My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1940: Wuhendi


The Ziguang Emperor Ban covering Huaxia City was hit by a fist by Su Jin, and the entire circular ban began to appear large areas of ice cracks, collapsed in the rumbling sound, and turned into a purple star.

Disperse in the sky over China City.

With just one punch, the emperor ban was smashed!

Huaxia City trembled again and again, and many monks Yuan Ling returned and informed their relatives and friends!

Huaxia City, which was originally extremely cold, began to lively. After all, one's own city can't come and go. Who can stand this kind of anger, plus the other party is strong, it's useless to find an explanation!

But now it's different--

Tianzi Su... is back! A little bit of brilliance, like fireflies, there are constantly cultivators appearing in China City!

"Huh? It's really Su Tianzi——"

There was a little fan girl dressed up in pink, screaming.

"Tianzi Su, hurry up! There are two imperial realm powerhouses in China City. If you are not a ghost king, you should go as far as possible!" A young monk became frightened and reminded loudly.

"Let's go! The coming emperor realm is very powerful, it can seal a city with a wave of hands, and even Mozu and other great abilities can't go out, far from the Great Emperor Yuanshijie!"

"What to do, with the character of Emperor Su, he will never leave. Once he dies, those people don't know how to bully us!"

"Tianzi Su just let the two outer emperor realms get out of the world--"


Su Jin saw the sound of concern, and he seemed to see hope.

If the whole world is united, why worry about it?

Many of Su Jin's acquaintances appeared in China City for the first time.

Yin and Yang Goddess, Ge Xueyan, and Xuan Yue Nu Ancestor, Mo Zu all appeared.

Su Jin even saw the Ksitigarbha King, who is exquisite in Buddhism and pursuing sentient beings, appeared with Sanshang, Mengmai and other Divine Residences, and there were also Kou Niang and the saint of the ancient tomb.

Under the powerful celebrity effect, the originally cold Huaxia City has begun to be crowded!


Over China City, two figures appeared!

"The little guy is not bad, he can break my Ziguang Emperor ban."

The person who spoke was the "Blessed Sky" Purple Fantasy Empress. She is not very tall, probably in the early half of a meter, but she has a very coordinated body, neither fat nor thin, wearing a snowflake skirt.

Next to the Empress Zihuan, there was a young emperor who looked as if she was twenty years old and very strong. His arms were not a normal skin color, but there was blood running between the arms and the emperor's tattoos around him.

"Who are you waiting for, why do you seal my city."

Su Jin retracted his gaze and walked towards the void step by step, confronting the two.

"Hehehe, we are from the'Boundless Heaven', and my old lady doesn't want to come to a big world at the bottom like yours--" Empress Zihuan slapped her nose with her hand as she said.

It seemed that the air here bored her!

"Before we kill you, we will naturally name you so that you ants will look up. I am the Wuhen emperor of'Wuliangtian', one of the great emperors of the Yan family."

The young emperor didn't even look at Su Jin. If he hadn't heard that the ghost king Su Jin had killed the emperor, he wouldn't even have any interest in passing by and staying. Unfortunately, the opponent is not in the state of a ghost king.

It's just an ordinary ancestral realm.

"Endless? Cut him quickly, don't let Lan Daozun come and see that we are still talking nonsense with him--" The Empress Zihuan didn't even want to say her name.

"You come or me?"

Yan Wuhen glanced at the Empress Zihuan, and then said, "I cut an ancestor and soiled my hands. If it is passed back to "Blessed Sky", I am afraid that people will be laughed at."

"Come on, elder sister, I'll do it lazily." The Empress Zihuan put her fingers around a strand of hair, obviously absent-minded.


Emperor Wuhen was very sorry. After walking a few steps forward, he took a look at Su Jin and said, "This emperor stands still and allows you to perform ancestral methods. After five breaths, I will kill you again."

There was an exclamation in Huaxia City~~~

"It's so arrogant! We, Emperor Su, are someone who killed the emperor anyway, why is he so confident?" Some monks were surprised.

"Because he comes from a high-level world."

"It is rumored that the great world of the heavens is divided into levels. Our Huaxia great world belonged to the thirteenth-level great world when Emperor Huangquan was alive. This'immeasurable sky' was already a fifth-level great world in the first era. "

"I heard that there are as many emperors there as our ancestral realm, and they are more suitable for cultivation. These two emperors are far from being comparable to the'Wu Heng Emperor' who was beheaded by Emperor Su."

"Emperor Su is in danger!"


Although in Huaxia's own place, there are still many people who do not have confidence in Su Jin. This includes King Ksitigarbha and others. After all, Su Jin survived by turning into a ghost king last time.

If it is in the state of the ghost king now, it may be possible to fight the two emperors.

The words of Emperor Wuhen came to an end. Su Jin tilted his head slightly and naturally knew his grievances. Last time he prevented the Heavenly Dao Ship from collecting the corpse, the other party lowered the Great Emperor to kill himself——

Enmity is clear.

Speaking late, it's actually very fast! When Su Jinnian wanted to flash past, an imperceptible sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. In a flash, he opened the Ancestral Realm World——


Su Jin transformed more than a thousand imaginary aspects into a ‘Da Beng Bad Fist’, which was only an instant matter, and then his whole person turned into a white light!

"Great Ascension"!

Juxia soars!


Su Jin lifted the clouds to rise in front of the young man, blessing him with the'Great Beng Deshen Fist', and it was directly hit with a heavy fist!

Emperor Wuhen didn't care at first, but when he fisted in front of him, he was suffocated, his face changed abruptly, and he realized a big problem!

"Quick rewind!" Empress Zihuan changed her face, but she was too late when she said it!

Su Jin had already hit Wuhen Emperor with a punch.


The emptiness of Huaxia City was broken by this divine fist, and a big hole was smashed. The Great Emperor Wuhen had turned into a crystal red color for the first time, but this was a real hard blow!

Now which great emperor dared to hold on to it like this, and take Su Jin's magic fist?

Wuhen Digan from "Wuliangtian"! Then, it was a tragedy!

The part below the neck of the Great Emperor Wuhen was directly blasted into powder, and his entire head was protected by a secret technique, but at this moment, his face was also in terror.

Su Jin grabbed the head of Emperor Wuhen for a short while, with a hint of ruthlessness in his tone, "Bag, keep blowing! Draft! Draft! What!"

The tone was heavy and vented.

At the moment in China City, the monks were all dumbfounded.

The ancestor Mo, the daughter-in-law of Xuanyue, and Su Jin’s acquaintances were all dumbfounded--


It really killed Wuhendi with one punch!

Mother, is this true? Some cultivators were at a loss, twitching themselves a few ear scrapers, and found that they were not dreaming!

What followed was cheers like a tsunami!

The Empress Zihuan stayed in a daze, already understood that this ancestral realm was not ordinary--

go! The face of the Empress Zihuan was very ugly, and a pattern had appeared under her feet.

Can go?

Su Jin carried the head of Emperor Wuhen in his left hand, and once again raised Xia's ‘Great Ascension Technique’, appeared in front of the bewildered Empress Zihuan, and stuck out her right arm!

Successfully strangled the smooth snow-white neck!

The Empress Zihuan had a heartbreak, fearing that Su Jin would kill her right away, and she turned pale and said:

"you dare!"

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