My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1914: Animal face mountain eagle

Whether there is a ghost ship or not, Su Jin has no idea at all--

But that ghost ship is indeed very important. It is directly related to whether he can find his mother. After all, there are some small chances. What if the ghost ship swam away?

Su Jin did not entangle too much, as the weak brilliance rose in the ancient teleportation array, he also disappeared on it!

With a short wait, the scene became clearer and clearer...

The following shock, even Su Jin himself did not expect that it would be such a scene!

At the foot is a cyan stone platform with a radius of 100 meters. Su Jin was teleported to this place, and he discovered that this ancient teleportation formation was actually built on the mountain. The mountain is an unpredictable ‘mountain sculpture’!

"The towering mountains are carved into mountain eagles, with beast masks -" Su Jinfa said to himself.

When I looked up, the mountain with a beast mask was in the form of a human, and the simple and vicissitudes of life came to his face, revealing majesty!

When I lower my head, in front of the cyan stone platform, the gray mist is lingering, and there is no bottom! In the distance, there are faintly dozens of ‘beast face mountain eagles’ standing on the gray fog, which is beyond words.

When Su Jin looked 100 meters to the left, his face suddenly became ecstatic!

"Ghost Ship!"

Su Jin exclaimed, this ghost ship is very different from the ghost ship that used to take him away in the "Zhongmiao Mountain". The whole body is not black, but the kind of "years and yellows" that have settled down.

The hull is not big, about a hundred meters, with masts but no sails, very old.

Can the "Ghost Ship" in this state take oneself to the "Mogu God Prison"?

Su Jin was a little worried.

At this time, Xiao Umbrella's voice came out of his mind: "Next time you want to do something, can you put me outside?"


"The beast-faced mountain eagle, a wonder of this scale, I can't even think about it. It doesn't matter if you are dead, don't cause my heavy treasure to be dusted--" Xiao Umbrella tried to talk to Su Jin in a calm voice.

"Fuck! I said, can you think about your identity every time before you are afraid? You are an emperor, do you understand?" When Su Jin saw the'ghost ship', his mind was very relaxed.

"Yeah, I'm an emperor soldier, I'm an emperor soldier!" Jixi Long Umbrella began to comfort himself.

Su Jin took a deep breath, his whole body turned into an arc streamer, he was not in a hurry to board the ship.

Although Palace Master Zichen used to take away his infant self and his crazy aunt from here, the ghost ship once wanted to take him away and had to make him vigilant.

Go around a full circle.

The ghost ship floated there quietly, without moving, Su Jin hesitated and landed on the ship deck.


The hull trembled.

Su Jin didn't know if it was an illusion. At the moment when the hull trembled, an unreal ‘sadness’ appeared from all directions--

There are words on the mast.

Su Jinxin was trembling inexplicably, and saw two lines of beautiful red fonts clearly manifested on the immortal mast:

"It's hard to see each other, and it's hard to leave. Dongfeng is powerless and can't help it."


A poem written in blood.

Su Jin's complexion was complex and he muttered to himself: "Where is the Mogu God Prison, and how long will it take to reach——"

The ghost ship trembled more violently, it didn't have any malice, it seemed as kind as meeting an old acquaintance, and it seemed to understand Su Jin's words.

After a brief tremor.

The ghost ship made a creaking sound, and the whole hull began to cruise slowly. After these years, it set sail again! ! !

On the endless gray fog, the ghost ship is like a flat boat, turning or going deep into the gray fog——

Su Jinpan sat on the deck, closed his eyes, intending to grasp the flowing time and practice the exercises as much as possible, but the moment he closed his eyes!

In the vanity, there seems to be a girl singing, the voice is not loud, like a mosquito and flies, but it is extremely clear, like a phonograph from a distant age, the sound is beautiful...

"Watching you walk away, tears blurred my vision."

"Lonely road, who is missing~~"

"It makes me feel tired, but the rain relaxes everything, crying in the rain, no one sees it."


In a trance, through the singing, Su Jin seems to be able to imagine that when he sent away his baby in the past, his mother's helplessness, let the ghost ship cruise in the void and star road, where is the way to live, or never meet Of no return.

Unknowingly, two lines of tears have dripped. After listening carefully, Su Jin came to the bow of the ship, looking at the unknown star road ahead, quite emotional.

"One hundred forty-nine, one hundred and fifty..."

The Nine Dragon Umbrella fell into a state of loneliness and didn't know what he was reading.

"What are you counting?" Su Jin slowed down and asked.

"Beast-faced mountain eagles, let me be a beast. According to my estimation, these mountain eagles are not done by ordinary people, at least they are from the hands of the world realm. They are amazing!" Xiao Umbrella said.

"Do you regard the world as a cabbage?" Su Jin asked.

"Have you forgotten? What the Great Emperor Zhenyuan said before. To some extent, there are people or things in the emperor realm. They are as weak as ants in front of those unpredictable strong men."

Xiao Umbrella said with a smile: "Furthermore, the world is so big, do you know how vast the world is?"

"I don't know." Su Jin really hadn't thought about such things.

"There is a record that there was once an outside imperial realm powerhouse who crossed the heavens..."

"The results of it?"

"As a result, it took tens of thousands of years to get out of the corner of the heavens."


Su Jin was very surprised, but he also agreed with Xiao Umbrella that there are countless great worlds in the heavens, and there are many emperor realms like ants, but some strong people sit in the well and watch the sky, and they are strong enough.

There was a chat with Xiao Umbrella without a word.

After five thousand three hundred'beast face mountain eagles', Su Jin gradually began to pay attention to it. If these'beast face mountain eagles' were an emperor of the emperor realm, it is unlikely that the emperor is only a thousand. Really.

Is it really an incarnation cast by a strong world?

Fortunately, the surprise did not last long. After 7,100 ‘beast face mountain eagles’ passed, the ghost ship passed through a ripple——

Su Jin was curious and turned to look at the ripples.

Suddenly ushered in a greater shock.

More than 7,000 ‘beast face mountain sculptures’ were wrapped in that transparent ripple, and hundreds of magnificent ‘mirrors’ appeared on the ripples.

In every mirror, there is a beautiful woman in a plain white dress robe. Every beautiful woman is exactly the same, like a fairy, sitting cross-legged, playing the flute standing up, or embracing a pipa with ethereal eyes——

Who is this nun?

It seemed that he must be a strong ‘World Realm’, otherwise, how could such an unprecedented vision manifest itself? Su Jin couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.

Until the ghost ship swims far away--

It is the most dangerous to set foot on the star road, and then Su Jin ushered in the biggest crisis in his life. Even after he saw it, he felt unsure of getting through it!

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