My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 194: Various doubts

Su Jin thought to himself, it should be something this old man did that made the old guy angry that caused the situation like this, such as betrayal——

"I know that this news has had too much impact on you, you can't accept it, but have you ever thought about a question? I followed him more than 30 years ago and became his first apprentice, but at that time, he, He is no different from him now. Even I have done a lot of surveys. Now the old guy is at least over a hundred years old, and his appearance has always been the same." Liu Ye sighed.

Su Jin was stunned. He had noticed this problem a long time ago. Normal people would not be like this, including he had also inquired, such as asking Xiaolian, and other people, when they followed the old guy since they were young, He didn't notice any changes in his circumstances, which puzzled him most.

"Then you tell me, aren't you afraid?" Su Jin looked at him and asked.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? I am disabled, and I can wait for him to get it at any time! It doesn't matter, it's just an abandoned son." Liu Ye shook his head indifferently.

Out of considerations of identity, Su Jin certainly couldn't believe what he said, but he also kept a heart in his heart. It seems that the old guy is a monster, saying that BT is light.

He even regretted recommending Mo Yulin to him, and he didn't know if it was good or bad for her.

Seeing Su Jin thinking, Liu Ye slowly said: "In you, I seem to see me back then. When I was about the same as you now, my strength was not weaker than you, but you have seen the price later. Life is better than death. Believe it or not, I have already told you."

Su Jin nodded, "Thank you."

"No, as long as you do better than others, I think for twenty years, I think that the old guy should also have difficulties." Liu Ye said with emotion.

"I will figure it out." Su Jin said.

"By the way, can you still see him now?" Liu Ye asked.

"I haven't seen him for a while, and I don't know where he is now."

Liu Ye smiled and said, "Can you do me a favor?"


"If you see him again in the future, ask him by the way, don't you remember me being disabled."

Su Jin:...

This is Mao?

Isn't Liu Ye afraid of master's revenge? But he himself said that when he is older, he is not afraid!

Possibly, the decision to do so was to make Su Jin believe him, because he was not afraid of the facts being revealed!

"Okay." Su Jin actually believed it 80% in his heart.

"Because that old guy, a lot of people died, so I hope you will be fine in the future." Liu Ye was a little sighed, "Okay, I won't talk about these things, just say something happy."

The speaker is mindful, and the listener is now paying attention!

This gave Su Jin a terrible idea.

How did my father die? Is it true that Xia Honghai said that he was killed in battle?

In addition, why didn't the old guy tell Sister Qin where the body of her boyfriend went? What are you hiding? Or to put it this way, is her boyfriend dead or not?

Also, why did Xiao Lian draw those things? Is it a prediction or a coincidence?

Su Jin suddenly felt a bit big head, his mind is full of questions now, after thinking about it, he can't figure it out, but he understands that he will definitely figure out everything in the future! absolute!

"Understand." Su Jin said solemnly.

"Well, although I have conflicts with the old guy, I don't have any with you, or... I sympathize with you, because everyone is a chess piece, I don't want you to follow in my footsteps." Liu Ye said with a smile.

After speaking, he coughed twice and his face was a little ruddy.

Su Jin secretly remembered what he said, and smiled: "I didn't expect the big brother to be like this in Qincheng. I'm far from you."

"You are still young." Liu Ye glanced at him, "Some things are inconvenient for me to tell you, but as long as you are clear, I didn't instigate discord or harm your heart. I'm all too old. I’m not afraid of death. I can see everything in this world. People will eventually die. There is no need to worry about anything."

Hearing this, Su Jin still admired him.

"Okay, you probably haven't been here yet. Take a good turn. If you need anything, just say, brother has everything here." Liu Ye got up.

The prosthesis on his body is enough to support him to walk normally. If he does not pay attention to it, he will be no different from ordinary people, but it will be very tired. Su Jin estimates that he should spend more time in a wheelchair.

But in spite of this, Su Jin was following him, but what he felt was the bleak feeling.

Liu Ye is very rich and has everything he wants, but he can always find some loneliness in him, maybe he also has some doubts to solve it.

It didn't take long to stay with Liu Ye, and soon Su Jin turned around in Manxiang Tower alone.

To be honest, the luxury here is still very shocking. No matter from all aspects, it seems to be fine to the extreme, and it is just like that in the legendary palace.

And the waiters who pass by from time to time are also more polite. Living here is almost like the Emperor of the Earth, and even more enjoyable.

"Su Jin!" Zhou Lan called out from behind him.

"Sister Lan, I'm looking for you." Su Jin lied, turning his eyes lightly.

"Looking for me?" Zhou Lan walked to his front and smiled: "I think you are looking for other big beauties!?"

"Sister Lan is a beautiful woman." Su Jin said seriously.

"Puff--" There was a blush on Zhou Lan's face, "Sister is already old and yellow! Where is she still a big beauty."

Su Jin held her little hand and said softly: "I just turned around and saw a lot of girls, but I didn't find anyone who can compare with Sister Lan. If you are not a big beauty, I don't know about a big beauty. What does it look like?"

"You really can talk!" Zhou Lan gave him a white glance.

"Thank you for the compliment." Su Jin said.

"It's over, should we go now?" Zhou Lan asked.

"Why go? By the way, I just saw a room with a nice bed."

"Ah? What do you want to do?" Zhou Lan took a step back. This is Liu Ye's site. She and Liu Ye are also acquainted, so he will definitely know if he does that.

"I want to try!" Su Jin pulled her into a room with a weird look.

The door slammed shut.

Zhou Lan's plump figure was held by Su Jin. Looking at sister Lan with infinite amorous feelings, Su Jin couldn't help but kiss her.

"Don't, don't worry." Zhou Lan pushed him away for a while. "Let’s talk about it first, you seemed to be looking for me before, what's the matter?"

"Damn, it's embarrassing." Su Jin naturally wouldn't say, and couldn't help it immediately, and slammed her onto the bed.

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