My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1926: Sui Sui Qingzhou

In the eyes of the swan fairy, she was completely occupied by that touch of cautious red dress——

In the next hour, Su Jin only walked ten steps. It was too difficult, it was a desperate height!

Seven or eighty-nine, the three heavens, the most difficult!

There are also a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, and only ten steps have passed in an hour, and Su Jin is a little worried. At this speed, he simply can't do it!

The power of cultivating for a long time is equivalent to only ten steps in exchange. Su Jin calmed down and his eyes lit up. Since he can't recover by doing this, he has a way, maybe he can take a risk.

If you can't, you can only fail to exit!

Thinking of this, Su Jin chose to sit down.

The huge gray-blue stars rose beautifully to the sky, and the charming dark blue light shone, covering most of the sky——

Su Jin closed his eyes tightly, and with the ray of heaven in the "Eyes of Maha Prison", he completed the state of ‘Natural Dao’ in an instant!

And Su Jin himself followed his thoughts, directly wandering too far! He wants to refine the bones of the gods on the'Blue Sky Ladder'! He has a stone-hearted ‘stone heart’ and several ribs have been petrified, but this is not enough.

According to Su Jin's idea.

You can't rely on the power of the exercises, you can only rely on the flesh! Now he can be petrified at any time, but it will die faster, unless a certain area of ​​the bone is turned into a **** bone!

However, after only ten steps, this result disappointed the monks who came here.

The swan fairy is also disappointed now--

"The potential of the world, if you are a father or a mother, you can't kill him privately. At present, he is equivalent to a failure. Go to bed soon." The fairy mother looked at the swan fairy and urged her.

"It seems that I can't finish it." The Swan Fairy was startled.

More expectation, more disappointment. With the passage of time, the possibility of Su Jin's completion becomes increasingly slim.

There is no way to generate such emotions. Su Jin's steps in front of the six heavens went so smoothly that it took a long time, at least in the eyes of others.

In Qingzhou City, the monks are still gathering quickly, and the major teleportation formations are quickly overloaded. In recent years, there has never been such a rare scene!

The restaurants, inns, and some places full of wind and moon are full, and even many holy monks can only sleep on the streets!

"Thousands of miles came, but he failed--" Someone was very disappointed, chatting with others while sleeping on the street.

"Even if you fail, you have completed the'World Realm' test, and the future must be a hero." Some monk said.

"Breaking the risk of death, dare to venture into the Nine Heavens! Just for this courage and courage, my trip was not in vain."

"I heard that Ying Ruxue, the daughter of City Lord Qingzhou, is also very concerned about him..."

"What if he succeeds then?"

"Absolutely impossible."


Wanjia is brightly lit, and the dark blue stars shine all over the land. Qingzhou is not alone tonight.

The tide ebbs and the tide ebbs, and the night is shining--

Disappointment is still spreading rapidly, Su Jin hasn't moved yet, and only a dozen of the 603 people who came to the test are still insisting! But there are nearly tens of millions of monks gathered here, and the entire Qingzhou City is almost too large!

Su Jin sat down like a monk, his blood cloak was moved by the wind, and he was very excited all night!

This kind of excitement is not known to others at all. While traveling in Taixu, he unexpectedly discovered that there is a very large ‘Pangu Will’ in the Brahma.

Others may not see it, but Su Jin himself knows very well that his pair of leg bones are completely petrified!

This is a feat done before dawn!

The leg bones and foot bones are naturally coagulated for this test, and then he will coagulate the spine and skull! If Pangu's will is enough, he will even condense the skull!

No one knows Su Jin's horrible thoughts. This situation is simply unrealistic, because no one dares to bet his life on the "Blue Sky Ladder" to cultivate! No one knew that he was actually practicing!

In the restaurant, the fairy mother is not there.

But there is another woman, the daughter of Qingzhou City Lord, Ying Ruxue. This woman is beautiful and beautiful, with long dark silver hair, a delicate face, and a feeling of an otaku. In terms of appearance, she is not inferior to the swan fairy!

The swan fairy was found by Ying Ruxue when she got up early in the morning. The two girls had a good relationship.

There is another reason. Ying Ruxue quietly completed the Six Heaven Test in the past few years!

"If you fail, you will fail. What's the situation if you don't leave?" The Swan fairy held her cheek and stared at Su Jin in the manifestation, a little bored.

"Sister, don't be impatient, the entire test is three days, and within this time, it's not too late." Although Ying Ruxue is younger than the swan fairy, she is more rational.

"Do I really have to wait here for three days?" The swan fairy pursed her mouth.

You know she is very playful--

She couldn't stay at home, staying in one place for three days, and staring at that Mu Ziye, she had never had such an experience.

"The Star Emperor is still at my house, and the fairy mother also went to my house earlier. You still feel bored with your parents here..." Ying Ruxue said.

The swan fairy was a little fascinated, as if she didn't hear Ying Ruxue's words, she turned her head and asked, "Hey, if he walks through the Nine Heavens, I can wait three days, but is it possible for him?"

"That year, I walked through the Sixth Heaven, it took three days, and almost died. The Seven Eighty-Nine Heavens, at least a hundred times more difficult." Ying Ruxue recalled that time, her delicate body trembled, it was simply The torture like purgatory, unbearable to look back.

"That's impossible--"

"There is no hope." Ying Ruxue shook her head.


Time passed bit by bit.

Two and a half days passed, Su Jin did not take a step.

The wait is long, and the swan fairy is very angry. If this **** Mu Ziye can beat him, she will definitely beat him to death! It really made her stare for more than two days, but she didn't sleep much!

Ying Ruxue left and returned, and there was still half a day left, thousands of people were witnessing, even if she failed, she didn't want to miss it.

At this moment, Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes——

Stand up!

The whole city is boiling, and the noise resounds throughout Qingzhou! !

Su Jinshi had petrified two leg bones and one spine. The skull was not completely petrified, which seemed to involve some incomprehensible problems, but his left and right ribs had petrified six each!

it's time!


Su Jin took a step, leaped one step, and made a loud noise! The surface of him was petrified in an instant, faintly filled with gray air strands wandering around his body surface!


Fifty steps!

Su Jin's speed showed no signs of slowing down. He was too excited. Even though he was under a lot of pressure on this seventh day, he had no fear at all, and his body was not worried at all! At least not in this seventh heaven!

The swan fairy was stunned.

The cherry blossoms are like snow.

Su Jin was like a swimming fish in the water, squandering his own strength wantonly, and in just ten breaths, he came to the 278th step!

"Drive me!"

Su Jin roared, and the Mohe Prison Eyes between his brows sent out a magnificent red curtain of fire, sweeping the front, the pressure lightened——

Immediately, he proudly stepped on the first step of the eighth heaven of the ‘Blue Sky Ladder’!

The fairy swan opened her mouth slightly and said blankly: "This is impossible..."

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