My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1916: Heavenly Body

treasure house--

In the abdomen of the giant snake tortoise, it can be called a treasure house!

Not far in front of Su Jin, five red rocks tens of meters high, dazzling, made him think that they were all **** crystals, but they didn't look like them.

And behind a few rocks, an eroded ancient treasure ship leaned over it, at least a few kilometers in size. Not far from the treasure ship, a few rusty divine coffins stuck on the edge——

"This, this is the heavenly ship for transporting corpses." Su Jin was taken aback.

"It's a pity that it's not a **** crystal--" Ji Mianlong Umbrella is only interested in the **** crystal. If the five red rocks that are dozens of meters high are the **** crystal, then it will be beautiful.

The Heavenly Dao Ship, Su Jin had seen it not long ago. Although this ship was different or even very different, he was able to guess the identity of the ship that had not been digested and discharged.

In the bone ring, Liu Changjia on the picture of the goddess holding the lotus was completely stunned, and said without a word: "You can leave the rest, but the five red stones have to be removed."

"What is the red stone?" Su Jin has experience and knows that Liu Changjia is knowledgeable.

"The legendary'Cornerstone of Dao' was used to make the'Dao Body of Heaven'——" Liu Changjia's excited voice trembled, and he almost jumped up.

"Heaven, heavenly body?"

Su Jin exclaimed that these five diamond-like stone mountains turned out to be the "Road Foundation Stone" that can be used in the "Three Steps of the Way of Heaven".

"Ten thousand three-step heavenly powers, I am afraid that only one person is lucky enough to find the'Cornerstone of Dao' and cast the heavenly body." Liu Changjia was stimulated.


With a big wave of his hand, Su Jin put the five'Road Foundation Stones' into the bone ring, and then looked into the distance, there were many sloppy things, which were not known to them, but he didn't want to touch them.

"The ghost ship is starting to fade!" Ji Mie Long Umbrella said in surprise.

"No one in the world can control a ghost ship."

Liu Changjia said: "It is embodied from the real heaven. The giant snake tortoise is a mortal body. This is also a kind of Tao. When it becomes transparent, we can leave quietly."

Su Jin smiled and squinted his eyes, but what he ran into was not a danger, but an opportunity. He had to hurry to find treasures. These are the foundations of his growth in the future——

After all, existences that giant snakes and turtles cannot digest are extraordinary things!

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Jin rushed out of the ghost ship and put away the eight divine coffins scattered on the ground. He didn't care if there were any divine corpses in it, and then began to sweep to other empty places.

To be honest, this giant snake tortoise can eat everything, from meteorites to palm-sized rocks, everything can be contained in this belly!

After searching for the tea time, Su Jin pulled out a rusty treasure chest among the sundries in Chengtuo. After opening it, he found ten ice-colored beads strung together, which made Liu Changjia envious.

"This is the icy Daojing, that line is the emperor dragon's tendons--" Liu Changjia's thinking was already a little confused.

"What's the use?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"If you wear it after refining it, it can block the continuous attacks of the emperor realm for hundreds of days.

"Very good, it's just used to send my wife--" Su Jin's first thought was Yuyan's wife. He had imagined the appearance of Xia Yuyan's wrist, and her temperament definitely exploded.

"Too extravagant, you are so kind to your wife that no one would even dare to think about it..." Liu Changjia envied.

Su Jin put it away carefully, and immediately seized the time to scavenge everywhere. In the end, his body shook and saw an unimaginable scene.

A broken Buddhist temple!

There are a few big characters faintly written above: "Daxiong Palace!"

Su Jin's head was a little dazed. Could it be that the Blessed One also traveled through all the great worlds, and took the Buddhist temple with him to other places?

Not long after, Su Jin grabbed the plaque of the'Daxiong Treasure Hall' and put it away, and immediately found a dark yellow battle axe. The axe is two meters high, but the front handle of the axe has a slight defect the size of a tooth.

"Quickly, the ghost ship will be completely transparent!" The Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana reminded.

Su Jin immediately cried out that it was a pity that the giant snake tortoise's abdomen was at least tens of thousands of miles wide. He only found the tip of the iceberg, but the ghost ship was about to pass through the falsehood and left from the snake tortoise's abdomen, so he had to pass by.


Although Su Jin is in pain, being able to leave is the best result——

About a dozen or so breathing times, the ghost ship hummed and trembled, and in a blink of an eye a glazed glow scattered, and the ghost ship carried Su Jin and disappeared.

Soon, a small boat appeared in the void, as if using the void as a sea, sailing towards the distance.

Su Jin took a deep breath and said on the deck: "Listen to the meaning of the giant snake tortoise. The Mogu God Prison is still far away. I will go to the'Taixu Divine Realm' first from the Yuan spirit body. You can pay attention to Umbrella. Just call me."

"No problem," Xiao Umbrella said.

Su Jinpan sat on the deck, took out the ‘fantasy’ stone tablet, and completed the communication in an instant, and the elemental spirit body manifested in China City——

The surrounding scene is so familiar. Su Jin suddenly relaxed, and after quietly changing his appearance, he stopped a young man walking westward in a hurry, and asked, "Xiongtai, why are so many people walking westward?"

"You don't know? You are not from a barbarian country?"

The young man was more surprised, and then his expression was excited: "My barbaric emperor, sitting in a dragon chair at the gate of Shenwu City, is calling me to wait for the citizens of the city!"

"Ah?" Su Jin said with a weird expression: "Isn't Shaoman Emperor caught by the Heavenly Dragon Realm? How can I still sit on the dragon chair?"

"Yes, even though I was arrested! But our monarch is the brother of Emperor Su!"

The young man hammered his chest proudly, and then said: "Not only does he sit in the dragon chair in front of Shenwu City, eat well and drink well, there are also 72 beautiful women serving from the side——"

Su Jin:...

Shaomanhuang is this funny.

When the youth said this, he shook his mind suddenly and found that Su Jin had disappeared in place.

When Su Jin reappeared, he was already at the west gate of the city, and he saw that the poisonous river was not far away, and the battles in front of Shenwu City were not small.

At the west gate of the city, tens of thousands of monks gathered, all of them came from watching jokes.

"My barbarians have listened carefully."

The Emperor Shaoman sat on the dragon chair properly, and there was a beauty from the Heavenly Dragon Realm who stretched out his hand to feed a grape. After chewing it, he said: "Your emperor will return home soon. At that time, my boss, yours Tianzi Su, will personally take me back!"



The monk at the west gate of Huaxia City, there was a roar of noise, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was exuberant.

Su Jin curled his lips. He had no choice but to take this product, but the Emperor Shaoman had the backbone and could hold on for so long. And he also saw that there were more than seventy-two beautiful women serving beside the Emperor Shaoman.

There are more than 5,000 Heavenly Dragon Realm heavily guarded, all of them grimace, with a dead mother expression.

At this time, a monk was not far from Su Jin, and said to the nearby partner:

"I heard a terrifying event, do you want to know?"

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