My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1922: Outstanding

Do not believe!

Just don't believe it!

The swan fairy is a beauty who must be retributed. While staring at the challenge scene, she is praying for Su Jin to fail quickly.

Sure enough, the swan fairy was overjoyed, and Su Jin's speed slowed down!

Of course, the 603 testers are all in this state.

"The test is not fast. Look at the kid from Yulou. He is currently in the...second position. He is not impatient or impatient. He has a good mentality." The beautiful woman has a smile on her face, as if looking at her. The son-in-law looked at Ma Yulou, the youngest son of King Horse God.


Su Jin is already standing on the second heaven and the 209th stairs. He has opened up the ancestral world and absorbed the pitiful power around him, and the others are the same. Ma Yulou is in the second. Heaven, one hundred and forty-three steps!

Now Ma Yulou looked red, and he was not the first. It was out of his expectation, which directly caused his face to be greatly damaged!

Those in the realm of the Saint King are obviously not strong enough, and the true body of the Saint King is on display. Almost all of them are stuck within fifty steps——

That Qingzhou fat and bloated figure, unexpectedly ranked third, demonstrating extraordinary strength, it is eye-catching!


Fat Qingzhou panted, looking at the words'ninety-eight' written on the steps below his feet, he arched his waist a little depressed, short breath hurriedly, and said in a tired and awkward tone: "All, all evildoers. , You are still not human?"

There was a brawny man with brown skin, ranked fourth. At this moment, he not only opened up the ancestral world, but even a trace of Dao lines on his skin became bright.

And the fifth one is worth mentioning, it turned out to be the mysterious man in black and a hat!

Su Jin doesn't care about other people's achievements, he has only one goal, and that is to step on the third heaven!

Now in the second heaven, there are still ninety-seven steps left. After stepping through all the steps in the first three heavens, it means that he has the potential of the emperor realm and can make a request!

Now Su Jin's feeling is no different from that of an ordinary person, carrying a bag of two hundred catties of sandbags, climbing a mountain!

This is only the second heaven, the 209th step!

After a short break, Su Jin's speed of jumping slowed down——

At the end, a few brilliance disappeared, and some people gave up the test by themselves!

"It's so difficult." Su Jin was sweating profusely, looking at the step number under his feet, ‘317’! When he got here, the Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth he had opened had no effect.

Can't get in! It seems that a big mountain has been suppressed above the head, and it is difficult to move your feet—

Ma Yulou is in a state of desperation!

During this period, Ma Yulou only moved 13 steps! Seeing the first Su Jin abandon himself far away, the youngest son of King Horse is very puzzled now.

In the restaurant, the beautiful woman laughed and said to the swan fairy: "The child in Yulou still has a vision that has not been developed. You must know that not everyone can have a vision. After the development of the Yulou, you can directly surpass the first. ."

The swan fairy curled her lips, her eyes still fixed on Su Jin in the manifestation scene.


Su Jin's wings are spread out, and a'Kunpeng' suppressed by the'Blue Sky Stairway' is displayed. Although it is only a few hundred meters in size, the whole body is coated with a layer of gold, and Su Shao is swarmed up by him. On the first step of the third stage!


The heavy pressure made this foot sound like a balloon popping!

Also, three hundred and thirty-two stairs!

"Shen and beast exercises, this kid is not bad, the ancestral world has opened up, and this kind of exercise has been performed, hum, without our Yulou vision, he can't go far." The beautiful woman was surprised. With a cry, she looked at the swan fairy and laughed.

However, the beautiful woman noticed the sluggish expression of the swan fairy.

Seems to be aware of it.

The beautiful woman turned her head and was directly shocked!

Three cities, the first city! Wanli Stone City!

The color of the stone filled the surroundings, and you could even see all kinds of visions inside, such as an old pear tree full of gods, the virtual hall of the Daxiong and other sceneries!

"Mother, can you stop saying it earlier--" Fairy Swan looked ugly.

"You **** girl, you can't be as honest as your brothers and sisters? Look at who you provoke..." the beautiful woman cursed.

The swan fairy pouted her small mouth, her beauty and her frowning smile seemed to be unreal.

Su Jin is now launching the Vision of the First City, pulling out a lot of strength, enriching himself, and suddenly pressure is much lighter!

All in one go!

Directly rushed to the 109th step of the third heaven!

"He can't make it." The swan fairy saw Su Jin panting, and when she stopped, the vision disappeared, and her eyes were happy.

The beautiful woman breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Don't just look at him. Look at the child in Yulou. He has already started his Thousand Lion Head Vision and has rushed to the third heaven. Just walk the rest of the stairs. , He has the potential of the Emperor Realm."

"Ah! That's not right—" The Swan Fairy paid close attention to the movement, her eyes with a strong look of astonishment.

The beautiful woman turned her gaze on Su Jin, and the room became quiet--

Two snow-white jade pillars to the sky are revealed on both sides of the ‘Qingtian Ladder’. The plaque above has three big characters faintly written, ‘Southern Heaven’s Gate’!

To transform the three cities, the second city "Ancient Heavenly Court"!

Xianli Taotao, the real Jade Lake blessed Xianli, blessed Emperor Su! Su Jin only accepted half of the incense time and rose to the sky again!

The 300th step ladder!

Before the beautiful woman and the swan fairy sing badly, an even more startled scene appeared. A sea of ​​corpses appeared in the distance, where thunder and lightning flashed, and the demon head rolled up and down. This turned out to be another vision!

On the wall outside the Qingtian Pavilion, the live test is evident! There was already an exclamation!

With the blessing of the tripartite vision, Su Jin was finally nailed to the third step of the 333 step ladder, and the entire Qingzhou suddenly dropped the glazed glow! One more person completed the triple test and reached the potential of the Emperor Realm!

"Who is this person?" Someone couldn't help but ask in a daze.

"So strong! Ma Yulou has only reached the forty-fifth step of the third stage. There are signs of failure, but this person has already succeeded!"

"The key is only half a day away. Is this a record? Not so fast in the impression, right?"

"Yes! There was one fifty years ago, and the first three heavens passed in a quarter of an hour--"

"This year there are only ten people with the potential of the Emperor Realm, and now they have increased to the eleventh place!"


Qingzhou sighed, and Su Jin trembled all over this ladder, with intense excitement in his eyes, he completed the first three tests!

In front of the stairs, an old white-bearded man from the Qingtian Pavilion appeared and said, "Congratulations on completing the first three tests. Please tell me the year and month of my practice and where I came from. Well, there is one more requirement so I can report to the Tai Brahman Emperor. Where..."

"I'm an outsider." Su Jin looked at the old man and said.

The atmosphere seemed to have dropped to freezing point, the elder of Qingtian Pavilion frowned slightly, and after a long time he raised his brows, and said: "For outsiders, if you want to make a request, you have to go through the sixth heaven, but if you step on it, you may be shaken. The flesh of the son—"

If you shake your body, you will die!

Su Jin obviously felt that the attitude of this elder was not very good, but he did not know this situation in advance! No one ever told him!

He could not finish the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps of the six heavens! Su Jin knows the difficulty.

"You... deceive people too much." Su Jin slowly closed his eyes. After saying this, he opened his eyes indifferently, resolutely, and stepped on the first step of the fourth heaven!

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