My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1913: Set foot on the star road

Once on the land of Buddha far away from the "Ancient Continent".

At that time, the stone monk was fishing, and after the broken old stone man who was about to seize his own fishing, he reminded himself that the future of China in the great world might not survive--

Su Jin didn't take it seriously, but now all signs are foreshadowing the imminent disaster, and it is unstoppable!

His woman.

His Yuyan wife--

Still living in this beautiful continent so far, Su Jin remembered that not long ago, deep in the high seas to the east, there were densely packed and countless blood corpses appearing. I don't know if it has anything to do with this catastrophe.

"Brother Jizo."

After Su Jin's thoughts passed, he looked at the Ksitigarbha King and asked, "Do you know the'Boundless Heaven'?"

The Ksitigarbha King slowly shook his head.

After all, the heavens don't know how many big worlds there are, but China is just a corner, so small, it is impossible to know all of them.

"Not long ago, Wuliangtian's'Heavenly Ship' was collecting divine coffins and corpses everywhere. I don't know if the catastrophe has anything to do with them," Su Jin said.

"Heavenly Way Ship?" The face of Jizo Wang Junyi was full of solemnity. Obviously, he has heard about the "Heavenly Dao Ship".

"Yes." Su Jin nodded.

"If the other party really drives the ‘Heaven’s Ship’ to retrieve corpses, we will probably be unable to stop--"

"Why did you say this?" Su Jin suddenly asked, looking at the Ksitigarbha King.

"In reality, a piece of useless land hinders you, what will you do?" said the king of Jizo.

Su Jin slowly said two words: "Dig out——"

The Jizo King nodded.

"What do you mean, the mysterious old man with a black sheep behind, is probably related to the ‘Blessed Heaven’?" Miss Meng was nervous, and hurriedly asked.

"Not necessarily." Su Jin shook his head, "As seen by Brother Ji Zang, when will the catastrophe come?"

"It won't be too long." The Ksitigarbha King was obviously under pressure.

"I won't just sit back and watch!" Su Jin said coldly.

Although he can go to other great worlds with his own ability, Huaxia is the root of the ancestral land. He will not let others run wild on this continent!

"You are not strong enough, even if you become a great emperor, you will be as weak as an ant in front of the forces of the'Heavenly Dao Ship' -" Ksitigarbha Wang said.

"If the emperor is not enough, just the world! If the world is not enough, I will take three steps to heaven!" Su Jin was stimulated, and he snarled at the Ksitigarbha king.

"China Great World, can't wait for you so long."


Su Jin was choked. He closed his eyes when he said that, and deeply felt that he was not powerful enough. He is now in the Heaven-defying Ancestral Realm, but he is still too small. The catastrophe takes the lead. In addition to some ambitions, My heart is really weak.

The audience was silent.

The Sanshang Ghost King initially fought with Su Jin, but the young Emperor’s current achievements are far beyond his ability. It can be said that no one, including the Ksitigarbha king, would have thought that he could reach the current height, but alone, save Not a big world.

This is a very real problem.

Su Jin was still closing his eyes. After the silence, the old dragon corpse in the Nai River knelt down, knocked three heads, and bid the final farewell to Huangquan Zulong. Once, this old dragon followed Emperor Huangquan and made great achievements!

Even more because of this old dragon, the Chinese race can proudly straighten their chests to the foreigners, saying that they are the descendants of the dragon!

Su Jin has never respected anyone in the world, but the old dragon can afford to kneel down!

"I, Su Jin, swear here that even if the last drop of blood is drained, I won't let foreigners touch my Chinese roots!"

After knocking his head and getting up, Su Jin said, "I have one more thing that needs to be done urgently. If I can come back alive, why not fight for this fertile soil! If I can't come back..."

Not finished yet--

Miss Meng shook her head and said, "You have to have confidence in yourself."

"Good, good!" Su Jin said boldly, and said, "I will do it first, and wait for my return!"

Gently poke open a void channel, Su Jin dashed into——

Miss Meng had doubts on her face, and said puzzledly: "What can make him unsure of coming back alive?"

"Looking for his mother." The Ksitigarbha King's face was stunned, and he said directly.


Soon, Su Jin appeared from the void passage. He swung out the Nine Elephant Flying Boat, and the body of the boat rose up against the wind. After flying up, the "Nine Elephant Flying Boat" quickly drove towards the "Kunlun Sword Sect"...

Time is a bit tight.

Su Jin planned to send Nie Qianfei off, so he went to the star road. He lived so old and everyone else had a mother, but he had never seen his biological mother. Now that the catastrophe is coming, he doesn’t even know if he doesn’t want to die. Mother's appearance!

And an hour passed, Su Jin had already hugged Concubine Nie Qian in her boudoir, without the slightest stay, she quietly walked up to the sky, overlooking the entire Kunlun Mountains. I am a great mountain and river in China. My destiny is in my mind, and I must not let it. Anyone gets half an inch!

Soon, Su Jin found out the old parchment that the old guy gave him not long ago--

When the old guy was looking for ancient relics, he found that the teleportation array where he was held by his aunt back then was more than 3,000 miles away from Kunlun. On a barren mountain in the far north of China, waves were drawn on the parchment paper, and there were obviously swamps there. .


Su Jin disappeared in the sky.


Time passed, white fish belly appeared in the sky, a dazzling sunrise rose, Su Jin was still on the way...

Three thousand miles, two thousand miles, three hundred miles!

Su Jin's thoughts are complicated.

On the other side of the star road, what exactly is the Mogu Hell? What happened that year? Why did the ghost ship carry the aunt and monk's infant self into this great Chinese world?

That ghost ship...

Are you still there?

Mother, what's the situation now?

Su Jin couldn't think of his own life experience. Not long ago, when the old guy told him that it was a "ghost ship" carrying him, he was shocked. The legend of ghost ships is unimaginable. No one knows where they came from and who created them.

But that ghost ship carried itself here, obviously driven by people, the ship did not have any malice, perhaps his own life experience can give the answer after finding his mother——

As the location approached a little bit, Su Jin became nervous inexplicably. He even had a hunch that he would walk on the star road to the'Mogu God Prison'. Perhaps he would die in it and never return.

One hundred miles!

Ten miles!


The decaying vegetation below can be seen everywhere in the swamp. Not far from the mountains, the breath of vicissitudes is coming.

Su Jin landed in the mountains. The teleportation array on the parchment, he thought, should be easy to find in this deserted place——

There are towering ancient trees around, no one has come to the dense forest, and there are thorns everywhere. Su Jin’s eyebrows swept the Mohe Town Prison Eye, and suddenly he saw the lines of the ancient teleportation array among the thorns under a mountain!

Skip past!

Su Jin is very nervous! Throw a handful of spirit crystals into the mouth of the ancient teleportation array!

The faint light rose up!

Is that ghost ship still there? Su Jin looked forward inexplicably--

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