My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1917: Allure

"What's the matter?"

"There is an old man holding a black sheep, appearing in the southeast of the Five Regions, seeming to be looking for something!" the monk said mysteriously.

"I've also heard that the hidden ancestor guessed that the old man holding the black sheep should be looking for the'Tomb of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang'." Someone broke out even bigger news.

"The tomb of Immortal Emperor Qingshuang?"

Many monks exclaimed, Immortal Qingshuang and Emperor Huangquan, but the most famous existence in the Great China World, there are rumors that the strength of "Emperor Huangquan" can not be compared to Qingshuang, Immortal Qingshuang is the strongest man in ancient China.

"Who is the old man holding the black sheep?"

"I don't know, I don't seem to be from Five Domains--"


All the monks were shocked by the big news, and the Emperor Shaoman was still arrogantly uttering arrogant words in the distance to appease his citizens, and he did not feel the change in the mindset of the Chinese side.

When Su Jin heard the news, his expression became serious.

According to Su Jin's thoughts, first of all, it is not certain whether the old man holding the black sheep is good or evil, but when the other party walks through the underworld, it can wither the ‘other shore flower’, which must be more provocative.

At this moment, the emperor Shaoman said that his throat was a little dry, and he waved his hand and said with a throat: "Don't worry, everyone, I will soon'return to the master's class', thank my people for listening so For a long time, it's all gone--"

Su Jin was about to leave, suddenly his expression was happy, and a girl wearing a'cloak' came into view.

The girl wore plain white clothes and seemed unwilling to let others see her face, but Su Jin found out who she was at a glance!

Immediately Su Jin swept over and embraced her slender willow waist, and a burst of icy waves appeared! As an ordinary person, I'm afraid I would be directly injured by the shock, but this attack method did not affect Su Shao at all.

"It's me~~~" Su Jin heard her ears.

Hearing the voice, the girl in plain white clothes was shocked and she was immediately taken away by Su Jin——

Soon, on a lush green grassland to the northeast of the Du River, the girl lifted off her cloak, revealing her stunning face.

Yuyan wife!

Su Jin had a smile on his face.

Xia Yuyan combed a very retro hairstyle, with two strands of blue silk hanging in front of her, her hair sticking to her clothes, a scene of straight ink hair hanging behind her back, and a hairpin with pearls inserted at the top——

"Where did you die, and you won't return home." Xia Yu's mouth turned up, her face was angry, and the snow fist began to fall like raindrops, raising her legs and doing kicking movements.

In the past few days, the news of Su Tianzi's death came out, and Xia Yuyan did not dare to come to "China City" to look for Su Jin.

Until recently, I communicated with the Void God Realm and learned that Su Jin was not dead. I was full of joy. I learned that Emperor Shaoman was sitting on the dragon chair and threatened that Emperor Su would save him and leave. She came like everyone else. West Gate of China City.

Su Jin's body didn't feel any pain when she let her fists drop like raindrops, he stared blankly.

My wife is so beautiful--

Although her temper has not improved at all, this is the real her! She is irreplaceable!

Su Jin couldn't help but lifted her cheek, and kissed her two bites on that little mouth, and the fragrance entered her lips~~

"I can't go back yet." Su Jin was a little impulsive, but still said with a smile.

"Can't go back? If you don't go back, I will dismiss you, believe it or not!" Xia Yuyan stared at Su Jin and said.

"Don't believe it--" Su Jin shrugged, "I'm looking for your mother-in-law..."

Mother-in-law, mother-in-law?

Xia Yuyan was stunned, and her mind was in a mess. She never thought that she would still have a mother-in-law. From the time Qincheng Su Jin was called to her home, the two sisters knew that Su Jin was an orphan.

but now……

"Where is she?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"Don't ask, I said you wouldn't understand, won't you see me after I take her home?" Su Jin was still holding Xia Yuyan's face, rubbing his fingers on her cheeks lightly. Smooth as water.

"How long will it take you to go back?"

"It should take a few days, I'm not sure yet." Su Jin seemed to look forward to it. He had been imagining his mother's appearance these days, but he couldn't think of it at all.

"You have to be careful."

Xia Yuyan cared for a sentence, and then seemed to think of something, and said: "A lot of people just said that an old man was holding a black sheep. I don't know if I misunderstood it. He seems to have appeared in front of our Xia Group--"

Su Jin's face changed suddenly.

"Is that right?" Su Jin asked anxiously.

"Absolutely not wrong. I was drinking coffee in the office yesterday afternoon and saw it when I walked to the window. I don't know if he let me see it on purpose--" Xia Yuyan felt like a deer crashing in her heart, and said with certainty .

"I am becoming more and more curious about the identity of this old man." Su Jin was filled with doubts.

"I didn't care about it at first, but when the old man walked by, someone seemed to be unable to see him. I don't know who he is and why he came to our Xia family." Xia Yuyan said.

"Well, it's indeed a bit weird." Su Jin regretted a little, after all, he looked to his mother eagerly, otherwise he would definitely set out to find the old man to find out his origin.

"I feel very bad now, what if the old man shows up in our house again?" Xia Yuyan became worried.

"I will rush back as soon as possible." Su Jin lifted a strand of her hair and soothed it.


He said he hurried back, but Su Jin hasn’t been there yet. Su Jin hasn’t been there yet. It’s still unknown whether he will survive. Hearing from the giant snake tortoise, it’s the “Great Demon God” and “Great Devil”. 'The place.

As for who turned it off, although Su Jin is not clear, it is definitely not too weak.

The breeze moved the waist-high grass.

Xia Yuyan, in her plain white dress, seemed like a fairy who was sent to the mortal world. She frowned and smiled. Every expression made people unable to remove her eyes. She had a very attractive and unique temperament——

Su Jin stared at Xia Yuyan, eyes facing each other...

Immediately, on the grassland, Su Jin embraced Xia Yuyan face to face, and the two gently fell sideways in the waist-high sea of ​​grass.

On the surface, the grassland is still the grassland, but the two fallen down can no longer be seen——

Xia Yuyan's face was a little hot, and her inner tension was hard to hide in her expression. At this time, it seemed to be a little superfluous to say anything, but she still got to the point of her lips and couldn't help but blush and asked in a low voice: "What do you want to do? "

"Guess—" Su Jin's mouth was close to her ear, the bridge of her nose was not in her hair, and her lips were on the hot earlobe, and he said two words.

"Can't guess."

Xia Yuyan looked at the blue sky, her beautiful eyes a little panicked.

But Xia Yuyan soon felt it, her delicate body trembled slightly, and Su Jin actually put her hand on the silk that tied her waist! Pull gently again, the ribbon is untied~~~


very nervous!

Su Jin is going to be here with her...

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