My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1927: Extremely difficult

It's really impossible!

The swan fairy is very incomprehensible, can't figure out the problem, why does Su Jin still have enough energy to make a breakthrough in the nine heavens?

"When he first started running the'Blue Sky Ladder', his physical body was not so strong." Ying Ruxue noticed this problem after she was in a daze.

"You mean--" The swan fairy's dreamlike eyes widened, as if thinking of something more terrifying.

"Yes, he cultivated on the blue sky ladder, condensing his physical strength." When Ying Ruxue said, her tone was full of admiration.

Practice on the blue sky ladder!

The swan fairy was really suppressed, I am afraid that everyone was deceived by the illusion, thinking that Su Jin was already poor and just dying, but the person involved was practicing!

Who can think of this? Who dares to think!

"But the latter three heavens are no longer physically capable of resisting--" Fairy Swan has heard the rumors. After all, the physical body also needs strength to condense, and the law of the blue sky ladder naturally does not allow this situation to occur.

"No, there is a possibility." Ying Ruxue said, looking at the swan fairy.

"What's possible?" the swan fairy asked.

"God body."


The swan fairy whispered softly, she is not unfamiliar with the two words divine body, but she really doesn't believe that Su Jin can possess, that kind of physique cannot be achieved by simple cultivation.

Once too Brahma had a body appeared, the whole body was like jade and stone, but in the end they couldn't walk through the restrictions of the "Dharma of Heaven" and did not insist on finishing it.

"In just two days, he needs to be able to condense the sacred bones so that he can support his body and not collapse. I really want to know how he did it." Ying Ruxue sighed.

In Qingzhou, Ying Ruxue has a very good reputation. She is not only a talented and more talented woman, but she is also as beautiful as a fairy, especially in the aspect of cultivation, she is better than others.

but now!

Ying Ruxue is ashamed!

Su Jin did not know about the conversation between the two women, or even how many big figures were following him secretly, but he didn't care!

If you want others to respect you, you must show strength that is feared or admired! You look down on the imperial realm potential, then I am the world realm potential!

You are not afraid of the potential of the world realm, the potential of the three steps of the heavenly path... are you afraid of it!

On the fifty-three steps of the eighth heaven, Su Jin was a little panting, but it was not bad! The speed has also doubled, and the potential of the Three Steps of the Way of Heaven is not so easy—

There is the Law of Heaven on the Blue Sky Ladder. For ordinary monks to cross the ladder, in addition to extraordinary strength, will, and the spirit of not being afraid of death!

"I just want to see my mother, that's all, but you were treated like that by the Emperor Brahma." Su Jin felt resentful in his heart and vowed to figure out what happened back then.

At this moment, on his stone body, there was a cloud of gray air lingering, and under the grinding of the "Tiandao Fa" of the blue sky ladder, it could not shake the stone body at all. From the inside out, he had reached the stage of a preliminary divine body!

Su Jin straightened his body, jumped up, and climbed step by step! It seems to be not surrendering to the power-

Step by step, what he walked up was not yielding or frightening anyone. He climbed the ladder of dignity!

"The two hundred and sixtieth steps are up. I guess it is correct. He condensed the divine body, and there must be divine bones in the body--" Ying Ruxue's voice was a little trembling.

"Immediately the ninth heaven." The swan fairy bit her thin lip with her shell teeth, but she didn't expect Su Jin to get this far.

"I heard that you have a grudge against him?" Ying Ruxue asked with her beautiful eyes moving.

"No, no hatred~~~" The Swan fairy denied directly.

"Some misunderstanding?"

"It's a misunderstanding—"

The swan fairy gave a strong laugh.


In Qingzhou, thousands of monks looked up, and there were manifested curtain walls in many places, and even outside the city walls, there was a powerful manifestation of Su Jin's process of breaking into the ladder.

Many people are counting their steps silently, the more they count to the end, the quieter the scene, some people are afraid that Su Jin will fail on the next step——

Su Jin's situation is very difficult now. Even though he has condensed most of his divine bones, if he describes his state, it is like being wrapped in iron, and every inch of his skin is stressed.

But the petrified divine bone in the body gave Su Jin not only a tough physique, but also unparalleled will!

How does manpower conquer the sky? How to guard against the sky? When Su Jin gritted his teeth, sweated his back, soaked his blood, and shed red blood, what he felt was despair.

The stone body was cracking all over, Su Jin even doubted that if he took a step forward, his body would turn into powder and disappear on this blue sky ladder!

Even the powerful gray will lingering around the body was firmly suppressed, and the final heaven was as difficult as the sky!

"The Ninth Heaven!"

The swan fairy smiled, she didn't notice her own condition, she was cheering for her ‘enemy’.

"The divine body is cracking, and the soul is dissipating. He can't go on his way." Ying Ruxue sighed.

"Getting back, it's not a failure to be able to walk to the Ninth Heaven, right?" The Swan Fairy asked.

"I can give up on being you, but he seems to be different." Ying Ruxue shook her head.


Su Jin stared blankly, the sweat on his forehead blurred his eyes, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart persuading him to give up. After all, how relaxed and beautiful after giving up——


Su Jin's figure flickered, and the whole person flew upside down.


There was a cry of exclamation in Qingzhou, is it going to fail?

Even the Swan Fairy and Ying Ruxue raised their hearts in their throats, staring at the man in the picture!

No! Not yet failed!

Su Jin was coughing up blood, he was shaken back three steps, whether it was physical or psychological, it seemed that he had reached the limit of endurance——

"Mother, as if looking at me proudly."

Su Jin closed his eyes, panting, since childhood, others have parents, but he did not! But now he knows that his mother is here in ‘Brahma’, and even the Mogu Hell exists somewhere here!

Very close to mother

very warm.

How can you give up easily as a son of man!

"I'm a guardian monk, I want to live the nine heavens! Don't ask for help. If I don't ask for it, in the future, I will definitely cut off the power above this realm emperor realm--" Su Jin suddenly raised his head and dropped a dozen drops of sweat.

Stand up shaking.

Click, click.

The bones in the body that hadn't melted the bones of the gods seemed to break, and Su Jin seemed to be stunned, forgetting the pain and the possibility of death, and stepped up step by step.

The swan fairy covered Ying's mouth, her tone a little anxious, "He is crazy, before he walks up, her body will be torn apart by Qingtian Ladder's "Heaven Dao Fa"——"

Ying Ruxue looked anxious. Although she didn't know each other, she thought she couldn't do that.

Can't do it under such inhuman torture, can continue to move forward!

"Perhaps, he has obsession." Ying Ruxue's dark silver hair, fluttering slightly, has a charming temperament——

"Huh?" The Swan fairy suddenly exclaimed.

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