My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1915: Devour the ghost ship

The sky turns dark--

Void Star Road, you can really see the stars! But the darkness of this color made Su Jin feel very uncomfortable.

"Last time in the Void Abyss, what you saw was only some land masses, but this time it was the real star road." Xiao Umbrella said solemnly.

"I know." Su Jin's eyes were already in a daze.

In the front, there is no gray star on the edge of which the diameter is unknown. When swept from above, only a huge arc can be seen, but this gray star seems to remain static for a long time.


The void trembled, the eternal tranquility of the gray stars was broken, Su Jin's "Mohe Town Prison Eye" suddenly opened, and a red curtain shone over.

The scene I saw is unforgettable!

In the middle of the gray stars, a giant beast of 100,000 miles resembled a turtle, but with eight legs. At this moment, it seemed to be aware of the location of this ghost ship. After protruding its head, the neck of the beast turned out to be like a snake, covered with rustling tremors. Scales.

Triangle head! The head is demonstrating--

Su Jin's scalp is numb, what the **** is this! He found more than this giant beast, and there was a sea of ​​purple fog among the gray stars. The fog in it was like a living thing, even moving the wind and clouds. I don't know what it is.

But the triangular head and eight-legged snake tortoise in front of him posed a great threat to Su Jin!


The triangle-headed behemoth, whose neck can reach the sky, stimulated the blue core to lick its nose, staring at the ghost ship and Su Jin's body.

Fishy wind blowing! People are like a dust in the vast land, Su Jin feels this way now!

This triangular-headed snake-tortoise monster, sticking out its neck, directly blocked the path of the ghost ship!

"Go away!"

Su Jin passed through, and then he held the Juque Saint Soldier in his hand and directly carried the ‘Juque’ for several kilometers. He wanted to deter the opponent, but he didn’t know if it would work.


The fishy wind made Su Jin's feet firmly nailed to the deck. Affected, a layer of unpredictable road marks and ripples appeared on the body of the ghost ship. Nevertheless, the hull was blown and swayed.

"Emperor soldiers are going to be buried in the void!" Ji Mie Long Umbrella cried out sadly in his mind.

"You shut up Lao Tzu!"

"Can't beat it, how can you beat this—"

"Speak again, I will throw you into its mouth, and eventually the emperor soldiers will come out of its poop..." Su Jin burst out.

Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana:...

So cruel! This master is really tasteless, and turned its dignified soldiers into the excrement of giant beasts. The end is a bit too miserable, more miserable than the burial of the void, and even more miserable than the burial goods.

In order to be an imperial soldier, not to be buried in a huge poop, the umbrella can only shut up.

The snake tortoise beast is probably the biggest monster Su Jin has seen so far, and I don’t know how powerful it is—

The road ahead was blocked, Su Jin did not make a move, directly picked up the Juque Saint Soldier and rushed out of the deck! But such a large sword body can only be regarded as a toothpick, or even a hair as small as a giant snake tortoise.

The scales of the giant snake tortoise's neck quivered, making bursts of knocking noises. When seeing a small thing rushing towards it, he couldn't help but bend his neck, opened his big mouth, and bit the past!


Nima! !

Su Jin slammed a sword fiercely and smashed it on the sharp tooth like a pillar, and suddenly the whole person seemed to have hit the mountain, and the giant sage soldier was almost lost because of this, and he was directly lifted!

"Who are you, where are you going?" The giant snake tortoise kept licking the collided tooth with Lan Youyou's letter. Obviously the sore tooth made it very uncomfortable.

"I'm going to the Mogu God Prison!" Su Jin was not injured by the shock. After steadying his figure, he looked at the giant snake and turtle.

"Too far, that's the place where the'Terror Ancient God' and the Great Devil are held." The giant snake tortoise blinked its red eyes like a lake.

"Xiongtai is convenient, don't block my way, or you'll be polite to you—" Su Jin's eyes lit up, and it seems that there really is a place called "Mogu God Prison".

"You have a low level of cultivation. If you go, you will die. It's better to let me eat you. This king hasn't played a tooth sacrifice for thousands of years." said the giant snake turtle.

The giant snake tortoise actually wanted to devour himself, Su Jin felt a bit of chills, and let the ‘Juque Saint Soldier’ expand without a word--

Su Jin came to the huge sword hilt, pushing with both hands, and the huge fault of thousands of feet was directly driven and rushed towards the snake tortoise.


The sound turned into a wave of power and spread out, and the giant snake tortoise opened its mouth and bit in front of the tip of the Juque sword.


After finding that he could not bite, the giant snake turtle's huge neck swayed, flexibly from top to bottom, and began to attack Su Jinfa!


Every time the big mouth opened, Su Jin dodged him dangerously and dangerously. The giant snake tortoise kept biting out big holes in the void, and finally he was obviously tired.

The giant snake tortoise is not stupid. The Mogu Prison can be reached by humans. The little thing in front of you can only be driven by the ‘ghost ship’, and it immediately turned around!

Su Jin saw a scene where Jair was about to split.

With his big mouth open, the giant snake tortoise actually wants to devour the "ghost ship"!

The ghost ship is absolutely not to be missed. It is my hope to see my mother. Su Jin waved the giant que and blocked its big mouth——


The giant snake tortoise hit its neck fiercely and Su Jin was shot off!

"Beast! Come and eat me if you have the ability!" Su Jin yelled at the giant dragon turtle's ears.

"You little thing is really annoying." After the giant snake tortoise hit Su Jin away, he muttered, and if he had the opportunity, he would directly bite the ‘ghost ship’.

Su Jinhong focused his eyes on the giant sage soldier to return to its normal size, and then thousands of imaginary phases appeared in an instant, directly lifting him to "Li Xia soaring"! Soar to the deck of the ghost ship!

In front of me is the big mouth of the orangutan——

The giant snake tortoise was very proud. After finding that it could not bite the "ghost ship", it simply took people with the ship and swallowed it in its abdomen.

Su Jin immediately covered his nose and felt that he was descending with the hull of the ship, surrounded by passages like copper walls and iron walls. This should be the neck of a giant snake tortoise!

Oh shit!

Thousands of calculations, Su Jin never calculated that there would be such an encounter.

"The ghost ship has been swallowed, my good master! The emperor soldier is really going to be buried in a mound of shit--" The Dragon Umbrella of Jixi was extremely desperate.

Su Jin:...

Now, Su Jin was speechless. He just threatened the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana not to speak. Who knew it was the result of not speaking.

Su Jin was obviously also very helpless. As he descended from the giant snake tortoise's throat, the fishy smell was indescribable. He just smelled a breath and felt a little dizzy.

"There is still a chance." Su Jin comforted Xiao Umbrella.

"what chance?"

"It's invulnerable from the outside, we may not be able to kill it inside." Su Jin said with a sneer.

"Try it, I think you can take it into consideration, it should also take it into consideration--" Xiao Umbrella's tone was a little uncertain.

Then Su Jin, who calmed down, made the giant sage soldiers soar, but a dumbfounded scene appeared, and he couldn't touch the opponent's throat at all.

No matter what!

Swallowed along the throat, Su Jin quickly entered the belly of the giant snake tortoise with the ghost ship.

Darkness accompanies, it's quiet!

Immediately, when Su Jin saw the scene of the giant snake tortoise's abdomen, he was directly sluggish.

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