My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1921: Qingtianti


This person swears by the true spirit and dares to do so!

The swan fairy was worried. As far as she knew, some great demon gods and great demons could ignore the vows of true spirits. Is this young man in front of him a great demon? The style is indeed very similar--


Su Jin shook his head, he really couldn't do things like smashing flowers, after all, he could see that the identity of this woman was not simple, but the news about the Mogu God Prison on his trip had been exposed, nothing happened.

The celestial power trickled from the swan fairy was taken away by Su Jin and returned to freedom.

"You really let me go." The Swan fairy was afraid of being killed by Su Jin in an instant, got up and took a few steps back, clutching her untidy clothes, and asked vigilantly.

"Let's go, you just think I'm asking for directions, but I haven't seen anything." Su Jin shrugged.

"Qingzhou is in the Central Plains, this is a map." Fairy Swan took out a map from her bracelet and threw it to Su Jin.

"Thanks—" Su Jin stared at the swan fairy, and after unfolding, he clearly saw the two characters ‘Qingzhou’, and his figure disappeared in place.

The swan fairy made sure that Su Jin was gone, stomped her foot on the spot, and whispered to herself: "Give you a map, do you really think this fairy is for your good? I will return to the Star Palace now and let Daddy kill you--"

Su Jin naturally thought that the swan fairy would retaliate, but now he has no scruples, even if the woman is killed, he will be found out.

As for the ‘Qingzhou’, it’s very far away. Fortunately, there are a lot of teleportation arrays marked on this map. The nearest five hundred miles are there. He went to Qingzhou in just a while—

It's a pity that there is a teleportation formation in the palace of Swan Lake. Su Jin used the big ascension technique to fly nearly a thousand miles away. It is not worthwhile to go again. He should find one nearby.

Thinking of this, Su Jin swept towards a marked portal.

In a quarter of an hour, Su Jin stood on the gate of the teleportation formation, chose the location of the ‘Blue Sky Ladder’ marked on the map, and then disappeared.


After more than twenty breaths, Su Jin's vision began to become clear.

How old is Brahma? It's hard to imagine!

It was still night at the Swan Lake, and it turned out that it was the morning mist on the Qingzhou Central Plains side. This distance is called the distance of jet lag!

Qingzhou, also known as "Qingzhou City", has a place in the Brahma, where merchants and masters come out in large numbers, but the most famous is "Qingtian Ladder", and I don't know how many ancestral realm powerhouses are challenged every day.

Su Jin appeared on the teleportation formation, perhaps because of the blue sky ladder. When the teleportation formation looked up to the west, a mountain range ascending to the sky could be seen, among which there were faintly dense staircases, misty, and soaring to the clouds!

Walking down the teleportation array, the scene of Qingzhou City is even more crowded, with flowers blooming, and the status of the super city at a glance.

There are many restaurants near the ‘Qingtian Ladder’, no matter how prosperous they are, of course the prices are not cheap.

Su Jin first stepped into a teahouse, walked up to the second floor, and asked for tea. Looking at the "Qingtian Pavilion" under the window, he fell into deep thought.

"Yesterday, among the three hundred and twenty people, only the eldest young master of the Sirius City Lord walked to the third heaven. This is already the third time he has left, and he almost failed! Fortunately, he succeeded, with the potential of the Emperor Realm. "

Outside the Qingtian Pavilion, some people gathered together and sighed with each other.

"Today I heard that the son of King Horse God is going to climb the'Blue Sky Ladder'. There are already 542 people who have signed up. I don't know if they can produce a powerful person with the potential of the Emperor Realm.

"I'm afraid Ma Yulou's body was hollowed out by the geisha long ago? Can I walk up to the blue sky ladder?"

There was a burst of laughter.

"I heard that there are still a few outstanding evildoers who are going to challenge the'Blue Sky Ladder' with Ma Yulou today!"

"Sign up! I am'Qingzhou Fat' going to the Nine Heavens today!" There is a young man with a fat body shape, wearing a gem ring on his ten fingers, and swinging down nine thousand spirit crystals. The lavish and powerful temperament is eye-catching.

Everyone was shocked, and suddenly understood that this was a famous family heir to Qingzhou City, and did not underestimate his appearance. But this person said that it was a joke to break into the Nine Heavens, and no one had succeeded in thousands of years.

"I also signed up."

A man wearing a hat and black clothes choked on his head, dropped the nine thousand spirit crystals, and began to engrave his name under a jade slip.

Su Jin thought for a while, squeezed the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and jumped down from the second-floor teahouse, signed up, and dropped the nine thousand spirit crystals.

After engraving the word'night' on the jade slip, Su Jin was told by the people of'Qingtian Pavilion' that half an hour later, when the morning sun rose, the challenge began. The time was three days. After three days, no matter which step he took, he had to Leaving Qingtian Ladder——

Su Jin nodded.

Many people signed up one after another...

Half an hour passed, and there were 603 people who came to challenge! Among them, the ancestral realm has passed 60%, and the holy king has 40%! This terrifying Brahma made Su Jin's heart solemn.

Ma Yulou, the son of King Horse God, was already the focus of the audience. He was a small butcher with a thin body, completely disdainful of others' eyes, and made people feel very arrogant.

"The test begins!" The elder with white beard in Qingtian Pavilion, seeing the last person coming together, suddenly wiped all the jade plaques that left his name.

Su Jin only saw a circle of patterns appearing under each person's feet, and then he was in a daze and disappeared in place.

On the height of a 15-story restaurant, the swan fairy pointed at the disappeared Su Jin, jumped her feet anxiously, and said to a beautiful woman nearby: "Mother! That's him, that's him--"

"Qingtian Pavilion paid the spirit crystal. If the test does not end, neither your father nor I will be able to kill him, otherwise it will violate the rules." The beautiful woman was very noble and frowned.

"My daughter was bullied outside, does my father care about it?" The Swan fairy said angrily.

"Why don't you care? Your father has already arrived, just went to the Qingzhou City Lord's Mansion. It's okay. When he fails the test, your father will appear and kill him." The beautiful woman said.


"of course it's true--"

"Then hurry up, in case he can't make it through the first stage, Daddy hasn't rushed..." The Swan fairy was very anxious.

It turned out that in order to find the thief Su Jin, the Swan Fairy presented the map and went back home through the ‘Swan Lake’ teleportation array for the first time, telling her mother that she had been bullied, and then there was this scene.

"Huh? This child seems to have good talent. But it seems that Yulou is even better." A scene of a blue sky ladder emerged as the beautiful woman waved her hand, and she smiled as she spoke.

"Yulou, Yulou! It's the Ma Yulou every day." When the swan fairy complained, she stared fiercely on Su Jin's body during the manifestation scene.

When Su Jin appeared, he looked up and found that every step was ten thousand feet high, the pressure was still great, and his body strength was restricted for most. These nine layers of "blue sky ladder", each of which has 333 steps, wanted to walk. It's very difficult to get up.

Whoosh whoosh——

Six hundred and three rays of light disappeared, and they all began to climb continuously.

It was the easiest at first, but after the 333 steps of the first heaven passed, many people's speed slowed down.

"Huh?" The beautiful woman whispered suddenly.

"It's only the first to the second ladder, I can do it too..." When the Swan fairy saw Su Jin turning into a streamer and slowly swept towards the third ladder, the last word "to" could not be said. .

Could it be that this **** Mu Ziye really has the potential of the Emperor Realm?

She swan fairy does not believe it!

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