My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1931: He is Tianjiao (1/4)

Friends, go well!

There are countless sweets and sours in the four-character Tao. No one thinks that Su Jin can live. In addition, he sent more than a hundred emperors to deal with a young ancestor realm. Even if he succeeds in beheading to death, it is only one in the history of the'Brahma stain.

On the blue sky ladder-

Blood-clothed Su Jin finally left. It is ridiculous that many emperors could not climb to the top, but they waited so long, but their purpose was to kill Su Jin.

Su Jin admits he must die.

You need conditions to induce your own "Ghost King Body", but what if you successfully induce the Ghost King Body? In front of more than a hundred emperors, the chance of leaving is very slim.

If you must die, why bother to live!

Head up tall and fight vigorously! If you can slay a great emperor, you can slay a great emperor!

Now Su Jin has maintained his peak state and is stronger than before. He has a small divine body and opened the fifth "Xianyuan Well". The King of Life and Death is close to Po Zu, and the Zulong Heavenly Book opens up half of his body——

Only the word ‘kill’ can make those shameless and contemptible smiling faces condense, and only the divine fist can make those great emperors who despise all beings shut their mouths!

Su Jin heard the shook the world of "Friends of Daoist go well," and it was the only kind of affection he had for this "Brahma".

The swan fairy looked at the blood-clothed figure, and felt lonely and desolate on him, but that firm face, when faced with more than a hundred emperors, was completely shocked by the courage and temperament that she refused to accept everything. she was.

Ying Ruxue left and returned--

When she saw the silent swan fairy, Ying Ruxue was behind her and said quietly: "I went to plead with my father. Although I won't help him, I will never show up—"

Ying Ruxue, the only daughter of the Qingzhou City Lord, was tested on the'Blue Sky Ladder' a few years ago to have the potential of a'world realm', and even his father Qingzhou City Lord had to listen.

"He is Tianjiao, and I am responsible for dying like this." The Swan Fairy felt depressed.

She proposed the idea of ​​climbing the ladder, but she never expected that it would bring su Jin to life.

It's not love, there are some grudges in it.

It's just a pity.

"Born in this world, I feel the same shame--" Ying Ruxue knew that Su Jin would die if he left the Qingtian Ladder. How about fighting the emperor with the ancestors, can fight one emperor, but cannot fight a hundred emperors.

In such a battle, even if the entire ‘Tai Brahma’ wins an ancestor, it is equivalent to losing fame.

"My dad!"

The swan fairy woke up from the sluggishness, and saw the star emperor with a weird face in the screen, disappearing next to "the emperor of heaven", did she want to be the first to take action and kill Su Jin?

No, that's not right!

The swan fairy put her heart down.

One hundred and thirty-five emperor bodies were floating in the void, and the star emperor left, missing.

Su Jin naturally didn't care. After leaving the Qingtian Ladder, he didn't retreat but stepped into the void. When he was 500 meters away from the Taifantian Emperor, he stopped and said, "You go up together..."

Hate yourself for not being an emperor.

Together, Su Jin didn't mean to scare him at all. He wasn't sure what he could do, but even if he died, he had to fight vigorously!

"Let's go together? You will never reach that qualification—"

The Emperor Brahma laughed, glanced at the two emperors beside him, and said: "Taoist Yuzhen, Emperor Xuanji, you two will take action."

"Yes~~" The two emperors Yuzhen and Xuanji immediately took their orders.

When Yuzhen Taoist became emperor, he had little lifespan, so his face was old. He became emperor with Taoism, holding a Jinlan whisk. It is rumored that when he became the emperor, this whisk was promoted to the emperor soldier.

There are words on the handle of the whisk, which is a gift from heaven——

Emperor Xuanji covered a silver-like mask on her face. When she received the order of the Emperor, she grabbed her face with one hand, and after sucking and holding the mask, she turned out to be a flawless beauty face.

It was a female emperor!

As soon as Zhu's lips and snow teeth were exposed, the corners of his mouth were faintly smiling, vivid and fragrant!

"Oh, my little brother~~ You have the potential of the Three Steps of the Way of Heaven, why offend the lord of my world, now it's okay—"

Empress Xuanji has a rich expression, and then regrets: "Sister, I have a painless way to die. If you agree, your sister can fulfill you~~"

Su Jin glanced at her, and sneered unhurriedly: "I have a female emperor slave who is as beautiful as the young lady, but unfortunately I didn't bring it."

Empress Xuanji's expression froze--

what! ? ?

The monk who looked up to Qingzhou thousands of people, almost stopped breathing!

Have the emperor beheaded to death, and still take the empress as a slave?

If Su Jin had not completed the "Three Steps of Heaven" potential test, no one would have believed it, but now they have to believe it!

"It feels like a dream. There are rumors that the ancestor can fight the emperor, but he said that he had the blood of the emperor on his hand, had killed an emperor, and had a living female emperor slave? This is too scary!" A Qingzhou monk was surprised stand up.

"It must be true, otherwise how could the Emperor of Heaven send two great emperors to fight?" Someone saw the importance of the Emperor of Heaven to Su Jin.

"The two great emperors fought against the first ancestor, it's time for'Tai Jing Tian' to laugh at us!"

"The Taoist Yuzhen and the Queen Xuanji are both outstanding in the emperor realm. Su Jin is only in the ancestral realm. I don't think it will last long."


At this moment, the Taoist Yuzhen glanced at the Empress Xuanji, and said in a deep voice: "What nonsense with him? If I wait for the emperor, how can he be fooled by him?"

Empress Xuanji also realized her gaffe, and when she reacted, her eyes showed frost——

Do it!

The emperor realm does not need tacit understanding at all, the two great emperors Yuzhen and Xuanji disappeared into place in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, Taoist Yuzhen raised his whisk and appeared on the left of Su Jin!

The Empress Xuanji raised her right arm, the **** pattern on her palm flashed, and her slim and flexible figure appeared on the right back of Su Jin! I took it!

Su Jin's figure swayed, and Ten Thousand Void Sumo wrestled, turning into a beam of light and flying into the sky!

The attacks of the two great emperors failed, but they were not surprised, and they directly turned into two rays of light, and they followed-

From the beginning to the end, Su Jin's heart was filled with anger. Now that his cultivation is one step closer, he naturally cannot be bullied!

The emperor realm is too terrifying, Dao magic fairy magic can be used at will, but Su Jin's effective killer moves will take time!

Five dazzling Xianyuan Wells appeared behind him!

The Void God Immortal Venerable with the sword on his back, walked out very elegantly, and then rushed away in one step, as if there was no speed when he drew the sword, and instantly slashed at the Great Emperor Yuzhen Taoist!

Taoist Yuzhen is quite a chicken thief, the sharpness of this sword, he turned the void upside down, and it was even dodge!

Then the Void God Immortal Venerable who was carrying the sword began to condense into a fist move in the same place!

The speed has reached the extreme!

Su Jin's thoughts moved, and the nearby "ancestral realm world" had more than a thousand imaginary aspects. He was "wandering too virtual" and controlled a form of "big collapse fist". Although he did so for quickness, he revealed A fatal flaw!

The jade palm of Empress Xuanji seemed to be negligent, but after all, she was the best in the emperor realm, and then...

The jade palm slapped Su Jin on the body--

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