My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 193: Amazing secret

In Su Jin’s body, Liu Ye felt his own temperament when he was young. Before seeing Su Jin, he thought of Su Jin as that kind of fierce person many times, but after seeing him, he felt this little The guy can definitely become a godfather in the future.

Otherwise, there will be no such feelings.

"Liu Ye is also well-deserved." Su Jin said with a light smile.

After speaking, he also glanced at his side. Isn't this the black old bait? At this time, the little finger on his hand was bandaged, and after seeing Su Jin, he also looked sad.

"Idiot! Don't apologize to Brother Su!" Liu Ye scolded.

"Hey. Brother Su, I was blind yesterday. You have a large number of adults, so don't worry about me as a villain!" Hei Laoba nodded and said with a bow.

Su Jin nodded, "It's just a misunderstanding, Liu Ye takes me too seriously."

"Hehe." Liu Ye waved his hand and said with a smile: "These are all the rules of the road. Although I have been out of the way, but the boy has offended Brother Su, and I can't get it right."

Su Jin thought to himself that this old fox could really speak, he felt a little regretful in his heart. Is the 4 million knocks less? This little money, it is estimated that the six masters will take it out without blinking.

"Thank you." Su Jin shook his head.

"Brother Su only needs to show his face in the future and come to Manxiang Tower. Manxiang Tower will give you free bills. Ba, can you hear me?" Liu Ye asked.

Su Jin was stunned.

I rub, this six-star hotel is opened by this old thing? He stunned secretly, his mind was really rich, but he didn't know if Zhou Lan had anything to do with him, and they looked very familiar.

Zhou Lan was also a little surprised that Master Six should have such a large amount. If it were her, she would have to weigh the decision. After all, the money is not for nothing. If this kid comes to live for one night every three to five, it is estimated that the old man’s face will look like It looks good.

Of course, Su Jin also thinks this is just a polite remark. He lives so far away, whoever comes to eat and play every day without problems, even if he lives, he will feel very uncomfortable in his heart, and feel unfavorable. .

Liu Ye finished talking with a smile, and looked at Zhou Lan and said, "Xiao Lan, I want to talk to Little Brother Su."

As a businessman, Zhou Lan naturally understood. After nodding, she couldn't help but carefully looked at Su Jin, then turned and walked out of the room.

The others also walked out, because even Zhou Lan had come out, they didn't dare to stay here to make the old man angry.


Liu Ye knocked on the table rhythmically and looked at Su Jin with a smile: "With me, I will be my own in the future, so don't be so nervous."


Is there?


It's not that Su Jin has never seen a big person. It just feels that this old man looks like some ordinary old people in this way. He doesn't speak out of courtesy.

"Since Liu Ye doesn't treat my junior as an outsider, I'm relieved. I don't know what Liu Ye wants to tell the kid?" Su Jin looked at him and asked.

"You don't need to call me Liu Ye, we may be able to use another identity to talk about things." Liu Ye looked at him and said with a smile.

"What status?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

"Guess, see if you can guess." Liu Ye took a deep breath, looked at him and asked.

Su Jin looked carefully, but he couldn't see how he had anything to do with him.

But soon he noticed that although Liu Ye’s hand was tapping rhythmically, from the perspective of the exercises, it was almost the same as the rhythm of the initial breathing exercises. This gave him a terrible idea, and It also made his head a little confused.

"Can you see it?" Liu Ye looked at him staring at his finger and couldn't help but smile.

"What is your relationship with my master?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Master--" Liu Ye laughed blankly, "It used to have something to do with him, but it's gone now."

"Oh?" Su Jin became serious, and his face was a little serious. He didn't know what was going on, but he seemed to have deep inside information.

Liu Ye nodded, "To be precise, you should call me Senior Brother..."

I rely on--

An old man became his brother dramatically, this--

Su Jin was dumbfounded.

"Very unexpected?" Liu Ye asked.

"It was very unexpected." Su Jin smiled bitterly. He felt that the sixth master had no good feelings for the old guy, and he didn't know why it didn't matter now.

"As a lesson from the past, my old man will give you a reminder." Liu Ye looked at Sukin and paused and said, "It's like chess. If you don't want to be treated as an abandoned player and abandoned by others, you need to do your best. Okay, otherwise... I will end up where I am now."

"You are fine." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Very good?" Liu Ye's eyes flickered, and there was something in it.

Su Jin can see that it is hatred...

Then, Liu Ye smiled, so casually used his other hand to lift his arm and trouser legs, smiled at Su Jin and asked, "Can this be called a good one?"


The hands-on people are so cruel!

Su Jin was shocked, with one leg and one arm, is this the price of being an abandoned son?

"What's the matter?" Su Jin asked with confusion. According to Liu Ye's feeling, he should have been harmed by the old guy? But the old guy feels good.

Liu Ye suddenly became serious and looked at Su Jin's eyes and said, "You really want to know?"

Nonsense, of course Su Jin wanted to know, he nodded.

"Since you want to know, then I will tell you." Liu Ye sighed, "The old sick."


What is sickness?

Su Jin frowned, waiting for him to say the following.

"You're right, it's sick. Otherwise, it won't hurt me so badly." Liu Ye had a sorrowful smile, "I was the first to have followed him, and I followed him. People know him better than me."

"What's the problem?" Su Jin looked at him and asked.

"Crazy illness, but I can't be named, but I think it should be related to the exercises we practice." Liu Ye looked at him and said.

"I have been in jail with him for several years and have never seen this situation." Su Jin still couldn't believe it in his heart, looked at him and said.

"That's all an illusion. No one knows him better than me. His illness will happen once in almost two months. In that state, his six relatives don't recognize him, and his mood is abnormal." Liu Ye looked at him and said, "Otherwise, what am I? Will become disabled."

"Uh... you did this by the old guy?" Su Jin felt tight.

"How about it?" Liu Ye seemed to recognize the reality, and looked at Su Jin and said: "I tell you so, just to remind you. As the saying goes, you are like a tiger, you don’t see what you see. It has to be true. There are too many intrigues in this world, all for profit."

Su Jin stared at him in a daze, and then said, "Sorry, I still don't believe that he is that kind of person."

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