My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1920: Brahma

Man, man?

Dozens of immortals turned pale. The Swan Lake broke into the man, and if the Star Emperor was to blame for this, they would have no hope of living.

The swan fairy was even more stunned--

Immediately, her two rows of delicate silver teeth clenched tightly, her dreamy face with anger on her, she yelled: "Chop him for me!!"

I rely on~~~

Su Jin put away the hidden dragon clothes, folded his arms in front of his chest, and immediately pretended to be surprised: "Sister Fairy, don't you need to be so cruel to officials?"

Then the words fell, dozens of immortal servants' sleeves waved, all rolled towards Su Jin——

So Su Jin was tied into a zongzi in the void~~

"Dare to take a peek at the swan fairy bathing, you just blind your dog's eyes!" The fairy waiter became angrily. Although the person hadn't seen anything, they still affected them.

"The swan fairy is holy and unparalleled, you mortal monk dare to peek, you are dead!"

"Fairy forgive your sins, but the servants have not protected well!"


At this time, there were even a few cries of Yingying.

The swan fairy was already annoyed, and when things happened again, what was okay, she swept to the shore in a flash, took the Xia Yi on the tray, and wrapped it around her body.

"Who are you--" Seeing Su Jin who was **** in the air, the swan fairy lost her mind and said: "Speak to me, and then go to die for me, no! You have to die if you don't! "

"Then why should I say it?" Su Jin felt inexplicable.

"Not to mention that I dug your eyes and threw your true spirit in the'Eternal Bronze Furnace' to torture eternal life!" The Swan fairy became excited.

"Why, you are so cruel—"

Su Jin glanced at her calmly, what kind of copper stove is coming, it doesn't sound like a good thing, and then he asked: "What about you, is it possible to make good bonds?"

"The big sister of your uncle!"

The swan fairy was trembling with anger. As the most noble "noble" in the "Brahma", the first little princess among the nobles, this stinky man was found and caught after trying to spy on her, and he had to bond with him. Good luck!

Is there such a ridiculous thing under the sun?


Su Jin nodded, got it! Then he smiled with a strange expression on his face, and his whole body was as powerful as a surging river! Since he was **** with his hands interlaced in front of his chest, his strength is now magnificent, and then he almost said in a word by word: "I are, caught, caught!"


Dozens of Cai Ling bound to the body, burst into bursts, turned into pieces, floating in the void!

As Cai Ling was destroyed by the earthquake, dozens of immortal servants were shaken off, and then the swan fairy was shocked, her hands tied with secret methods, opened the ancestral world, and millions of virtual sumo wrestled out!

The secret method is a white regular line. As she finished her display, the Swan Lake was suddenly occupied by a "white swan" vision.

The white swan laughed out loud, the swan neck looked down, and the right wing stretched out, gently facing Su Jin——

Countless lings turned into white feather arrows and pierced Master Su!

Su Jin naturally does not underestimate this girl. It turns out that the swan fairy was named after her vision. At this point, he opened up the ancestral world, and then thousands of imaginary aspects were connected in the dark, and all the power drawn blessed him body!

Big Ascension!

Su Jin dodged those dense feather arrows in an instant, swayed between the gods, grabbed the swan fairy, hugged fiercely, and then lifted the sky up!


The Swan Lake was sparkling and quiet, as if nothing had happened, there were only dozens of immortal servants with frightened faces, messy on the ground, crying, they knew that the swan fairy had been taken away!

When they saw that Su Jin was so young, they thought that the ancestral realm--

"What to do, the fairy was taken away. If the Star Emperor and the fairy mother are to blame, our end will be very miserable." The fairy said with tears.

"Hurry up and inform the star emperor, we can't escape anywhere, we can only pray for the fairies to do nothing."

"Hmm, hurry up and notify."


At this time, Su Jin had already used the Big Ascension technique to ascend a thousand miles away!

The swan fairy was not a teacher in this short time, beating, biting with her teeth, and almost biting off a few pieces of flesh from Su Jin's shoulder, it was not cruel.


Su Jin fell on the ground, and the fairy swan exploded with repulsive celestial power, but the hand that embraced her was unwilling to let go. The power that broke out caused the two of them to hug on a hillside by a river. Rolled dozens of meters away-

Four fairy source wells manifested from behind Su Jin, wisps of fairy power trickled around the swan fairy, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

"You, who are you!"

The swan fairy broke free a few times, and she was horrified to find that she couldn't break free at all. In this dangerous situation, she calmed down instead.

Su Jin stretched his face and sniffed on the swan fairy.

He had never smelled such scent of immortals before, and after a scent, he felt a sense of refreshment, and then under his charming and handsome face, his big mouth waved--

The swan fairy secretly gritted her teeth, this person pouted and gave her a blown kiss, making her feel that this person is so frivolous!

"Stop teasing you, my name is Mu Ziye. I will ask you a few questions. If you answer me honestly, I will be able to let you go. Otherwise--" Su Jinsi breathed a sigh, clutching her hands in the void, as if threatening What's going on.

"You ask." The swan fairy said quickly.

"Where is this world?" Su Jin asked arrogantly.

"Too Brahma!" said the swan fairy.

"How many emperors are there?"

"Four hundred and fifty-two."


The swan fairy answered whether it was true or false, there were hundreds of great emperors! Does this make people live?

Su Jin heard his head as big as a fight, and then asked, "Where is the Mogu Hell?"

"Do you want to go to the Mogu God Prison?" The Swan Fairy asked strangely.

"Old girl, don't always wonder where I am going, otherwise you will suffer pain, don't you know?" Su Jin had a fierce face on his face.

"Impossible, unless you can get the permission of Emperor Tai Brahma."

The swan fairy said: "You are in the ancestral realm. I am too brahma ancestral realm as many as a cow. It is impossible for the emperor to see you, let alone agree to your request -"


Su Jin rubbed his forehead, looked at the swan fairy and said, "Make a good bond, you tell me how to go to the Mogu God Prison, I will release you immediately."

"How can I be sure that you lied to me." The Swan fairy asked.

"I swear by my true spirit, tell me the method, and let you go immediately." Su Jin raised his hand.

"Okay. There are two ways."

"Which two?"

"The first way is to become the emperor." The swan fairy thought for a while.

"Sister, aren't you talking nonsense?" Su Jin wiped his face. If he is the emperor now, he still has to find a way?

"The second method is to go to Qingzhou to take the'Blue Sky Ladder'. The Blue Sky Ladder has a total of'Nine Heavens'. The Brahma emperor can satisfy one of your wishes," said the Swan fairy.

Su Jin's eyes lit up. It's no wonder that she heard her fairy attendant before, saying that the Ma family descended on the Blue Sky Ladder. It turns out that there is such a magical effect.

After getting a reply, Su Jin's next words made the Swan Fairy pale!

Su Jin smiled slyly and said lightly:

"Well, it's time to kill people—"

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