yuanshi Great World, this result was not expected!

Even Su Jin didn't even expect that this woman would escape from the "Victim God Realm" regardless of her identity!

What does it mean to destroy the Great China World——

Su Jin stood in place for a long time and couldn't understand. Could it be that he wanted to send troops from the Great World of Yuanshi to conquer him in the Great World of China?

He already has the confidence of the ghost emperor slave Yaoyi, the female realm master of Yuanshi, dare to praise such Haikou!

Time slowly passed. After a long time, Su Jin woke up from his thoughts, took a deep breath, and transmitted the voice to the Ksitigarbha King, told him where his physical body was, then turned into a white light and disappeared.

In this battle, Su Tianzi's reputation is unprecedentedly high!

Then came the Great Sovereign King Jian Eleven, Emperor Wu Heng died, and even Jian Eleven could escape alive. This person will definitely be a shocking disaster in the future.

The most painful thing is the Great World of Yuanshi, who almost lost two great emperors in vain, and the strength of the whole world was greatly reduced. It was Yuanshi’s female realm master who was worth thinking about. Su Jin felt very uncomfortable after hearing what he said later.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Su Jin woke up from the cabin room of the Nine Elephant Feizhou, Yuan Ling returned to his body, he put away the "phantom" stone sign, looked at the opened eyes, the drunk Nie Qianfei in his eyes.

"Wake up?" Su Jin walked to the bed.

The long and delicate legs stretched out from the skirt, the color of snow can dazzle people's eyes, Nie Qianfei's fascinated eyes stared at Su Jin, and she whispered, "Okay, hot~~"

Turning it over, Nie Qianfei blushed, her jade arms propped up the girl's body, trying to get up from her tummy state, she swayed, pounced on Su Jin's left side, and hit Big Brother Su's shoulder.

"Take a good rest--" Su Jin took a deep sip of the fragrance of the girl. She has a very good figure, and she is face to face in front of her eyes. It is hard not to let Su Shao notice some sense of the scenery~~~

"Big Brother Su~~ I think..." Nie Qianfei closed her eyes slightly, and then she opened her mouth softly, seemingly wanting to talk.

"What do you want to do?"

"I think, hush, hush—"

"Then go..." Su Jin madly sweats.

Concubine Nie Qian drinks a lot, but she is a kind of bold girl who dares to speak and dare to do. Generally, when this happens, many girls are more difficult to speak, but she is not that kind of person.

"You take me." Nie Qianfei corrected her posture and slammed Big Brother Su face to face.

Su Jin's face is hot~~~

This request is too much! However, he was not in the mood at all, so he had to help Nie Qianfei, and in her reluctant struggle, he took her to a toilet in the Nine Elephant Flying Boat and closed the door.

Soon Nie Qianfei was drunk and confused, and she screamed again and again, and Su Shao was unmoved until she staggered out and was sent back to the big bed by Su Jin——

Leaving the cabin, Su Jin held his hand on the bow, facing the night wind, and reached out his hand very disappointedly, shrank the Nine Elephant Flying Boat, held it in the palm of his hand, and turned his hand.

The night wind hits people!

In the dark surroundings, the Quartet ‘Bodhisattva’ suddenly manifested! The dim light of the Buddha shone in all directions, wisps of traces of the ancestral realm swam through it, Su Jin walked into it, and the light of the Buddha, the king of life and death, was reflected, and the whole person disappeared——


The gray scenery seemed to be a little sad.

On Huangquan Road, Ksitigarbha, Dream Girl, Sanshang Ghost King and others stood silently on the side of the road. The large, withered "beyond flowers" are no longer what they used to be. It is very likely that this unique landscape will never be seen again. .

And in the Nai River!

When Su Jin appeared, he couldn't help but pale--

In the billowing Nai River, evil spirits kept ups and downs, and a giant old dragon quietly floated on the water. It was the corpse of Huangquan Ancestral Dragon!

Su Jin stared blankly, and the knuckles were all pinched white. If it weren't for him, Huangquan Zulong would not have been killed by Emperor Wuheng.

"The Ksitigarbha king said it was born in Naihe, and the dragon corpse will also be buried in Naihe..." Miss Meng said to Su Jin with red eyes.

"Yuanshi Great World! In the future, I will kill them until the last one!" Su Jin's angry emotions were revealed, "Old dragon will not die in vain!"

"Even if they are all extinct, the old dragon will not be able to come back to life. In fact, we are waiting for you, besides burying the Huangquan old dragon, the most important thing is another thing." The dream girl said worriedly.

"What's the matter?"

"The flowers on the other shore are withering, the signs are terrible, and the destruction of the great Chinese world is imminent--" Miss Meng murmured.

Hearing that, Su Jin stayed~~

Quietly listening to Miss Meng, talking about some weird things that happened recently, Su Jin's face changed suddenly when he talked about an old man with a black sheep behind.

Who are they?

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