My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1930: Friends, go well! (4/4)

Unprecedented shock--

On the Blue Sky Ladder, Su Jin, who had smashed all the nine heavens, was decreed by the Supreme Brahman to be the "public enemy of the whole world"!

The emperor's voice is lingering, and many people still can't believe that I'm "too brahma" actually want to offend a giant with the potential of the "three steps of heaven".

But in the same way, this has also sounded a wake-up call for many people and made people wake up. After all, although Su Jin has now completed the potential test of the ‘Three Steps of Heaven’s Path’, in the final analysis, he is still an ancestral monk!

In the sky, the huge eyeball with the void as its eye socket, wrapped in the monstrous fairy power, for a time the wind and thunder rolled, and thousands of monks looked up in the wind, seeming to feel an inexplicable anger.

"It's not an exception for the monks from outside the realm to come to the Blue Sky Ladder to test. Why is the Emperor of Heaven so abnormal--"

A monk was surprised to speak after his excitement, he slapped his spirit, cold sweat soaked his back.

"Last month there were a few cultivators of the'Taijingtian' who came here admiringly, what happened to the Emperor?"

"We are'too brahma', we are going to offend a monster with the potential of the'three steps of heaven'!"

"When I think about it, it's quite abnormal. The monks outside the world could have done what he could, but despite the dangers of life and death, he went to the Nine Heavens. It seemed that he knew that his wish could not be fulfilled, and he proved himself--"


Incomprehensible, still incomprehensible.

The swan fairy recognized herself as having outstanding talents and looks, but now her face was frozen and slightly pale, she did not understand the meaning of the emperor.

"It's going to change." Ying Ruxue glanced at the swan fairy, turned to leave the room, and returned to the city lord's mansion.

At the highest point of the Blue Sky Ladder, no one can climb except Su Jin! Not even Tai Brahman!

Su Jin's broken bones are connected, the broken bones are reborn, and the consumed power is quickly replenishing, but he is far from returning to his peak state. Strength is one thing, and the mental power consumed is another.

Do not cause trouble, but not afraid of trouble. This is Su Jin's consistent style!

Facing the will of the Supreme Brahman, Su Jin counterattacked without hesitation, and his voice spread all over Qingzhou:

"I am Su Jin, a cultivator of the ancestral realm against the sky! Today I stepped on the Ninth Heaven of the Blue Heaven Ladder under my feet! I disrespect your Fang Tian, ​​and I will behead your Lord of the Brahma to death later, you are the Emperor of Brahma 'Will be the second great emperor to die in my hands!"

The reckless voice shocked the world——

The first Su Jin to be killed was the Great Emperor Wuheng of Yuanshijie!

At this moment, I don't know how many people are in a sluggish state.


This is not the first time this person fights the emperor with his ancestors! Ever beheaded a great emperor?

If Su Jin’s ascent to the top of the ‘Blue Sky Ladder’ is shocking, he himself said that he had killed the emperor, it is as if he had thrown a heavyweight bomb in the hearts of all monks!

No one dared to doubt the truth of the matter.

The potential of the Three Steps of Heaven is enough to prove everything!

"He killed the emperor--" Fairy Swan's face became paler, she didn't even have a trace of blood.

It is ridiculous that the swan fairy also found her parents to kill Su Jin. Her father Xingdi was a great emperor, but this reckless approach almost put her father in danger.

Moreover, this person has already revealed his true identity, and the Swan fairy has not yet reacted, knowing that'Mu Ziye' is a false name used by Su Jin.

At this moment, Su Jin closed his eyes and recovered, and at the same time he evolved in his heart.

Strangely speaking, in the fourth Xianyuan Well, there is a "Good Fortune Immortal Pupil". Although the Immortal pupil is manifested, the future good fortune cannot be seen.

After a dozen breaths, Su Jin could only give up. He is not the immortal king of good fortune, unable to see through the future good fortune, it is a pity.

The reason for the counterattack was to deter the strong ancestors in this place, and to inform the other great emperors that Lao Tzu has the ability to kill the emperor! If an emperor makes a move against him, he must be weighed.

Although no one can come up on the Qingtian Ladder, Su Jin is now trapped on it!

Three days will pass, and there is not much time left for Su Jin. He knew that once he was removed by Qingtian Ladder, he would fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

Time passed quickly--

The Supreme Brahma Emperor made a decree, and together with Su Jin tit-for-tat, the news that the Lord of the Supreme Brahma will be killed has almost spread throughout the entire huge ‘Great Brahma’!

The whole Qingzhou is overcrowded!

The dense night, under the cover of gray and blue stars, made it difficult for many people to fall asleep. They stared at the lone figure on the top of the blue sky ladder, and produced complex emotions to varying degrees.

The three-step potential of Tiandao is besieged on the blue sky ladder.

As long as the night is over, Qingtian Ladder will bounce him away. At that time, I don't know how many masters will sell the favor of the Tai Brahman Emperor and attack this guardian monk.

The beautiful nightdress of the swan fairy is added, and the nightdress is snow-white, which wraps the exquisite temperament figure. She hasn't slept all night!

When the last gleam of night faded, what the swan fairy worried about finally happened!

The father, who was still in the City Lord's Mansion yesterday, stood beside the Tai Brahman Emperor early this morning!

Star Emperor, want to kill Su Jin!

More than the Star Emperor, more than 400 emperors of the "Tai Brahma" came 136! All stood in the void with the Emperor of Heaven.

Su Jin must die!

There is no possibility of surviving--

The breeze in the morning shook the messy emission, Su Jin was full of energy and had already opened his eyes.

There is a celadon wine jar next to the knee sitting cross-legged, on the right hand, and occasionally he would drink a bit!

Drinking out is when he leaves this blue ladder!

"Can he still live?" In Qingzhou, countless monks looked up and asked this question.

"More than a hundred great emperors show up, even if he is in the world against the sky, he will be wiped out in no time. The ancestors are too weak." Someone shook their heads and sighed, as if they saw the fall of Su Jin.

"When he leaves the Blue Sky Ladder, he will be crushed into ashes by many great emperors within three breaths, which is a pity."

"The potential of the Three Steps of Heaven is too scary, and the Emperor of Heaven will eliminate the threat in the bud."

Some monks thought that their guesses were correct. This statement spread among the monks. It seemed that some people were not ashamed of the Tai Brahman Emperor, because apart from this statement, there was no other speculation.

"While in Qingzhou, the Taifantian Emperor didn't get the support of Qingzhou City Lord?"

Someone noticed that among the 136 great emperors, there was no Qingzhou City Lord, which could not help but won the favor of most monks. They didn't want others to know the power of'Tai Brahma' just because of the great number of emperors.

In the subconsciousness of many monks, it is natural to feel that more than a hundred emperors are dispatched to act on a monk in the ancestral realm, which will definitely make the people of ‘Tai Jing Tian’ laugh.


Su Jin stood up alone, the time has come!

The swan fairy in the restaurant pressed her small mouth tightly, her heart beating fast, she had never been so worried about a man or a man who had a holiday with her.

In Qingzhou, among the tens of thousands of monks, more than 70% of them knelt on one knee, their voices shook the sky, and said goodbye in unison:

"Friends of Taoism! Go well!"

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